Instructions for PLATON

This section provides a partial listing of PLATON commands. For an up-to-date (11-03-96) synopsis of all PLATON commands see the summary of instructions. They are grouped together as compound specific, calculation, plot, list and general instructions.

The logical order of calculations is intra-molecular, inter- molecular and coordination geometry.

In the description of individual instructions below the following applies:

- (Sub)keywords are in uppercase and user data in lower case
- Data in parentheses are optional.
- Choices are separated by a slash.

Note: parentheses in atom names (on input) are ignored except for that Ag denotes the atom type and Ag() the individual atom.
Lower case input is automatically converted to upper case.
Lines with a blank character in position 1 are ignored.
Input lines may be continued with data on the next line by placing the symbol = at the end of the line.