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Wine for Crystallography - Running Crystallographic Windows programs under Linux using the Wine Emulator

Draft non-optimal install for WinGX for Windows Single Crystal Suite by Louis Farrugia to get it sort of running under Wine/Linux

(Note: Windows programs under wine may not be 100% functional but may give you the functionality you need to get the job done)

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[Pre Summary - Why Bother?] | [Summary and Warnings of Wine] | [Installing Wine] | [Examples of MS Windows Crystallographic Programs running under Wine]

File name Case problems

Note: Many problems running Windows programs on Wine can be solved just by putting the file in the correct case (lower case usually).

If using the chcase perl script for UNIX, just go to the offending directory and run the following command to get all the files (in this example) into lower case:

chcase -r -d '*' (goes through subdirectories)

chcase -d '*.*' (just files with the *.* format in the present working directory)


(Multiple problems with install, fonts, spawning derivative programs. DOS style environment variables must also be defined in a Linux happy way. But WinGX given its complexity runs surpisingly well. Will update with new information as time permits.)

Trying to install via the setup program gives problems in the setup program goes nowhere and seems to die.

(WinGX is available from your closest CCP14 based mirror via the WinGX single crystal suite for Windows by Louis Farrugia tutorials page)

From an existing installation, ZIP up the entire c:\wingx area and relevant DLLs in the c:\windows\system area.

On the Linux machine, unzip the previously ZIPPED c:\wingx area (based on Wine install) in /c/wingx (wine will see this as c:\wingx by wine).

Extract the DLLs (salflibc.dll, wgxlib00.dll, wgxlib01.dll, wgxlib02.dll) that would normally reside in c:\windows\system into /c/windows/system. Make sure they are in lower case.

Setting the WinGX DOS Style Environment variables in Linux

Under bash shell (following my be non-optimal or non-robust - though remembering that the System S/Platon single crystal suite is not happy using the latest Linux bash shell - use csh instead), put the following in the .bashrc file located in the home directory.

export WINGXDIR="c:\wingx"

export CHECKDEF="c:\wingx\files\check.def"

export PGFONT="c:\wingx\files\grfont.dat"

Then resource the .bashrc file using the command source .bashrc

Under Cshell/csh, put the following in the .cshrc located in the home directory.

set WINGXDIR="c:\wingx"

set CHECKDEF="c:\wingx\files\check.def"

set PGFONT="c:\wingx\files\grfont.dat"

Then resource the .cshrc file using the command source .cshrc

If you want to set these environment variables on the csh command line use:

env WINGXDIR="c:\wingx"

env CHECKDEF="c:\wingx\files\check.def"

env PGFONT="c:\wingx\files\grfont.dat"

Now run wingx.exe (make the exe's lower case if not already) using the command:

wine wingx

You can also tell Wine to emulate a certain version of Windows in case this is what the program wants.

wine -winver win95 wingx

Things are happy, browse and open a data file; run SXGRAPH. Be happy if possible!

Running WinGX and SXGRAPH under Wine/Linux/KDE

Running WinGX and SXGRAPH  under Wine/Linux/KDE

Running WinGX and SXGRAPH under Wine/Linux/Gnome

Running WinGX under Wine/Linux/Gnome

[Pre Summary - Why Bother?] | [Summary and Warnings of Wine] | [Installing Wine] | [Examples of MS Windows Crystallographic Programs running under Wine]

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