
Fonctions :

Fhkl is an interactive menu driven program which allows to :

Fhkl needs only a data file containing informations on the atoms of the asymetric unit of the crystal.

Mandatory Ressources :

Unix machine with C and FORTRAN compilers, and X-Window and Motif libraries.
X Terminal or a screen supporting X-Window.

Example :

An example is described in detail in the documentation : the quartz.

Documentation :

Publication :
FHKL - a program to compute rocking curves and crystallographic data of interest for the dynamical theory of X-rays.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, Vol. 28 (1995) 244

Before trying to use Fhkl it is recommanded to read the documentation. It is available in files of different format: Ascii, Postscript and HTML.

Distribution :

Sources of the program are freely available (without guaranty) by ftp, in compressed tar files :
Fhkl2.2.tar.gz from the external network, or Fhkl2.2.tar.gz from the local network.
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