Actions of INP-SETUP.BSH The jedit macro inp-setup.bsh performs all the commands you need to make jedit a topas-friendly editor. The things it does are: INP-SETUP.BSH copies the following files to jEdit directories. INP.INSERT.XML to c:\documents and setting\USER\.jedit\xinsert\ DURHAM.INSERT.XML to c:\documents and setting\USER\.jedit\xinsert\ INP_MODE.XML to c:\documents and setting\USER\.jedit\modes\ INP.JEDIT-SCHEME to c:\documents and setting\USER\.jedit\schemes\ INP-SETUP.BSH edits the file c:\documents and setting\USER\.jedit\modes\CATALOG it adds the following line: <MODE NAME="INP" FILE="inp_mode.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.{inp,inc,out,str,lam,log}" /> If the line already exits then it is first removed and then inserted. INP-SETUP.BSH copies the following macros to c:\documents and setting\USER\.jedit\macros\. o CopyLines.bsh The file Keyboard.txt is copied to the main Topas-Academic directory. It describes the recommended keyboard bindings. INP-SETUP.BSH offers the choice to change some of the default key bindings to recommended ones. If yes then INP-SETUP.BSH adds the following properties to the the file: c:\documents and setting\USER\.jedit\properties o find.shortcut2=A+s |
Modified 30-Oct-2006 by John S.O. Evans. Pages checked for Netscape 7 and Internet Explorer 5.5. |