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Guidelines for Third Party Use of Google Brand Features

Use of Google Brand Features
General Information

Although we'd like to accommodate all the requests we receive from users who want to add a touch of Google to their sites, we are passionate about protecting the reputation of our brand as an objective and fair provider of search results. That means we have to turn down many requests because sites imply that Google is endorsing them or is otherwise affiliated with them. The same applies if Google's trademarks, logos, web pages, screen shots, or other distinctive features ("Google Brand Features" or "Brand Features") are associated with objectionable material, as determined by Google.

As a result, we require that you have Google's explicit written permission before using any Google Brand Features. These Brand Features can be used only pursuant to these Guidelines, our Terms and Conditions, and for the specific purposes for which Google has given permission. If you have a written agreement with Google that specifically addresses how you may use its Brand Features, you don't need to go through the approval process here unless you want to do something other than what has been authorized in your existing agreement. Otherwise, the only time you can use Brand Features without advance written permission is if there is clear and express language on our website stating that you can use those Brand Features without first obtaining permission, such as is the case with our search boxes.

When you use any of our Brand Features, you must always follow the Rules for Proper Usage included in these Guidelines. In addition, Google may provide you with written requirements as to the size, typeface, colors, and other graphic characteristics of the Google Brand Features. If we provide these requirements to you at the time of our approval, you must implement them before using our Brand Features. If we provide these requirements to you after we initially gave our permission, you must implement them within a commercially reasonable timeframe.

Approval Process

To request approval, complete the Permission Request Form, and send it to us with the information specified in the form. Although we will try to respond within 10 business days, we cannot guarantee that, and you can't use Google Brand Features until we have expressly granted you approval.

The approval to use Google Brand Features is limited to the information provided in your request. If your anticipated use changes, before or after, Google grants approval, you must update your request accordingly.

Please note that we can only give you permission to use the Google Brand Features. We cannot give you permission to use any brand features belonging to third parties.

Trademark Basics
What is a trademark?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device (or a combination thereof) that identifies the goods or services of a person or company and distinguishes them from the goods and services of others. A trademark assures consumers of consistent quality with respect to those goods or services and aids in their promotion.

Why is it important to use marks correctly?

Rights to a trademark can last indefinitely if the owner continues to use the mark to identify its goods and services. If trademarks are not used properly, they may be lost and one of the company's most important assets may lose all of its value. Rights may be lost not only because of a trademark owner's improper use of the mark, but through improper use of the trademark by the public.

Rules for Proper Usage
Things to do:
  • If you are using a Google trademark, distinguish the trademark from the surrounding text in some way. Capitalize the first letter, capitalize or italicize the entire mark, place the mark in quotes, use a different type style or font for the mark than for the generic name.
  • If you do not capitalize the entire mark, always spell and capitalize the trademark exactly as they are shown in the Google Trademarks and Suggested Accepted Generic Terms below.
  • Use the trademark only as an adjective, never as a noun or verb, and never in the plural or possessive form.
  • Use a generic term following the trademark, for example: GOOGLE search engine, Google search, GOOGLE web search.
  • Use only Google-approved artwork when using Google's logos.
  • If you are using a Google logo on a web page, there must exist a minimum spacing of 25 pixels between each side of the logo and other graphic or textual elements on your web page.
  • Normally, an unregistered Google Brand Feature should be followed by the superscripted letters TM or SM to give notice that the company claims trademark rights in the term. A registered Google Brand Feature should be followed by the symbol ® to identify the term as a registered trademark. In advertising copy, notice of trademark rights may be provided in a footnote format – e.g., by placing an asterisk adjacent to the Google Brand Feature and placing an appropriate notice at the bottom of the page on which the asterisk appears. Example: *GOOGLE is a trademark of Google Inc.
Things You Can't Do
  • One of the conditions for all uses is that you can't mess around with our marks. Only we get to do that. Don’t remove, distort or alter any element of a Google Brand Feature. That includes modifying a Google trademark, for example, through hyphenation, combination or abbreviation, such as: Googliscious, Googlyoogly, GaGooglemania. Do not shorten, abbreviate, or create acronyms out of Google trademarks.
  • Don’t display a Google Brand Feature as the most prominent element on your web page.
  • Don’t display a Google Brand Feature in any manner that implies a relationship or affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement by Google, or that can be reasonably interpreted to suggest editorial content has been authored by, or represents the views or opinions of Google or Google personnel.
  • Don’t display a Google Brand Feature on any web site that contains or displays adult content, promotes gambling, involves the sale of tobacco or alcohol to persons under twenty-one years of age, or otherwise violates applicable law.
  • Don’t display a Google Brand Feature in a manner that is in Google's sole opinion misleading, unfair, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, obscene or otherwise objectionable to Google.
  • Don’t display a Google Brand Feature on a site that violates any law or regulation.
  • Don’t frame or mirror any Google page (including the page that appears in response to a click on the Google logo or Google search box).
  • Don’t incorporate Google Brand Features into your own product name, service names, trademarks, logos, or company names.
  • Don’t copy or imitate Google's trade dress, including the look and feel of Google web design properties or Google brand packaging, distinctive color combinations, typography, graphic designs, product icons, or imagery associated with Google
  • Don’t adopt marks, logos, slogans, or designs that are confusingly similar to our Brand Features.
  • Don’t register Google trademarks as second-level domain names.
  • Don’t use Google trademarks in a way that suggests a common, descriptive, or generic meaning.
  • Trademark rights vary from country to country. Some countries have severe criminal and civil penalties for improper use of the registration symbol. Therefore, don’t use the registration symbol (®) in countries where the mark has not been registered.
If there is any question about usage, requests for clarification or permission may be submitted through the process outlined at: http://www.google.com/permissions/.

Google Trademarks and Suggested Accepted Generic Terms

Google™ search
Google™ search engine
Google.org™ non-profit foundation
Google AdSense™ advertising program
Google Adverting Professionals™ program
Google AdWords™ advertising program
Google Alerts™ email update service
Google Answers™ research service
Google Analytics™ web analytics service
Google Base™ listing service
Google Blog™ weblog
Google Blog Search™ service
Google Book Search™ service
Google Calendar™ calendaring service
Google Catalogs™ catalog search
Google Code™ open source developer site
Google Compute™ feature
Google Dashboard Widgets™ for Mac software
Google Desktop™ searching software
Google Desktop Search™ search tool
Google Deskbar™ software
Google Directory™ web directory
Google Earth™ mapping service
Google Extensions™ for Firefox software
Google Finance™ financial information service
Google Foundation™ nonprofit organization
Google Free™ search services
Google Glossary™ glossary service
Google Grants™ program
Google Groups™ Usenet discussion forums
Google Image Search™ image search service
Google Images™ image search service
Google Labs™ research division
Google Mail™ webmail service
Google Maps™ mapping service
Google Mars™ mapping service
Google Mini™ hardware
Google Mobile™ wireless service
Google Music Search™ service
Google News™ news service
Google News Alerts™ news alert service
Google Pack™ software download service
Google Page Creator™ web page creation service
Google Personalized Home™ personalized homepage service
Google Personalized Search™ personalized search service
Google Q&A™ search service
Google Reader™ feed reader
Google Related Links™ service
Google Ride Finder™ taxi search
Google SafeSearch™ filtering
Google Scholar™ scholarly texts search
Google Search Appliance™ hardware
Google Sets™ set prediction service
Google Sidebar™ software
Google Sitemaps™ service
Google Site Search™ service
Google SMS™ mobile messaging service
Google Store™ online store
Google Suggest™ suggestion service
Google Talk™ instant messaging service
Google Toolbar™ search bar
Google Transit™ trip planning service
Google Translate™ translation service
Google Video™ video search
Google Web Accelerator™ software
Google Web Alerts™ alert service
Google Web Search™ features
Google Zeitgeist™ report
AdWords™ advertising service
AdSense™ advertising service
Blogger™ web publishing service
Blog*Spot™ hosting service
Froogle™ product search
Gmail™ webmail service
I'm Feeling Lucky™ search service
Orkut™ online community
PageRank™ algorithm
Picasa™ photo organizer software
Hello™ picture instant message service
Dodgeball™ social networking service
Joga™ online community
Keyhole™ mapping service
Urchin™ web analytics service
Oingo™ advertising service
Quantified™ web analytics service
Writely™ word processing software
dMarc™ advertising services
Scott Studios™ audio systems
Maestro™ audio systems
Sketchup™ sketching software
Measure Map™ web analytics service
Trustrank™ algorithm


It's All About Results™
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Picture Simplicity™


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