version 1.3 R. Ghosh, ILL, April 2000
This program uses the fitfun package to refine the starting parameters for fitting a sequence of diffraction patterns. A sequence of single runs with the same extension can then be analysed or runs which have been sectored with several resulting file extensionnumbers. Simple graphics are incorporated to enable the variation of derived peak parameters to be viewed and printed.
The program fits up to four peaks, Gaussian, Lorentzian or Voigt profiles, which allow an interesting peak to be analysed when it is merging with other unchanging peaks.
is1 109% sasfit4 sasfit4 v1.3 April 2000 (Ron Ghosh, ILL) Options: F Fit one spectrum (manual fitfun) + other options - plots/cursor etc U i j k l Treat a set of runs i to j and extensions k to l Updating parameters T i j k l Treat a set of runs i to j and extensions k to l (re-use initial fitfun parameters) D j k Display sequence results C Cursor for next plot (toggle) P j k PostScript file of seq. plot H for help E ExitTypically the user must use option F to choose some regrouped data to examine and trial fit an initial pattern: At this stage the program enters the fitfuns routines and a secondary choice of options is offered.
SEQfit option F,C,D,P,T,U, Help or Exit : f Manual peak fitting and parameter initialisation Peak type : 1 Single Gaussian 2 Single Lorenztian 3 Voigt - Lorenztian width shown Width values are half width at half height Background is value at centre of first peak Command J for component plots fit4 version 1.1 TYPE HELP OR OPTION: H,R,D,X,Y,V,F,O,P,L,W,C,E,J,S,T,Z fit4>h fit4 Version 1.1 (using FITFUN-6.4) 6-Apr-2000 17:34:18 sasfit4 fitting peaks to diffraction data PEAK TYPE 1 Single Gaussian 2 Single Lorentzian 3 Voigt - Lorentzian width shown Width values are half width at half height Command J for component plots Basic fitting and control commands H type this list R read in fresh data D display data X min max change current x-scale to min<x<max if min and max are 0, show current limits Y min max change current y-scale to min<y<max etc. V n v s change parameter number n to v with associated step s (about 1.0) if this is to be fitted. if s is negative parameter n is tied to preceding parameter #-s V (no parameters) list current values F n (N) fit n iterations (0 to show current curve) N (optional) for no plot while fitting O a b c d e f only fit spectrum between range of a<x<b and c<x<d etc. (ignored if both are zero) P plot fit and data on hardcopy W flnme write fit and data onto output file flname.fpl L (F) list last fit (F for full listing) S save current parameters C enable/disable cursor(in next plot) Z clear screen T extra text set manual title for graphs J jump to special routine E EXIT from program. TYPE HELP OR OPTION: H,R,D,X,Y,V,F,O,P,L,W,C,E,J,S,T,Z fit4>r GIVE RUN NUMBER ... EXT : 54498 C12E4 B10 60% ch 90 62 values of I(Q) have been read in. THERE ARE 21 DATA POINTS IN CURRENT FITTING RANGE TYPE HELP OR OPTION: H,R,D,X,Y,V,F,O,P,L,W,C,E,J,S,T,Z fit4>dHaving now obtained a good set of starting parameters for fitting the sequence this is now performed:TYPE HELP OR OPTION: H,R,D,X,Y,V,F,O,P,L,W,C,E,J,S,T,Z TYPE HELP OR OPTION: H,R,D,X,Y,V,F,O,P,L,W,C,E,J,S,T,Z fit4>v FITFUN 6.4 TITLE:Run 54498 ext. 0 C12E4 B10 60% ch 90 FITTING Y : Intensity VERSUS X : Q A-1 NUMBER PARAMETER VALUE ( OLD VALUE ) STEP % DEVIATION 1 FLAT BGD 60.21 ( 60.21 ) 1.000 0.00 2 slope BG -460.6 ( -460.6 ) 5.000 0.00 3 Vgauwdth 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 4 FACTOR F 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 5 P1 type 1.000 ( 1.000 ) 0.0000E+00 0.00 6 P1 area 14.39 ( 14.39 ) 1.000 0.00 7 P1 width 0.6912E-02( 0.6912E-02) 1.000 0.00 8 P1 posn 0.1078 ( 0.1078 ) 1.000 0.00 9 P2 type 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 10 P2 area 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 11 P2 width 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 12 P2 posn 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 13 P3 type 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 14 P3 area 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 15 P3 width 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 16 P3 posn 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 17 P4 type 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 18 P4 area 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 19 P4 width 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 20 P4 posn 0.0000E+00( 0.0000E+00) 0.0000E+00 0.00 100 MAXIMUM STEP 100.0 300 SUBSTEP 0.01000 200 ACCURACY 0.1000E-01 THERE ARE 21 POINTS IN THE CURRENT RANGE SET BY "ONLY" COMMAND. CURRENT LIMITS (IF RANGE IS NON-ZERO) ARE : 0.650E-01 TO 0.150 0.000E+00 TO 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 TO 0.000E+00 TYPE HELP OR OPTION: H,R,D,X,Y,V,F,O,P,L,W,C,E,J,S,T,Z fit4>v 6 10 1 fit4>s fit4>f 100
fit4>e SEQfit option F,C,D,P,T,U, Help or Exit : t 54498 54505 run ext Backgr % Area % Width % Position % B-Slope B-Con. fit 54498 0 60.07500 18.7 14.4 2.83 0.0069 2.62 0.10779 0.16 -464.385 60.075 0 54499 0 108.42580 35.5 36.3 8.18 0.0072 2.09 0.10738 0.20 -613.967 108.426 0 54500 0 120.86198 47.2 40.8 9.69 0.0072 3.05 0.10787 0.20 -797.150 120.862 0 54501 0 119.89059 39.1 42.0 9.38 0.0072 2.62 0.10821 0.19 -660.759 119.891 0 54502 0 113.64807 37.5 41.8 9.09 0.0071 6.88 0.10842 0.23 -613.890 113.648 0 54503 0 113.38006 35.1 41.4 8.96 0.0071 3.31 0.10854 0.21 -580.074 113.380 0 54504 0 117.37156 39.6 41.2 9.20 0.0071 3.64 0.10850 0.19 -672.662 117.372 0 54505 0 118.80327 50.6 40.9 10.22 0.0071 2.68 0.10833 0.25 -788.728 118.803 0 SEQfit option F,C,D,P,T,U, Help or Exit : d 1 8SEQfit option F,C,D,P,T,U, Help or Exit : p 1 8 SEQfit option F,C,D,P,T,U, Help or Exit : e Closing listing file d164709.lis Closing listing file d164708.res %PGPLOT, Closing file
Summary of using fitfun to set up initial parameters
The pattern is read-in using the R command.
The fitfun package offers a D (display option) to view the input data and cursors/scale settings etc. as well as the ability to trial fit the data manually, and with a number of automatic iterations.
The current parameters are listed with the V command. The starting parameters can be modified with the V command setting an initial non-zero step if the parameter is to be refined. Normally the step is about unity. This is used as a local multiplier for the standard step defined in parameter 300 (typically 2%). When the fit appears very sensitive to the step size then reduce the individual parameter step, say to 0.05. If the fit appears very insensitive to the step increase the individual parameter step by a factor of say 20. Do not attempt to set steps for the parameters which control the type of model fit!
The current variables can be saved with the S command manually. These will be reread should the program be interrupted and restarted.
The fit is then started limiting the number of iterations to a maximum of 100.
When the fit terminates these parameters can be transferred to the sequence treatment by exiting E from this manual phase. The results are stored temporarily.
Fitting a sequence of SANS regrouped data files
The principal program options now reappear and a sequence of runs and subpatterns may then be treated with the T or U command depending on whether the starting parameters are to be reinitialised or not. The program will treat ascending or descending series, to allow the best, but disappearing, peaks to be used to set the initial search state. When fitting becomes progressively more difficult certain parameters, notably the position, should be held fixed (step 0.0) which will limit the program from diverging when the peak is really difficult to resolve distinctly.
The D command allows any of the fitted parameters to be plotted as a function of run number (D 1 n or extension number D 2 n. A hardcopy PostScript plot is generated using the P command similarly.
The final column contains a fit result. Usually this is 0, indicating that a minimum has been found without any problems. When set to 1 the final fit may not be the absolute minimum because the step sizes are typically too small for peak areas, or too large for positions. The manual fitfun option F can be used to modify this, or to examine the fit for any individual component, by opening that data file O, going back into fitfun F, and selecting the subspectrum in doubt, and reperforming the fit.
setenv PGPLOT_DIR /usr/ill/lib setenv PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_1 /xserv setenv PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_2 /VCPS setenv PGPLOT_ILL_PPAGE 2These control the graphical output.
Feedback on these programs will be welcomed by the author,
Ron Ghosh, reghosh (at)