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Crystallography Laboratory University of Nijmegen




5. Installation

Mind that sufficient (>5Mb) diskspace is available before you start the installation. Specify enough memory (>16Mb) for the program to run in. You need to have gunzip, the GNU unzipper, available on your machine. If you've followed the instructions in Howto you should be almost ready to proceed. Running the Crunchmake script takes care of the complete installation of Crunch. In the directory you've chosen for Crunch to be installed in a new directory crunch_1.1 should now be present. This directory should contain the following: This manual, the file crunch and the directories drivers, programs, sources and rn001. Crunch is a dynamic link to the script which actually runs the program. Move this to some suitable directory in your PATH, such as usr/local/bin. Copy the directory rn001 into the directory where you usually solve your structures. You may have to close and reopen your x-terminal to activate the link 'crunch'.

You are now ready to proceed.

After you've tested the success of the installation - see next section - you might like to recompile the programs Autofour and Deter, using levels of optimization different from the standard provided by the script. To accomplish this, go to the directory crunch_1.1. In the file 'flags' change the value of the variable OPT. If you have no Lapack and/or Blas installed use 'make -f makenolib' to recompile the program Deter in the subdirectory source/deter. Otherwise use just 'make' to accomplish this. Check whether the file flags contains the correct reference to Lapack and Blas. Recompile Autofour by typing 'make' in the subdirectory source/autofour.

Crunchmake determines the type of machine it is going to install Crunch on. On Linux Alpha machines the presence of Compaq's cxml library (details) is detected automatically if the standard rpm's have been used to install it. If you have Lapack and Blas installed on any other system change the value of the variable 'cxml' to 'yes' before line 214 in Crunchmake. Assign the correct value to LDFLAG in line 215. Check whether you still have crunch.tar.gz. If so, remove the directory 'crunch_1.1' and run the Crunchmake script with the adaptations.

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