The advantages of Using WinGX Absorption Correction is that
a variety of absorption correction options can be experimented
with and easily compared during the refinement and structure
solution process. For instance, when refining a structure using
Shelx93 in WinGX, on each new refinement cycle, the user is
prompted to confirm using the existing absorption corrected data,
or to select another HKL file. Thus in the following case,
users can experiment with analytical, gaussian, DIFABs and no
absorption and compare results.
Tutorials on how to to the various absorption correction methods
are available on the WinGX web site.
Most of the tutorials are presently based on the Cesium Titanium Silicate
structure described in previous tutorials
using the following faces.def file (which can also be generated via WinGX menus).
Hopefully there will be a bit more variety on the tutorials in the near future.
WinGX also has a utility called XtalView to view the crystal you describe by the crystal faces so you can validate what you type in versus the real crysal.