f24s - fitting up to four peaks for sequences of D20 data

version 3.1, R. Ghosh, ILL, June 2001

Summary This program fits up to four peaks with Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt, or skewed Gaussian profiles, which allow an interesting peak to be analysed when it is merging with other peaks as, say, the sample temperature is changed during a sequence of runs.

This program uses the fitfun package to refine the starting parameters for fitting a sequence of diffraction patterns. A sequence of single or multiple pattern runs can then be analysed. Simple graphics are incorporated to enable the variation of derived peak parameters to be viewed and printed. An output file is created which can be read into a spreadsheet program like Excel.

In addition there is the possibility to normalise the initial data using a notionally flat pattern, e.q. typically measured from vanadium or plexiglass, either from a raw data file or a LAMP derived correction file.

The data sequence can be renormalised for a fixed incident flux by setting a proposed total flux monitor value. This helps in the analysis of kinetic data taken on non-linear time-scales.

Location of program binary

The PC version, F24S.EXE is located on this server:
This contains the executable program and the font file etc..

Environment Variables used by the program

f24s uses environment variables to avoid repetition of questions concerning where to find data, which type of graphics to use etc. Typical unix commands to set up this environment are:
setenv PGPLOT_DIR ../libm
setenv PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_1 /xserv

setenv D20_DATA_PATH /usr/illdata/data/d20/d20_0/
   (note the terminal "/")
  for data from 000001 to 009999
setenv D20_DATA_PATH /usr/illdata/data/d20/d20_1/
  for data from 010000 to 019999  etc.

The first four control the graphics, corresponding to X-terminal graphics, and PostScript output. The last concerns the location of the raw data files, and this may depend on the setup of individual workstations. If absent then the raw data are sought in the current directory.

If the data cannot be located, as a final resort you might try setting the source directory to the data fileserver with the following..

setenv D20_DATA_PATH /hosts/serdon/illdata/data/d20/d20_0/
or d20_1 etc as appropriate
For PC-Windows similar environment parameters may be set, or else combined in a batch file as shown below :
rem F24S.BAT
rem to ensure environment space is available launch this as follows
rem >COMMAND /E:2048 /C F24S.BAT
REM This directory contains font file GRFONT6.DAT
SET D20_DATA_PATH=C:\D20DATA (or wherever..)
REM to run program:
C:\FITD20\F24S  (or wherever the executable program is located)

Setting detector normalisation etc.

Initially detector normalisation using an existing vanadium run or a calibration file can be selected with the V or N commands. The zero angle can also be modified (Z). If the monitor value is defined then all data will be renormalised to this incident flux value. (Note: D20 normally counts with defined time intervals, but the reactor flux is normally very stable.) If the ratio of the defined monitor and stored values differ by more than a factor of 10 a warning message is written out when data are read.

Having set these initial values the C command continues treatment by using standard fitfun to read in data and set parameters by manual fitting.

Setting starting parameters for fit

This is performed within a standard fitfun command environment. The parameters from a file file saved from previous fits, f24s.ffn, is first reloaded. A typical pattern should be selected (R command). This can be displayed (D). A range for fitting can be set using the O command, and the scales (X, Y) set suitably. The peak parameters can then be proposed with V commands before fitting F. The background parameter is the background at the centre of the first peak. A locally curved background may be represented by a segment of a broad Gaussian curve with a negative area.

Commands consist of one letter followed by either numerical input (free format) or a letter code (upper or lower case); fields should be separated by blanks or commas. Often the program would be used following the sequence given below.

The READIN routine is called after this command, and it makes a new spectrum available to the fitting routine.

The current spectrum is plotted.

The current variable values are displayed. These are read initially from a file named "pnam".ffn, where "pnam" is a four character name defined in the MAIN routine. Parameter numbers 100, 200 and 300 control the fitting procedure (see below) and are not often modified.

V n v s
The n th variable is set to the value v, and if it is to be fitted the step s is set to 1. If the model seems very sensitive to this parameter the value of the step should be reduced to .1 or smaller and converse. It may be that the model algorithm should be recast. Normally this should not be necessary. The variation of the n th parameter can be constrained by being tied to a preceding parameter n' if s is set to -n'.

X min max
If both min and max are absent or 0 the current spectrum scale limits are displayed. These may be modified to the new values if these are none-zero.

Y min max
See above - as for X scale.

Without an argument the fit with the current parameters is shown together with the residual (sum of F(I)**2) normalised by the the number of points. If the spectrum or fitting range is smaller than the plotting limits and the Only option has selected a restricted range then the calculated graph is extrapolated to the plot limits. (First set the x axis limits, then set the O options). The difference between the observed and calculated values are displayed offset with zero at 80% of the yscale limits, with the same scale factors. Adjusting the y-scale limits may be necessary to reduce overlap with the calculated curve and data.

The fit as given above for F is written out into the second plotting device defined. Usually this is a PostScript file.

F n [N]
Fitting is started with a maximum limit of n iterations. In general this should be of the order m**2 where m parameters are being fitted simultaneously. As fitting proceeds the step lengths for each variable are also optimised. As a consequence giving a subsequent F command to continue fitting further iterations resets the step sizes, and the effect is different from giving a larger total number initially. If the letter N is added then no intermediate plots will be made.

L [F]
This produces a summary [or full listing] of the current fit on the terminal and a file "pnam"xx.lis is produced which may be be printed after leaving the program.

This toggles a cursor on or off for the next D, display command to allow the current spectrum to be measured-up on-screen.

O a b c d e f
The spectrum is only fitted in the non-zero ranges:
a<x<b, c<x<d, e<x<f
The command O alone resets all points into the range to be fitted.

The current parameters are saved in the file f24s.ffn; this permits an easy re-use for a subsequent analysis, or simply to save current values while they are subject to delicate manual adjustment. (Quit or interrupt program; then restarting will re-read a saved "good"set of starting values!)

This clears the plotting screen, useful in some terminal environments.

W name
The argument should contain five letters or numbers. The program writes out the observed and calculated values into a file "name.fpl". The format of this file is given in appendix 3.

The program calls a subroutine FTEXTP (a dummy routine is always included in the library and is loaded when no personalised routine is included). This enables the user to perform additional tasks, e.g. in f24s, FIRR and TAPPIR component plots are made of separate contributions to the resultant curve.

T text....
The additional text is placed on the following graphical output.

A summary of the above instructions is typed out. If the programmer has himself provided a subroutine FTXHLP then this replaces the dummy in the library, and offers a way of adding further annotation on program use.

Exiting the manual stage of the program, having performed a fit to the section of data, it is then possible to re-use the peak parameters and steps to fit sets of data.

Fitting Sequences

There are two methods for fitting data (T or U). In the first case the trial fit parameters are re-used again and again. In the second, the previous fit serves as a atarting point for the next in sequence. The first works well when the peak does not move. The second will follow a peak moving as the sequence evolves. The run/subspectrum number will be incremented or decremented from the first to the last values given.

As for the fitfun layer the seqfit commands consist of one letter which may be followed by one or several numbers.

T run1 run2 sub1 sub2 [max-iterations]
U run1 run2 sub1 sub2 [max-iterations]
The T command will fit all data sequentially using the same starting parammeters. The U updates the parameters with those from the last fit. The run and subrun numbers may designate either an increasing or decreasing sequence. A maximum of 4000 fits can be performed in a 1 or 2 dimensional set of data designated by the run and subrun numbers. Normally the iteration limit of 100 is used by default. If treatment of an incorrect sequence of runs is accidentally started then typing [Control+C] will interrupt the data search sequence. Elsewhere this terminates the program.

L par1 par2 par3 par4..
After fitting the results for the sets can be shown by selecting the parameter numbers; up to 5 parameters and their standard deviations can be listed at each L command, and results are also sent to a listing file. Included too is the fit index, which is 0 when no problems have occurred, 1 when no minimum has been found (and the deviations are not reliable), and 2 when the iteration limit has been reached before them minimum.

D 1 (or 2) parameter-number
P 1 (or 2) parameter-number
D gives a summary plot of the selected parameter as a function of run number (1), or subrun number (2) on the screen (more explicitly the device defined in the environment variable PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_1). P outputs the results to a PostScript file (device defined in PGPLOT_ILL_DEV_2) A text string
This adds the text string as annotation to the displayed data.
This command lists the numbers and names of parameters which have been fitted.
H lists a summary of the sequence fitting commands.

Example of f24s

% /home/cs/ghosh/d20/f24s

 f24s - version  3.1  (R.E. Ghosh, ILL)

 Fits up to 4 peaks in sequences of D20 datasets 

 Initial options to read and normalise subspectrum: 

        C          Continue now to data fitting
        V  n       Set vanadium run n
        N  name    Set  efficiency file name
        M  m       Monitor renormalisation (o=none)
        Z  a       modify zero angle (30.0) 
        L  i j     List run i subspectrum j
        H          Help 

 No vanadium normalisation run 
 Zero angle :    0.000
 Efficiency file name  Not used                                         
 New monitor value :       0.0
 Type option C,V,Z,M,N,L,HELP : c

 Fits up to 4 peaks in sequences of D20 datasets 

 Manual peak fitting and parameter initialisation

 Peak type :
           1 Single Gaussian
           2 Single Lorenztian
           3 Voigt - Lorenztian width shown
           4 Skewed Gaussian
 Modifier parameter for Voigt is Gaussian width 
 Modifier parameter for Skewed Gaussian is LHS-width/RHS
 Width values are half width at half height
 Background is value at centre of first peak

 SEQfits   v2.4  June 2001 (Ron Ghosh, ILL)

 Prepare parameters for sequence fits by manually fitting some data
 f24s               version  3.1
 Give run number...subspectrum number : 9201 1
 FITFUN 6.6  TITLE:Calcite 433                                       
 FITTING Y : Counts                 VERSUS X : Two_Theta           
    1   FLAT BGD     550.0    (   550.0    )   1.000          0.00
    2   slope BG    0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
    3   (spare)     0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
    4   FACTOR F    0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
    5   P1 type      1.000    (   1.000    )  0.0000E+00      0.00
    6   P1 area      3000.    (   3000.    )   10.00          0.00
    7   P1 width    0.2500    (  0.2500    )   1.000          0.00
    8   P1 posn      36.00    (   36.00    )  0.1000          0.00
    9   P1 modif    0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
   10   P2 type      1.000    (   1.000    )  0.0000E+00      0.00
   11   P2 area     0.1200E+05(  0.1200E+05)   50.00          0.00
   12   P2 width    0.2200    (  0.2200    )   1.000          0.00
   13   P2 posn      49.00    (   49.00    )  0.1000          0.00
   14   P2 modif    0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
   15   P3 type      1.000    (   1.000    )  0.0000E+00      0.00
   16   P3 area      6600.    (   6600.    )   10.00          0.00
   17   P3 width    0.2000    (  0.2000    )   1.000          0.00
   18   P3 posn      52.00    (   52.00    )  0.1000          0.00
   19   P3 modif    0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
   20   P4 type     0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
   21   P4 area     0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
   22   P4 width    0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
   23   P4 posn     0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
   24   P4 modif    0.0000E+00(  0.0000E+00)  0.0000E+00      0.00
  100     MAXIMUM STEP    100.0       300  SUBSTEP   0.01000
  200     ACCURACY      0.1000E-01
   35.0     TO  55.0      0.000E+00 TO 0.000E+00  0.000E+00 TO 0.000E+00
 f24s>v 8 38 .1
 f24s>f 100

 SEQfit option F,U,T,D,L,C,P,? Help or Exit : 

On starting the program offers a choice of correction methods to correct for the detector efficiency, either a prepared calibration file or a flat spectrum, e.g. vanadium. This section will also print out any subspectrum of any run. It also allows the default zero angle to be modified, and the data to be rescaled with an alternative monitor value. Once satisfied the e command exits this section and a manual fit to one spectrum must be made to initialise the fitting parameters.

The pattern is read-in using the R command.

The fitfun package offers a D (display option) to view the input data and cursors/scale settings etc. as well as the ability to trial fit the data manually, and with a number of automatic iterations.

The current parameters are listed with the V command.

In the above example the first peak postion is adjusted to start with the value 38.0, and step finely with 0.1 * the nominal step (variable number 300 SUBSTEP) , since the fit is very sensitive to the position because the peak is very close to Gaussian, and well defined. Note that the step for the areas is set fairly coarsely; only approximate values are given. The parameters can be saved with the S command. As can be seen here only a range from 35 to 55 dgrees is being fitted, limited by the O command in a previous test, restricting the fit to 3 peaks only.

The current variables are saved with the S command manually. These will be reread should the program be interrupted and restarted.

The fit is then started limiting the number of iterations to a maximum of 100.

When the fit terminates these parameters can be transferred to the sequence treatment by exiting E from this manual phase. The results are stored temporarily.

The sequnce fitting options now appear and a sequence of runs and subpatterns may then be treated with the T or U command depending on whether the starting parameters are to be reinitialised or not. The program will treat ascending or descending series, to allow the best, but disappearing, peaks to be used to set the initial search state. When fitting becomes progressively more difficult certain parameters, notably the position, should be held fixed (step 0.0) which will limit the program from diverging when the peak is really difficult to resolve distinctly.

 SEQfit option F,U,T,D,L,C,P,?, Help or Exit : h

 SEQfits   v2.4  April 2001 (Ron Ghosh, ILL)

        F              Fit one spectrum (manual fitfun)
                        + other options - plots/cursor etc
        U  i j k l     Treat a set of runs i to j
                         and subrun indexes k to l
                       Updating parameters
        T  i j k l     Treat a set of runs i to j
                         and subrun indexes k to l
                       (re-use initial fitfun parameters)
        D  1(2) q [y0 y1] Display parameter #q results
                         for runs (1), subruns(2)  
                         y-scale set between y0 and y1
        L  p q r..     List sequence results
        C              Cursor for next plot (toggle)
        P  1(2) q [y0 y1] PostScript file of seq. plot
        A  text        Annotate with text string
        ?              show which parameters are fitted
        H              for this help
        E              Exit

 SEQfit option F,U,T,D,L,C,P,?, Help or Exit : t 9201 9201 1 20
 Run   9201 subrun     8  no minimum found
 SEQfit option F,U,T,D,L,C,P,?, Help or Exit : ?
 Parameter number     Name 
         1          FLAT BGD
         6          P1 area 
         7          P1 width
         8          P1 posn 
        11          P2 area 
        12          P2 width
        16          P3 area 
        17          P3 width
        18          P3 posn 

 SEQfit option F,U,T,D,L,C,P,?, Help or Exit : l 1 6 7 8
     run    ext  Backgr   %      P1 area   %  P1 width  %   P1 posn   %   fit_fail 
   9201    1     557.8   1.0    3256.0  1.76  0.261  1.65   38.53  0.01       0
   9201    1     557.8   1.0   13097.3  0.81  0.228  0.69   48.89  0.00       0
   9201    1     557.8   1.0    6597.9  1.18  0.247  1.05   52.21  0.01       0
   9201    2     557.7   0.9    3260.7  1.61  0.260  1.51   38.52  0.01       0
   9201    2     557.7   0.9   13067.3  0.74  0.229  0.63   48.89  0.00       0
   9201    2     557.7   0.9    6328.9  1.06  0.249  0.95   52.21  0.00       0
   9201    3     556.3   0.9    3183.3  1.68  0.260  1.55   38.53  0.01       0
   9201    3     556.3   0.9   12830.1  0.78  0.229  0.66   48.89  0.00       0
   9201    3     556.3   0.9    6155.3  1.10  0.252  1.01   52.21  0.00       0
   9201    4     555.6   0.9    3071.6  1.62  0.260  1.50   38.53  0.01       0
   9201    4     555.6   0.9   12607.0  0.75  0.231  0.65   48.89  0.00       0
   9201    4     555.6   0.9    5922.5  1.05  0.252  1.02   52.21  0.00       0
   9201    5     553.8   0.8    3037.7  1.52  0.263  1.54   38.53  0.01       0
   9201    5     553.8   0.8   12366.1  0.70  0.232  0.68   48.90  0.00       0
   9201    5     553.8   0.8    5622.0  0.97  0.254  1.05   52.21  0.01       0
 SEQfit option F,U,T,D,L,C,P,?, Help or Exit : d 2 6
 SEQfit option F,U,T,D,L,C,P,?, Help or Exit : p 2 6
 SEQfit option F,U,T,D,L,C,P,?, Help or Exit : e
 Closing listing file f24s294.lis
 Closing output result file f24s293.sls
 %PGPLOT,  Closing file f24s292.ps

The program produces a listing file of the summary, and the plot file is a PostScript plot. A full table of results is written in the f24snnn.sls file, which may be imported easily into Excel etc.

The final column contains a fit result. Usually this is 0, indicating that a minimum has been found without any problems. When set to 1 the final fit may not be the absolute minimum because the step sizes are typically too small for peak areas, or too large for positions. The manual fitfun option F can be used to modify this, or to examine the fit for any individual component, by opening that data file going back into fitfun F, and selecting the subspectrum in doubt, and reperforming the fit.

Feedback on this program will be welcomed by the author, Ron Ghosh reghosh (at) gmail.com