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Google Labs

Site-flavored Google search is a Google Labs service. Google Labs Terms of Use apply.

Site-Flavored Google Search (beta)

Want to offer your visitors search results that are tailored based on your site? With a few easy steps, you can customize search results based on the content of your website. Simply fill out a profile based on your site's content, generate the search box HTML, and then paste this HTML into your pages. Users who search from this search box will have the option to "flavor" their results based on the profile you've created.

Start here to customize Google for your site


1. What is site-flavored Google search?

Site-flavored Google search delivers web search results that are customized to individual websites. Simply fill out a profile describing your website's content, and when you add a site-flavored search box to your site, your users will get search results that are "flavored" to be more attuned to their interests.

2. Sounds good. How can I get started?

You can put a site-flavored Google search box on your site by clicking the "Start here..." link above.

3. How do you create customized search results?

We've developed algorithms that decide which results are most likely to be relevant to a user, based on a profile that the user fills out about his or her interests. So when a site's webmaster fills out a profile about his or her site, we can customize search results by pushing the most relevant results for users of that site to the top of the page.

4. As a webmaster, why should I try site-flavored Google search?

Our goal is to make all our search results as relevant as possible for all our users, and no two websites are alike. While standard Google results can be close most of the time, we think customization can make them even better.

5. When I enter my URL on the profile page, how do you know what my site is about?

When you give us your site's URL, our program 'reads' your site and creates a profile based on its content. You can see the topics we've chosen to characterize your site in the blue box on the right, and you can easily add to or delete from that list of topics.

6. What do the colored balls next to the site-flavored search results mean?

The balls mark the results we felt were more relevant to your search, based on the site's profile. If you don't want to receive results marked this way, click the "Normal Search" button under the search box.

7. How can I find out what profile the webmaster filled out for a site?

That's easy. Just click the "Customized" link under the search box and you'll see which categories the webmaster included in this site's profile.

8. What if I like my regular search results more than the custom results?

Most of the time, site-flavored customization produces better results, because the changes are based on the site from which you did your search. But we're still ironing out the kinks in this beta product, and if you weren't satisfied with your results, we encourage you to let us know about it in order to help us improve this product. Please do send us your feedback.

9. What's required to use site-flavored Google search?

Your browser must be Internet Explorer 5 (or newer), Netscape 5 (or newer), or Mozilla 1.4 (or newer). For now, it's best to restrict your search to English and to make sure your browser and computer languages are also set for English. Finally, you'll need to have Javascript enabled.

For more information on other free enhancements to your website, check our Google Free FAQ. If you have comments, please feel free to send us feedback.

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