General instructions


This instruction provides an on-line HELP facility. The SPGR option lists all space groups known to PLATON.


This provides for on-line inspection of BOND and ATOM tables, the current symmetry, CELL dimensions and default radii.

LIST IPR/PAR (ival1 (ival2))

Intermal parameter values may be inspected with this instruction. A range will be listed when two values are specified and the full range when none is given.

        LIST PAR 3 5

SET PAR p1 p2

This instruction is not meant for general use. It provides a facility to modify internal parameter values, in particular those with no equivalent (sub)keyword. p1 is the parameter number and p2 the new value.

SET IPR p1 p2

This instruction is not meant for general use. It provides a facility to modify internal parameter values, in particular those with no equivalent (sub)keyword. p1 is the parameter number and p2 the new value.


This instruction causes the saving of subsequent instructions on a file to be executed on all data sets, separated by ENDS cards, on the parameter file.


This results in a normal end of program when the .SPF file contains only one data set, otherwise the program restarts for the next data set on the file.


This results in an immediate stop of the program, ignoring possible further datasets on the input file.