Tutorials and Examples
Peak Fitting using Xfit-Koalariet (Coelho and Cheary) for Win95/NT
Using the PRJ (Win95/NT) Program by Andrew Jupe for Setting Up PRJ files Ready for Mass Analysis
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Using the PRJ (Win95/NT) Program by Andrew Jupe for Setting Up PRJ files Ready for Mass Analysis
The Problem and Solution - the Need for Speed!
Following is an example using the command line based PRJ program, where you are analysing 10s to 100s
of similar files. Possibly of a phase transition or high temperature/pressure experiment.
The PRJ program allows, after optimising on one XFIT data file (then saving as a PRJ file),
transfer the information inside this PRJ file over to multiple data files
for quick data processing with the minimum of effort.
In this case, we will use the trivial example of fitting Silicon patterns used for
standardisation. The files are of a Silicon standard run
on the Energy Dispersive Diffraction Beamline 16.4 and are included with the XFIT
distribution kit. This dat is being used as other (better) data has yet to be
published by their respective users.
- In XFIT, load a single data file, fit and optimise to this, save the project file (in this example
called r01.prj).

- Go into a DOS Window, then copy the r01.prj to another name (so you have a backup) as
the PRJ program will be modifying the starting r01.prj file.

- In this example, we want to look at every 3rd file and look at 15 of them at once within
XFIT. We also want PRJ to correctly name the files that XFIT will want to use -
with the starting file being r00001.dat. (by default, PRJ leaves the file
name the same and allows the user to manually define which file names
they wish to look at) (thus only the number 1 need be
given). Now run PRJ using the following command line.
(NB: Just running prj without any arguments gives you a small help result)
Usage is:- [prj] [filename] [no. of data files]/
(optional)[file number step size] (optional)[starting index]
for HELP type "prj help"
prj r01.prj 15 3 1