The new xfit version 4 supports hardware stereo using either NuVision or CrystalEyes hardware. Here's what you need for LINUX/Compaq Alpha and SGI!
- New xfit key commands (the focus must be in the canvas for these to work.)
9 Decrease stereo blank interval (use with 0 to adjust stereo height alignment)
0 Increase stereo blank interval
( Decrease stereo y stretching (use with ')' to adjust stereo aspect ratio)
) Increase stereo y stretchingAdjusting the blank interval puts the left and right images at the same height on the screen. To adjust, turn off the emitter, press "9" and "0" until the images are the same height.
If the picture is too tall or too short use the "(" and ")" keys to stretch or compress the image.
To save these parameters between xfit sessions environment variables are used, XFIT_BLANKINTERVAL and XFIT_ASPECTRATIO. When the new xfit quits, and the variables have changed since it started, it will write out these new values to the screen and to the file "xfit_stereo_parameters.dat" in the current directory. To remember these new values, copy the two "setenv" commands to your .cshrc or to your XtalView.env depending upon which way you are invoking XtalView. You may need different sets for different machine environments.
- New xfit with hardware stereo (and lots of other new features) - replace old xfit
Xfit4.0 for LINUX
Xfit4.0 for Alpha
- New dictionaries with torsions, impropers, and DNA - works MUCH better - not compatible with versions below 4.0 (put in $XTALVIEWHOME/data)
dict.allh.pdbNote: you must have previously installed XtalView 3.2 and have it up and running before you can use the new xfit. Xfit will start standalone but nothing will work as you expect.
MacNaughton Inc., formerly NuVision
Technologies Inc.
1815 NW 169th Place, Building 3060
Beaverton, Oregon 97006
Tel: (503)614-9000
Fax: (503)614-9100
Be sure to specify workstation/PC graphics card at time of order
StereoGraphics Corporation
2171 E. Francisco Blvd.
San Rafael, CA 94901
Within USA: 800-783-2660
Outside USA: 415-459-4500
Fax: 415-459-3020
1. To turn off the virtual screen:
Edit the /usr/lib/X11/XF86Config file and make the Virtual line the
same as the Modes in the subsection Display