Sir2002 is now released and has solved structures with up to 2000 atoms in the asymmetric unit.
Refer to the main page for more information
- When you receive the files, copy the into a directory called c:\sir97
- Unzip the files using an unzip program
- Create a new ICON using the File, New Shortcut command in Win95/WinNT 4.x.
- The old version of Sir97 does not like to run properly under hi-colour (>256 colours)
due to a bug/feature in Microsoft Fortran Powerstation compiler.
To fix this on the old version, go into the Control Panel, Display, Colour Palette
and set the number of colours to 256 colours. However, the latest version from the Sirware
group does not have this problem and it is best to use the latest version.
- Done!