Virtual crystallographic Calculators V.2
Some small but useful XRD-tools
You'll need a JAVA-Script capable browser
like Netscape!
You can save this pages to
your computer and use the calculators off-line! They are written in JavaScript.
That means, no data is send over the network and you get the results instantly!
The calculator scripts are © of Stefan
NETSCAPE 3 users: Due
to a bug in this browser, the forms can look odd after a reload. To fix
this, click into the
"Location" field and press <Return>.
| sample length | lowest angle |
slit settings | d-values | angles
| Q-factors | crystallite size |
Calculate the minimum sample length needed for correct intensities: |
Calculate the lowest angle possible for the given setting: |
Calculate the correct divergence slit setting: |
Interested in some background about slit settings? Here is more! |
Calculate d-values from angles: |
Calculate angles from d-values: |