The People of the Macromolecular Crystallography Group at BBRP

  Bernhard Rupp

a.o. Professor of Molecular Structural Biology
Head of Macromolecular Crystallography and Structural Genomics Group
Senior Principal Investigator
Biology and Biotechnology Program - University of California-LLNL

PDB entries

Personal History
Born on 01-01-1956 in Vienna, Austria 
Citizen of European Union (Austria), lawfully admitted alien.
Primary education in Mödling, Austria. Studies of Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics in Vienna.
M.S. in Chemistry 1982, Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry 1984 (University of Vienna).
1984-1992 : Postdoctoral studies in Vienna (Institut für Physikalische Chemie), Jerusalem (Racah Insitute of Physics), Zürich (Labor für Neutronenstreuung der ETH Zürich), Kernforschungsanlage Jülich (KFA) and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Synchrotron Thrust Group).
1993 - present : Head of crystallography group at Biology and Biotechnology Program (BBRP)
1997 : Head of LLNL Participating Research Team at ALS MAD beamline 5.0.2.
1998 : Habilitation and A.O. Prof. of Molecular Structural Biology, Univ. of Vienna, Austria
2000 : Group leader, LLNL TB structural genomics consortium facility

Honours and elected memberships: see NIH-CV

Current Research Interests
Conceived and designed in 1993 the BBRP macromolecular crystallography facility with emphasis on high resolution low temperature data collection. Work ranges from protein purification, crystallization, data collection, structure solution and refinement to crystallographic program development. Projects include work on apolipoproteins in collaboration with the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (click here for more on APO-E), work on calmodulin, tetanus-C fragment, neurotoxins, antibody structure, expression of selenomethionine labeled proteins for MAD phasing of structures, aspects of purification, crystallization and structure solution methods in high throughput structural genomics of pathogen drug targets and vaccines. Principal Investigator in High Throughput Automated Crystallization in the NIH TB Structural Genomics Consortium, focussing on drug target structure validation and structure based drug design (see list of publications). 

See the current projects section in our structure determination page for some examples of our latest work 


Other Interests
Airplanes and Aviation: Airline Transport Pilot certificate with jet type ratings for Boeing 737 airliner (Captain) and Citation Business jet. Flight instructor (survived 2000+ hrs of giving instruction) with ratings for Airplane Single and Multiengine, Land and Sea. FAA certified Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic (A&P). MedEvac pilot. Microsoft Certified Professional #313821

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Last revised July 29, 2004 11:03