More Google stories...

Message from: Jayte

"I bought our miniature dachshund some new treats and instead of chewing them, he swallowed one whole and it got caught in his throat. He was choking and couldn't breathe. My husband was on the computer and I called him in the room to help. We were unable to dislodge the treat and the dog was obviously in trouble. My husband told me to do a Google Search on choking dog. I ran to the computer, clicked on the Google icon, typed in 'chocking dog', got a return 'Did you mean: "choking dog"' and I clicked on that to have the first selection be 'How to perform the Heimlich maneuver on a dog'. After accessing that site, I read it to my husband who followed the directions. Poof! The treat shot across the room and our dog was saved! The dog was fine, we were a wreck and Google saved the day. Thank you Google!"

Message from: Dennis

"Google Groups is the most significant event in the history of computer programming – as far as I'm concerned. I used to spend days – sometimes weeks trying to figure out problems in my programming code. Now a quick search on Google Groups will usually turn up someone else who had the exact same problem (in some cases 10 years ago) and posted it to a newsgroup and got responses with the solutions to the problems. Thank you."

Message from: Mike

"As a court reporter, I'm constantly using the web to check spellings of drug names, doctors from far-away lands, names of ships – you name it. With your 'did you mean' spell-checking feature, I'm usually a mere one or two searches away from the word I'm seeking. I can't tell you how many times a day I utter, 'What did we do before Google?' Thanks!"

Message from: Sharon

"I teach English as a Second Language to adult refugees in Denver, Colorado. Although some of my students came here with extensive computer knowledge, others have never touched a keyboard before. When introducing my students to the Internet – their portal to the world – I always start with Google. The uncluttered home page and highly refined advanced search function make the Web much more accessible to easily-confused students. Not only do my students not get overwhelmed by a lot of unnecessary graphics, they express great relief when they can use the language translation tool. Thanks, Google, for helping my students take their first steps at mastering technology!"

Damian's labrador, Ben Message from: Damian

"I just had to write and say thank you for helping me to find a cure for my labrador, Ben. He was really bad with some crippling illness and the vet said there was nothing they could do for him. We were told to take him home and that one day he just wouldn't be able to get up in the morning. Naturally, the whole family was really upset.

Anyway, I spent day after day searching and reading entirely in Google Groups and your web results and was able to walk back into the surgery, tell the vet that Ben had Lyme disease and that all he needed was antibiotics. Ben got his antibiotics and within days he recovered. Ben doesn't know it, but he owes his health and life to your effective indexing and content. I can't thank you enough."

Message from: Abigail

"Google helped me discover that my daughter's strange medical problems are part of a rare genetic syndrome that most of her doctors had never heard of. Her doctors diagnosed her after I brought them the information, and my discovery helped her cardiologist diagnose another patient with the same syndrome. Because of my daughter's new diagnosis, we have uncovered other dangerous but treatable problems that we wouldn't have known about until they caused her serious damage. So, I'm very grateful to the people at Google who made all of this possible. Thank you."

Message from: Therese

"I'm a librarian at major public library. A couple of days ago, a woman approached the reference desk and asked about finding local government information in Spanish. I showed her how to use your language translation page, and her response was so enthusiastic I was overwhelmed. She told me I opened a whole new world for her! It was a great feeling to help this woman, and thank you, Google, for giving me the tools!"

Message from: Jean

"The refinement of the search engine is almost making it possible to ask a question and find the answer. Last week, I needed to decipher an engineer's property description, and did not have to haul out my old trigonometry book. After a few passes, I located the correct terminology to find what I needed, a reference for engineers."

Message from: Kiran

"Google Rocks! I was taking a break from work and decided to find an old friend, spent some time on alumni sites and then looked on Google. I found him and I ended up meeting him after 21 years. We were friends back in India and now one of us is in California and the other one is in Boston. That is amazing."

Message from: June

"I work for a medical transcriptionist company and the use of Google makes my job so much easier. Your ability to document drugs and medical equipment is amazing. If it was not for Google I would have to spend hours looking up diseases, drugs, equipment, and even the spelling of unusual names. Thank you Google for making life for the medical personnel such as myself so much easier."

Message from: Ben

"You saved my paper! For the past couple of days I have been writing a paper on outbreeding depression in plant populations, but I lacked some critical evidence to help finish my paper. My college online journals were not much help. I gave Google a try, and found what I needed on the first page! I should put Google in my literature cited, but I might get a few grunts from my professor. Here's to you Google."

Message from:

"I have used many different web search engines and I invariably come back to Google. Google is simply the best, most simple, intuitive search site out there. I had to write a summary of a bio of a mathematician from a web site online, but when I went to write it, the web site was no longer working. I was able to do a search for the page and use Google's cache of the page to write the summary. If Google did not have web page cache, I wouldn't have been able to complete the report."


Message from: Robert

"I am in the process of archiving my grandparent's memoirs on the Internet. I am supplementing their stories with relevant photos, images and historical references found on the Internet. Google has been my default page for about two years now and I don't use any other search engine. Not only have I been able to find excellent material, I have also been able to find distant family members and friends that otherwise would have been impossible to do, if not extremely difficult and costly."

Message from:
Mike, in the Midwest

"Thanks, Google, for helping me find solutions, from computer problems to car repair tips. I typed in the exact error message and voilá. Google had several sites listed for tips to repair. Saved me a trip to the dealer and who knows how many $$$. Not only has Google helped me with repairs, it has been a great help in all kinds of research questions. Actually it has helped me raise my children better by being able to give them correct answers to their questions. Simple little things such as "Do frogs have ears" have been found from Google searches. Instead of the usual response parents would say like "I don't know", I was able to give them precise answers. Keep up the great work."

Message from: Jon, in Africa

"I am not a huge business, but a person with a love for Africa, and have an extensive website about Africa. Google is one of the last places on the Internet where a site like mine can get listed without having to pay for this click or that. I am very thankful for that. I do realize that you have to make a profit, and yet I am very thankful that you allow space for a person with a passion like me and give my site a chance to be found by people all over the world. Thank you."

Message from:

"Google rocks! I've been a long-time user and fan, but every so often it blows me away all over again. Today I was trying to solve a database design problem. I needed to import data cells of three colors and preserve their values in the receiving data cells. I entered access+color+value and, on the first results page, found a perfect hit. A software users group thread addressed a solution to the problem. From start of search until end of solution, I found exactly what I was looking for in about 30 seconds, free of charge, from the comfort of my home, thanks to Google."


Lesley, in the UKMessage from: Lesley, in the UK

"My brother emigrated to Brazil 22 years ago. Correspondence started sketchy and then fizzled out altogether. The last time any of my family heard from him was over 6 years ago. I have tried searching for his name on the Internet with no success - until last Saturday when I tried Google for the first time. And there he was on a ten pin bowling league in Brazil! And his email address. I immediately contacted him and since then a flurry of email has gone back and forth - loads of news and photographs. Thank you Google for bringing my family back together."

Doug, in Hilo, HIMessage from:
Doug, in Hawaii

"Dear Google - Back when Google began and our company was getting into its stride we liked your format so much we referenced Google as our preferred search engine on our website.

You don't always know who is out here wishing you well and symbiotically propelling each other to success, but certainly we are aware of your large role in our success..."

Elinor, in California Message from:
Elinor, in California

"I recently found my childhood girlfriend (in those days girls called each other 'girlfriend'!) and I'm convinced it never would have happened without Google.

We grew up together in the Midwest and were close from kindergarten age through my days at college, a time frame of 1931 to 1947. Our fathers were merchants on the same block in a Chicago suburb. Over the years we corresponded sporadically, and as time passed, we lost touch. But I always wondered what had happened to her.

One day recently I thought I'd try Google and input her surname. Up came a complete, year-old newspaper obituary for her husband, and of course, once I saw her name I knew I'd found her. I had no idea they had relocated to Nevada.

My husband and I are going to Las Vegas next month to see her. There's no question in my mind that Google made it possible."


Message from: John, in California

"I am a quadriplegic, permanently confined to a wheelchair, and with a number of specialized medical problems. Using Google, I have been able to quickly find critical information about various medical conditions, experimental treatments and new products. My medical condition is vastly better off, and the information, services and products I found with Google have definitely saved me from at least two hospitalizations and one surgery, and possibly even saved my life. Most of the searches I did were coming up empty on other search engines, and there is little chance I would have found these things without Google. You have my heartfelt appreciation and boundless thanks! Where do I send donations?"