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Crystallography Laboratory University of Nijmegen




6. Starting the first time

Open the directory rn001 which you have just created. Type

crunch rn001 clear
This will leave you with just the files rn001.crysin, rn001.frefa and crunch.log. Now run Crunch by typing
crunch rn001 try
Crunch will now proceed to solve the structure. The space group is P21, N=48, it is a simple steroid, an equal- atom structure. When asked for input, choose default options by giving a return. When the program is finished your directory rn001 should contain the files rn001.report, rn001.pdb and rn001.spf, among others. Read the report file. If you wish to do so, plot the result using Rasmol or Ton Spek's program Pluton, using the rn001.pdb or rn001.spf file respectively. Compare the results, checking against the files present in the rn001 directory supplied. If you meet with any problems please contact the authors.

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