Quasicrystal Reflection Generator
JCrystalSoft, 2005
QuaRef is a
stand-alone software for Windows95/98/ME/2000/NT. It creates
lists of reflections for dihedral (octagonal, decagonal,
dodecagonal) and icosahedral quasicrystals. It displays the 0th.
layer as a static image and the the whole set of reflections in
an interactive 3D viewer. The reflections can be rotated by
dragging the mouse over the display area. For the simulation the
user can choose between lattice matrices as used by Dr. Akiji
Yamamoto or Prof. Walter Steurer.
QuaRef observes the extinction rules for the chosen
space groups. The encoded extinction rules are based on the
paper by Rabson, Mermin, Rokshar, Wright, 1991.

- Creation of reflection list with indices, theta, d, qe, qi,
- Yamamoto & Steurer matrices
- Observes extinction rules
- Reciprocal space viewer
- Graphics: display of indices; different color codes
- Direct printing of graphics
- Export of Bitmap images (BMP)
- Export of Windows Metafiles (WMF)
- Export reflection lists as ASCII files
- Export reflection lists as Tab-delimited data
QuaRef is Freeware. It can be downloaded and
distributed freely.
Below there is a link to a downloadable
self-extracting installation. Select
"Open" to run the setup program immediately or select "save"
to save the file to your computer.
click here for
QUAREF.exe (2.7 Mb)

- A.Yamamoto: Acta Cryst., A52, (1996), 509-560
- W. Steurer: Zeitschrift f.Krist., 190, (1990), 179-234
- Rabson, Mermin, Rokshar, Wright: Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.63,
No.3, July 1991
Links to quasicrystal websites:
© JCrystalSoft, 2005