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Frequently Asked QuestionsChapter 1: Installation
The current versions are available by anonymous ftp from
Altenrnatively go to the download page at http://www.xtl.ox.ac.uk/download.html
to retrieve the software using a web browser.
1.1: How do I install Crystals for Windows under Windows95?Download and run setup.exe Download MarchingCubes, unzip, and run setup 1.2: How do I install older versions of Crystals?See http://www.xtl.ox.ac.uk/obsolete.html for installation
instructions for older versions. 1.3: How do I run Crystals under Windows NT?This is almost identical to using Windows 95, except that a small patch (supplied) has to be installed. Follow the Windows 95 installation instructions. 1.4: How can I get Crystals to start at the command prompt?You need to extend the 'path' environment variable so that it
includes the folder where you installed CRYSTALS, e.g.
Take care with the symbols - get it wrong and you may need to re-boot! You can also edit AUTOEXEC.BAT to include these lines so that CRYSTALS is automatically available when you open a DOS BOX. To run CRYSTALS, change to the directory containing the data for
the compound and type: |