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Tutorials and Examples

Louis Farrugia's WinGX Single Crystal Suite

Viewing raw Nonius CCD Frame data in WinGX's KCD ImageTool

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WinGX and viewing Nonius CCD Frame data

WinGX allows you to easily view your raw frames and do basic visual analysis. e.g., why some 1 1 1 reflections are big outliers. In the following example, you will be taken through some of the functionality of the WinGX

A complete set of raw data uncompressed frame images used in this example is in a 156 Meg Zipped Nonius CCD Example Raw Frame and import.cif Data

To start the KCD ImageTool, via the WinGX menu, select, Data, KappaCCD, KCD ImageTool. If your uncompressed frame images are present, it will display the first frame.

Running the WinGX KCD ImageTool

As examples of some of the functionality, select Utilities, Primary Beam to view where the primary beam is stated as being located with a red cross.

Displaying where the primary beam is located

Select Utilities, Primary Beam to see which spots were intergrated. Clicking on an integration will tell you which HKL it belongs to.

Showing which peaks were integrated

You can find out which frames have specified HKLs by using Utilities, Find Denzo HKL (in this case the 1 1 1 HKL). This could take some time to provide the following output.

Which frames have the 1 1 1 reflection

After running Utilities, Find Denzo HKL a frame will be displayed with a found HKL. And you can then scroll through the frames having the requested HKL (in this case, the 1 1 1 HKL). You can see in the following screen image the 1 1 1 is obscured by the beam stop; showing why it could be an outlier reflection.

A found 1 1 1 reflection obscured by the beam stop

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