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Crystallographic Software Fayre
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The IUCr Crystallographic Software Fayre Homepage is at http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/projects/iucr2005-softwarefayre/ |
With resources provided by the IUCr 2005 Congress organisers, both
non-commercial crystallographic software developers and software users
are invited to participate in an informal Crystallographic Software
Fayre that will be held throughout most of the IUCr 2005 congress
in Florence, Italy. This is being organised by Richard Stephenson (CCP14, University College London)
and Lachlan Cranswick
(NRC Canada, Chalk River Laboratories).
This will occur from Wednesday 24th August until Tuesday 30th August 2005.
The following dedicated computers will be
available throughout the conference in the Crystallographic Software Fayre Session Hall:
Besides making informal use of the computers in between booked time slots,
non-commercial software authors and interested users are invited to to
book time slots to allow the presentation of formal software
demonstrations. Bookings of time slots are done through
Richard Stephenson (E-mail: r.stephenson@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk) .
Please note again that none of the user computers will be connected to the internet.
Information, including maps, confirmed software authors who will their software installed
on the computers and special events during the Crystallographic Software Fayre will be added as information
becomes available.
Please feel free to contact Richard Stephenson if you have
any queries and requests for extra information
(E-mail: r.stephenson@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk)