Version 1.1, December 1996, R.E. Ghosh
Typical environment setup includes:
% setenv PGPLOT_DIR ../libsLgf % setenv PGPLOT_FONT ../libsLgf/grfont.dat % setenv PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_1 /XSERV % setenv PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_2 /VPS % setenv PGPLOT_ILL_PPAGE 2 % ln -s ../libsLgf/libpgplot.a libpgplot.a % ln -s ../libsLgf/librlib.a librlib.a
program templote c***** a template program using RLIB and PGPLOT libraries c to perform simple X,Y plots c c PGPLOT A Scientific Graphics Library c copyright T.G. Pearson, California Institute of Technology c available for use freely for non-commercial use c with extensions (R. Ghosh) for keeping several c output devices open simultaneously PGNOPN, PGNSEL, PGNEND c reference pgplotSS.html c c RLIB A general utility library (R.Ghosh) c reference librlib.s cUnix c in current directory c ln -s ../libsLgf/libpgplot.a libpgplot.a c ln -s ../libsLgf/librlib.a librlib.a c gfortran -o templote templote.f librlib.a libpgplot.a /usr/X11R6/libX11.a c dimension x(101), y1(101), y2(101) dimension xlim(2), ylim(2), yy(202) character*50 text character*4 pnam equivalence(yy(1),y1(1)),(y2(1),yy(102)) c***** this program plots f(x) and f(x') vs x, on the same axes c in different colours, and then asks user if he c wants a hardcopy plot; the whole then repeats for another c set of function values pnam='tplt' text=' ' xlim(1)=0. xlim(2)=10 ylim(1)=0. ylim(2)=10. write(6,1) 1 format('Simple plotting test using PGPLOT and RLIB') c***** prepare for plotting by opening output devices call pgnopn(1,' ',ier) if( stop 'Couldn''t open PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_1 device' c***** this will use unit 1 for screen typically call pgnopn(2,pnam//'#',ier) if( stop 'Couldn''t open PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_2 device' c***** this will be hardcopy, with a filename c***** where nnn is a 3 digit number c***** open devices defined by c environment variables (logical names) PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_1 c environment variables (logical names) PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_2 c typically PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_1 is set to /XSERV X-window screen c PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_2 is set to /VPS PostScript file c***** prepare to plot data on screen call pgnsel(1,last,ier) if( stop 'PGNSEL_1' 100 write(6,2) 2 format( 1' Give q for plotting sin(qx) and sin(qx)/qx (0 to stop : ',$) read(5,*) q if(q.le.0) go to 999 c***** set up data for superposed curves npt=101 do 10 i=1,101 x(i)=(i-1)/2. +.00001 y1(i)=sin(q*x(i)) y2(i)=sin(q*x(i))/(q*x(i)) 10 continue write(text,6) q 6 format(' Y(green)=sin(qx) Y(red)=sin(qx)/qx q=',f5.1) c***** let user set scale limits in general case call lims('X',xlim,x,101) call lims('Y',ylim,yy,202) c***** plot data on screen call myplot(x,y1,y2,npt,text,xlim,ylim) write(6,3) 3 format(' Hardcopy (y) :',$) read(5,4) ans 4 format(a) if(ans.eq.'y'.or.ans.eq.'Y') go to 5 go to 100 5 call pgnsel(2,last,ier) if( stop 'PGNSEL_2' call myplot(x,y1,y2,npt,text,xlim,ylim) c c***** if autometic output of hardcopy has been defined c by defining an environment variable for the print command c PGPLOT_ILL_PRINT_CMD c then calling pgend(2,ier) here will close file and print c c e.g. % setenv PGPLOT_ILL_PRINT_CMD "lpr -Plpps" c or $ DEFINE PGPLOT_ILL_PRINT_CMD "PRINT/QUE=LRP1_ILL4" c c call pgnend(2) c c call pgnopn(2,pnam//'#',ier) c***** to reopen new output file...for next picture c call pgnsel(last,llast,ier) if( stop 'PGNSEL_3' go to 100 c***** reset to screen output 999 continue c***** close all output devices call pgnend(1) call pgnend(2) end subroutine myplot(x,y1,y2,npt,text,xlim,ylim) c simple routine to superpose line plots of y1,y2 versus x c input x,y1,y2,npt,text c xlim min and max x-scale, ylim min and max of y-scale dimension x(npt),y1(npt),y2(npt),xlim(2),ylim(2) character*(*) text,xtxt*20,ytxt*20 xtxt=' x values ' ytxt=' y values ' c***** plot scales and titles call rsplt(xlim,ylim,ylim,2,0,0,xtxt,ytxt,text) c***** set to green (3) call pgqci(isave) call pgsci(3) c***** continuous line added call rsplt(x,y1,y1,npt,-100,0,xtxt,ytxt,text) c***** second curve in red (2) added call pgsci(2) call rsplt(x,y2,y2,npt,-100,0,xtxt,ytxt,text) call pgsci(isave) c***** reset default colours return end subroutine lims(str,xy,val,npt) c displays and sets limits for scales c input str (character) title c val real array length npt data values c xy real array 2 input as scale limits, returned as new c values or unchanged dimension xy(2),val(npt) character*(*) str xmax= -1e30 xmin= 1e30 do 1 i=1,npt if(val(i).gt.xmax) xmax=val(i) if(val(i).lt.xmin) xmin=val(i) 1 continue 10 write(6,2) str,xy,xmin,xmax 2 format(1x,a/' Scale limits : ',g12.4,' to ',g12.4/ 1 ' Data range : ',g12.4,' to ',g12.4// 1' Give new scale limits or type /to continue : ',$) read(5,*) xy if(xy(2).gt.xy(1)) return write(6,3) xy 3 format(' Minimum value ',g12.4,' is not less than maximum',g12.4) go to 10 end