Version 5
R. E. Ghosh, November 2006
On standard workstations data may be found in the directory trees from
/usr/illdata/data/instrument for the current cycle /usr/illdata/data-1/instrument for the preceding cycle /usr/illdata/975/instrument for cycle 975 (compressed data) etc.Certain instruments, e.g. D16 have very large numbers of files, which are subdivided:
/usr/illdata/data/d16/d16_0 for files 000001 to 009999 /usr/illdata/data/d16/d16_1 010000 to 019999 etcOlder data are stored in compressed format. Filenames terminate in .Z, and must be copied onto your own disks before using the uncompress command: the uncompressed file replaces the .Z file locally e.g. for a short sequence...
%cp /usr/illdata/951/d11/00437*.Z . %uncompress 00437*.Z
Experimenters may use unix commands (cat,more,grep,awk...) to search files in the fashion of an SQL command.
Note: all input is case sensitive
example 1:to find where are in5 data files with date:JUN --------- Use grep command: grep "in5" /usr/illdata/data/DATA_CATALOG | grep "JUN" -----=====---------------------------===== cycle exp numor numor from date to date identifier 953 in5 002656 002688 10-JUN-95 10:29 13-JUN-95 09:04 PRAGERH 953 in5 002690 002690 13-JUN-95 19:49 13-JUN-95 19:49 Herma 953 in5 002691 002694 13-JUN-95 20:51 14-JUN-95 07:54 HERMA 953 in5 002695 002722 14-JUN-95 14:25 19-JUN-95 08:45 DERIU MF 953 in5 002723 002770 19-JUN-95 11:28 23-JUN-95 08:34 COULOMMF 953 in5 002771 002796 23-JUN-95 14:43 27-JUN-95 09:03 J SuckJCC 953 in5 002797 002831 27-JUN-95 10:42 3-JUL-95 09:03 FGJPR AJD example 2:to find in5 data files with date:JUN and experimenter name Herma. --------- Use grep command: grep "in5" /usr/illdata/data/DATA_CATALOG | grep "JUN" | grep "Herma" -----=====---------------------------=====--------======= 953 in5 002689 002689 13-JUN-95 18:02 13-JUN-95 18:02 Herma HERM 953 in5 002690 002690 13-JUN-95 19:49 13-JUN-95 19:49 Herma awk -F '/in5/&&/JUN/{print $0}' /usr/illdata/data/DATA_CATALOG --------============------------------------------ 953 in5 000009 002629 6-JUN-95 15:34 7-JUN-95 08:33 Cook Ferr 953 in5 002630 002655 7-JUN-95 12:39 10-JUN-95 08:50 ENSS MF 953 in5 002656 002688 10-JUN-95 10:29 13-JUN-95 09:04 PRAGERHERM 953 in5 002689 002689 13-JUN-95 18:02 13-JUN-95 18:02 Herma HERM 953 in5 002690 002690 13-JUN-95 19:49 13-JUN-95 19:49 Herma 953 in5 002691 002694 13-JUN-95 20:51 14-JUN-95 07:54 HERMA 953 in5 002695 002722 14-JUN-95 14:25 19-JUN-95 08:45 DERIU MF 953 in5 002723 002770 19-JUN-95 11:28 23-JUN-95 08:34 COULOMMF 953 in5 002771 002796 23-JUN-95 14:43 27-JUN-95 09:03 J SuckJCC 953 in5 002797 002831 27-JUN-95 10:42 3-JUL-95 09:03 FGJPR AJD example 4:to find in5 data files with date:JUN or with date:JUL --------- Use the awk unix command: awk -F '((/in5/&&/JUN/)||(/in5/&&/JUL/)){print $0}' /usr/illdata/data/DATA_CATALOG --------================================------------------------------ 953 in5 000009 002629 6-JUN-95 15:34 7-JUN-95 08:33 Cook Ferr 953 in5 002630 002655 7-JUN-95 12:39 10-JUN-95 08:50 ENSS MF 953 in5 002656 002688 10-JUN-95 953 in5 002689 002689 13-JUN-95 18:02 13-JUN-95 18:02 Herma HERM 953 in5 002690 002690 13-JUN-95 19:49 13-JUN-95 19:49 Herma 953 in5 002691 002694 13-JUN-95 20:51 14-JUN-95 07:54 HERMA 953 in5 002695 002722 14-JUN-95 14:25 19-JUN-95 08:45 DERIU MF 953 in5 002723 002770 19-JUN-95 11:28 23-JUN-95 08:34 COULOMMF 953 in5 002771 002796 23-JUN-95 14:43 27-JUN-95 09:03 J SuckJCC 953 in5 002797 002831 27-JUN-95 10:42 3-JUL-95 09:03 FGJPR AJD 953 in5 002832 002850 3-JUL-95 10:25 4-JUL-95 22:54 BERND MF 953 in5 002851 002929 5-JUL-95 02:01 7-JUL-95 20:12 BA,JZLMF 953 in5 002930 002952 10-JUL-95 02:55 13-JUL-95 07:24 VRGZ MF 953 in5 002953 003007 13-JUL-95 10:38 19-JUL-95 15:27 CORNELGJK 953 in5 003008 003017 19-JUL-95 20:09 21-JUL-95 07:59 VRGZ MF 953 in5 003018 003020 21-JUL-95 08:57 21-JUL-95 11:26 HGBGJKHGB 953 in5 003021 003037 21-JUL-95 14:06 23-JUL-95 08:27 COOK COOK example 5: to find all experimenters with name beginning by "O" or "o" --------- use awk unix command: awk -F' ' '($9~/^O/)||($9~/^o/){print $0}' /usr/illdata/data/DATA_CATALOG -----------------=----------=-------------------------- 951 d17 003411 003583 10-MAR-95 18:21 13-MAR-95 10:28 OTTEWILL 951 d7 001284 001286 04-MAR-95 15:28 04-MAR-95 20:18 OVCUR0 952 d17 004547 004598 18-APR-95 17:01 20-APR-95 08:23 oeser/mont 952 d1b 021515 022229 25-APR-95 10:46 27-APR-95 08:43 OULADDGOME 952 d1b 022230 022419 27-APR-95 10:14 29-APR-95 08:19 OULADDHUBE 952 d1b 022420 023238 29-APR-95 10:22 2-MAY-95 08:30 OULADDSAYE 952 d22 012759 012761 19-APR-95 22:25 19-APR-95 22:52 oeser 952 d22 012762 013159 20-APR-95 18:43 24-APR-95 19:43 Ottewill 952 d7 001534 001534 02-MAY-95 20:54 02-MAY-95 20:54 OFFENV 952 d17 004547 004598 18-APR-95 17:01 20-APR-95 08:23 oeser/mont 952 d1b 021515 022229 25-APR-95 10:46 27-APR-95 08:43 OULADDGOME 952 d1b 022230 022419 27-APR-95 10:14 29-APR-95 08:19 OULADDHUBE 952 d1b 022420 023238 29-APR-95 10:22 2-MAY-95 08:30 OULADDSAYE 952 d22 012759 012761 19-APR-95 22:25 19-APR-95 22:52 oeser 952 d22 012762 013159 20-APR-95 18:43 24-APR-95 19:43 Ottewill 953 d11 015394 015632 16-JUL-95 09:47 18-JUL-95 09:21 Ottewill
The archive and transcription tools were maintained on the Alpha-VMS cluster, and data have been progressively transcribed to ASCII files similar to those in current use. These data are held on-line in directories as described above. Notably for SANS, this archive matches current standards and data may be examined with present tools from year/cycle 743 and 771 for D11 and D17 respectively. Since these data have not all been catalogued requests should be sent to the Service Informatique concerning these data.