Structural disorder in the ices

For the first time an in situ neutron single crystal diffraction study on one of the high pressure ices has been performed. Crystals of heavy ice VI have been grown from the liquid inside the pressure cell at ~0.9 Gpa/9 (kbar). The new cell allows a largely unrestricted three-dimensional data collection and has been mounted on the D9 offset Eulerian cradle. High resolution data of a quality comparable to ambient pressure data have been obtained. Details of the molecular disorder were studied. The oxygen atoms are found displaced in a direction opposite to the molecular bisectrix as seen in the figure below.

click on figure for more details

The resulting intramolecular geometry is quite different from the previously established values. This is conformation that the geometry of the water molecule is by far more "normal" (i.e. closer to the free water molecule) than indicated by earlier low-resolution crystallographic work. The small, but highly significant increase of the OH(D) bond-length by some 0.02Å as found in recent high-resolution studies must be ascribed to the cooperative of the water-water interactions.

Two further experiments on the ambient pressure phase of ice have been performed.