November 27th 2001 Note: A 1.6.X version of Rietica was accidently uploaded as Rietica version 1.76. This has been rectified with version 1.77 and later. Please update to the latest version of Rietica. Rietica by Brett Hunter (E-mail: is a full GUI based interface over the LHPM Rietveld Fortran code. It is presently heavily under development and presently has features including use of I.D. Brown et al's bond-valence code; ability to import GSAS, DBWS, Shelx and Fullprof files; ability to Export DBWS, Shelx, CIF and Fullprof structure files; export EXTRA/Sirpow HKL files following Le Bail fitting; inbuilt, user-friendly Fourier electron density contour maps, ability to use Marquardt damping as part of the least squares, etc.
Overview/Documentation of LHPM-RieticaWarning: LHPM-Rietica is under heavy development and modification. Thus you should check for updates often. (Once/twice per week(?) may be prudent) The documentation here serves as an overview and was updated on 31st January 2000. You should refer to the documentation that comes with the distribution of LHPM-Rietica you are using.
Obtaining and Installing LHPM-Rietica
Basic Demonstrations of LHPM-Rietica
Le Bail fitting using LHPM-Rietica
Whole profile unit-cell refinement using mass Le Bail fitting
Other Le Bail Fitting