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jedit menus update

The latest version of durham jedit menus are linked here. Save this file as:

C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\.jedit\xinsert\durham.insert.xml

or the equivalent directory (e.g. j:\.jedit on a Durham ITS computer).

Menus have been updated for topas version 4. Save the .zip file linked here and extract files to any temporary directory. Then use Macros/Run Other Macro and select inp.setup.bsh. This should install the latest Durham menus plus a full set of menus for version 4 [for more details see 4. of main setup instructions]. Version 3 menus will also be installed at the same time. If these are of no use to you then delete C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\.jedit\xinsert\v3_inp.insert.xml.

If you haven't already done so please register here. I'll periodically send information about updates and bug fixes.


Modified 06-Jan-2007 by John S.O. Evans. Pages checked for Netscape 7 and Internet Explorer 5.5.