G.Géraud, A.Soyer and Y.Epelboin
Three-dimensional computer reconstructions from serial sections of cell
Biology of the cell (1988) 62, 111-117
The analysis of ultrathin serial sections as 3-dimensional (3D) information
requires interpretation and display of large amount of data. We suggest a
simple way to solve this problem; it permits presentation of a series of
sections as a 3D color image of good quality. It involves a picture system
with specialized hardware and software written for this purpose.
3D images of cellular organelles have been drawn either by manually
defining the contour of the objects or by thresholding of the volumes
in the structures.
These 2 methods allow rapid drawing of the image on the screen. It is
possible to determine the position, shape and size of 3D structures.
This interactive system allows the user to choose between several
options: colors, removal of parts of the object, and cutout.
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