
A supported µ-oxo bis(µ-propionato) divanadium(III) complex

The presence of two cobridging propionato ligands forces a bent V-O-V geometry with a 133° bridge angle. This angle is about 10° larger than typically found in other M(III)-O-M(III) complexes with carboxylate bridging ligands. The larger angle in this case has been attributed to an increase in orbital energy with decreasing bridge angle for V(III)-O-V(III) species that resists formation of the bent bridge. The V-O bond lengths in this structure are about 0.2 A shorter than expected for V-O single bonds, indicating that there is some multiple bond character in the bridging bonds. The structure is also rich in a variety of chemical detail, octahedral metal centers, aromatic rings, acetonitrile solvate molecules, among others, that make it a useful example of many structural motifs that are encounted in crystallography.

Literature reference: Bond, M. R., Czernuszewicz, R. S., Dave, B. C., Mohan, M., Verastgue, R., and Carrano, C. J. "Spectroscopic and Magnetostructural Correlations in Oxo-Bridged Dinuclear Vanadium(III) Complexes of Potential Biological Significance" Inorg. Chem. 1995, 34, 5857-5869.

Companion Structure: (l-histidinato)4V2O.2H2O

Companion Structure: [(HB(pz)3(mu-CH3CH2CO2)V]2OH.(CH2)4O

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Last changed December 7, 1996

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