Chemical Crystallography

- Frequently Asked Questions

1. Installation

2. Getting Started

3. General Questions

4. Solving Structures

5. Graphics - Cameron

6. Fourier

7. Refinement

8. References

+ Crystals Primer

+ Crystals User Guide

+ Crystals Manual

+ Cameron Manual

+ Index

Fri Jun 2 2000

Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 5: Graphics - Cameron

5.1: How do I see a plot of the structure?

5.2: Can I rotate it and label the atoms?

5.3: How do I delete atoms?

5.1: How do I see a plot of the structure?

Type:\SCRIPT PLOT To exit CAMERON, type END or click File/Exit in the menus.

5.2: Can I rotate it and label the atoms?

Some basic commands:
VIEW - update the graphics (v. important)
XROT n - rotate about x by n degrees
YROT n - rotate about y by n degrees
ZROT n - rotate about z by n degrees
CURSOR - rotate using cursor keys
LABEL ALL - label all the atoms
NOLABEL ALL - remove labels
EXCL H - hide all H atoms
INCL H - unhide all H atoms
MENU ON - turn on the menu bar

5.3: How do I delete atoms?

Type EXCL followed by the atom name (or just click on the atom. You can restore a deleted atom by typing INCL followed by the atom name, or INCL ALL to bring everything back.