Prof. Mario Nardelli
         Dipartimento di Chimica Generale ed Inorganica,
             Chimica Fisica e Chimica Analitica
         della Universita' degli Studi di Parma, Italy

  The computer programs of the following list can be downloaded by clicking on the name of the program .

  The FORTRAN sources have the extention .FOR, while the compiled codes
have the extentions: .EXE for PC/DOS, .sg for Silicon Graphics machines.

  The source codes can be compiled on every machine equipped with
suitable FORTRAN77 compiler.

  To run these programs key in the name of the program with no
extention if operating under DOS, with the extention .sg if on a
Silicon Graphic machine.
  For all the programs the computer asks for the names of the input and
output files that have to be keyed in by the user.
  More detailed instructions are given as comments at the heads of the
source codes.
  The author will be glad to be informed by e-mail about the success
(or the failure) of downloading and use of the programs.


ATOMCHAR ( download .FOR .EXE  .sg  )
calculates the atomic charges in a molecule and gives the input for
ROTENER. Two options are considered according to the methods of:
 - D.W. Smith (1990). J.Chem.Ed.,67, 559-562,
 - J. Gasteiger & M. Marsili (1980). Tetrahedron, 36, 3219-3228.
Data Input:  Input of PARST

CHANGDAT (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
modifies the lattice parameters, reflection indices, atomic coordinates
and anisotropic displacement parameters according to given rotation
matrices and a translation vector. Three options are available:
    (1) reflection indices in the F^2^ (or F) SHELX name.hkl input
    cell constants, atomic coordinates and anisotropic displacement
parameters in:
    (2) name.ins input file of SHELXL-93,
    (3) input file of PARST.
The matrices and vector are keyed in by the user when requested

CIFPARST  (download
creates an input file for PARST97 from a CIF. The file may require
some editing to consider: l.s. planes, l.s. lines, ring conformation
analysis, comparison of molecules or fragments, etc.

CYLABS   (download  .FOR.EXE .sg)
calculates the absorption correction for a cylindric single crystal
sample by interpolating data from a table giving the absorption
correction factors. The table is that of Int.Tab. vol. C (1992)
p. 523; Tab. for values of muR in the range 0-2.5, and Int.
Tab. vol.II (1959) p.302; Table 5.3.6 B for muR in the range 2.6-
10.0. The interpolation procedure illustrated by C.W.Dwiggins jr
(Acta Cryst.(1975).A31,146-148) is used with some modification.
The program corrects for absorption the observed squared structure
factors or structure factors in the input table for SHELXL-92 or
SHELX-76, respectively [FORMAT(3I4,2F8.2,3X,I1)].
The muR value, the absorption correction as a function of theta,
the max., min. and mean values of transmission factors, error
messages (if any) are quoted in a file named CYLABS.RIS.

CSDPARS   (download
sets up an input file for PARST from a FDAT file of the Cambridge
Structural Database (CSD).
    N.B. The output file require a minimum of editing before to be
used. In particular instructions for L.S. planes or lines, rings,
comparison of molecules or moieties must be added.
    In case of centrosymmetric space groups, only the origin on a
symmetry center is considered.

DSTANTAB   (download
This routine makes a table of bond distances and angles suitable
for publication (after a minimum of editing not involving numerical
data) from the PARST output.
    Both cases, thermal parameters and no-thermal parameters, are

HYDROGEN  (download  .FOR.EXE  .sg )
The coordinates of the hydroxyl and water hydrogens are calculated on the basis of
geometric and force-field considerations. The two possibilities, hydroxyl and water,
are run independently. Two files of input are requested: (1) the input of PARST97,
(2) a file giving the atom partial charges. The program asks for the names of the
input and output files. The output gives the hydroxyl or water hydrogen coordinates
and the hydrogen bonds. On request, output of geometric data and non bonded energy
profiles is also given. (Submitted for publication to Journ. Appl. Cryst. (1999).
Files of example are: ESHPAR.INP (example of hydroxyl 1st input),
ESHCRG.INP  (example of hydroxyl 2nd input), ESH.OUT  (example of hydroxyl output); ESWPAR.INP (example of water 1st input), ESWCRG.INP  (example of water 2nd input), ESW.OUT  , (example of water output).

MORPHO  (download   .FOR .EXE .sg)
Calculates the linear axial ratio (a:b=1:c), the linear interaxial
angles (alpha, beta, gamma), the polar axial ratio (p0:q0:r0=1), the
polar interaxial angles (lambda, mu, nu), the gnomonic projection
constants (p0',q0', x0',y0') and coordinates (x',y') from the
two-circle optical goniometer (phi, ro) measurements or from X-ray
crystal data. In addition, if the distances of the faces from a point
inside the crystal are given, the crystal corners are calculated.
Stereographic and gnomonic projections are also plotted. Also X-ray
data are considered (M. Nardelli, Proceedings of the Sixth European
Crystallographic Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 28 July - 1 August 1980,

ORDRIFL   (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
Given an input file containing the reflections in the form:
              h k l   Fo   sigma(Fo)   (3I4,2F8.2)
where Fo is the structure factor or the corrected intensity, on
request, the program checks for the Laue Class by listing the couples
of equivalent reflections, and gives the sum of the structure factor
differences. Then collects the reflections in groups (h00, 0k0, 00l,
0kl, h0l, hk0, hkl) to make easier the analysis of the systematic
absences and gives, for each group, the sums of the structure factors
with the corresponding percentages and the numbers of reflections.

PARS9396   (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
creates the input file for PARST97 (atom labels 6A1) from the input
file of PARST93 (atom labels 4A1).

PARST97   (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
a system of computer routines for calculating molecular parameters
from results of crystal structure analyses. [Computer & Chemistry,
(1983), 7, 95-98; J. Appl. Cryst. (1995). 28, 659].
   The program calculates: Niggli's reduced cell, orthogonal co-
ordinates, principal axes of thermal ellipsoids, bond lengths
(uncorrected and corrected for thermal motion), angles, torsions,
planes, straight lines, angles formed by planes and lines, puckering
and displacement asymmetry parameters of rings, spherical polar co-
ordinates for stereographic projections, intramolecular and inter-
molecular contacts, possible hydrogen bonds, coordinates of hydrogens
in typical groups, for a given set of atoms. The s.u.'s for all
these magnitudes are calculated. Comparison of the coordinates of
pairs of subsets of atoms is also considered to check for lost

PARSTCIF    (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
creates a CIF file from the output of PARST [Comput. Chem. (1983).
7,95-98; J. Appl. Cryst. (1995). 28, 659], according to the rules
explained by S.R. Hall, F.H. Allen and I.D. Brown in: "The
Crystallographic Information File (CIF): a New Standard Archive
File for Crystallography" [Acta Cryst.(1991). A47, 655-685].
The file can be used for submitting structural papers to Acta Cryst.
by Electronic mail according to the instructions given in Acta Cryst.
(1997). C53, 147-162.

PARSTINS    (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
allows to get the input file for SHELXL-93 from the file input of
N.B.- If KY=0 the wavelength is missing so it is given as 0.00000.
Some editing and checking of the file could be necessary.

PREP97    (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
sets up the input files for PARST97 and for THMV7 from the *.lst file
obtained by SHELXL-93 and SHELXL-97.
N.B.- The output files require a minimum of editing before to be used.
In particular instructions for L.S. planes or lines, rings, comparison
of molecules or moieties must be added.

ROTENER    (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
calculates the difference molecular non-bonded potential energy
after rotations of one or two molecular fragments about given
directions. The first two atoms of each set to be rotated define
the direction about which the rotations occur. Two options are
available: isolated molecule or molecule in the crystal (static
   The van der Waals energy is calculated only if the atoms involved
in the contacts are: H, C, N, O, F, Si, P, S, Cl, Fe, Br, Sn, I,
   The Coulombic energy is considered only if the atomic partial
charges are given with non zero values.
Literature: J.Chem.Soc.Dalton, 1990, p.179; ibid. 1991, p.203;
Gazz. Chim. Ital., (1991), 121, 433-439; QCPE BULLETIN. (1991), 11,
61; Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.(1994). 67, 189-195; J.Chem.Inform. Computer
Sci. (1994). 34, 972-975; Acta Cryst.(1994). C50, 1323-1326

SPHERABS    (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
calculates the absorption correction for spherical crystals by
interpolating data from a table giving the absorption correction
factors [Int.Tab. vol. C (1992) p. 523; Tab. for values of
muR in the range 0-2.5, and Int.Tab. vol.II (1959) p.302; Table
5.3.6 B for muR in the range 2.6-10.0]. The interpolation procedure
illustrated by C.W.Dwiggins jr [Acta Cryst.(1975).A31,146-148] is
used with some modification.
   The program corrects for absorption the observed squared structure
factors or structure factors in the input table for SHELXL-92 or
SHELX-76, respectively [FORMAT(3I4,2F8.2,3X,I1].
   The muR value, the absorption correction as a function of theta,
the max., min. and mean values of transmission factors, error
messages (if any) are quoted in a file named SPHERABS.RIS

STATRIFL     (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
considers the distribution of the observed and unobserved reflections
in reciprocal
space, i.e. in shells of sin(theta)/lambda
Input: the *.fcf or *.hkl files of SHELXL-93

TORSTAB     (download  .FOR .EXE .sg)
makes a table of torsion angles suitable for deposition
(after a minimum of editing) from the PARST output.
   Both cases, thermal parameters and no-thermal parameters, are