Electrolysis in batteries

The high penetrating power of neutrons, and their strong scattering by light atoms such as hydrogen and oxygen has permitted Ripert et al. to investigate in situ the complex chemical reactions that occur at the electrodes of Leclanché batteries during thermal annealing and electrochemical reduction. They showed that the reduction of MnO2 (Ramsdellite) to gamma-MnOOH (Groutite) consisted of the up-take of protons by the pyramidal oxygen in the double channels formed by the MnO-octahedrae.

When half these pyramidal channel sites are occupied, half the Mn^4+ are reduced to Mn^3+ and the surrounding octahedrae are strongly distorted by the Jahn-Teller effect. A network of hydrogen bonds distorts the channels, with a transition to a Groutite-type structure. The other half of the pyramidal oxygens are then hydroxylated at a different rate. This first stage electrochemical reduction should be completely reversible (as required for a battery), with no change in the topology of the lattice with the Ramsdellite-Groutite transformation.

However, further hydroxylation attacks the planar oxygen, leaving isolated layers of Mn^4+, which are immediately and irreversibly further reduced to Mn(OH)2 pyrochroite.

Irreversible changes, which are obviously not desirable in a rechargable battery, are observed in an earlier stage in MnO2 samples containing large amounts of rutile defects. In rutile, there are only single channels, and the planar oxygen is apparently attacked at an earlier stage, producing correspondingly large amounts of pyrochroite that can readily be seen in the neutron diffraction patterns.

Such experiments can help us understand the undesirable irreversible processes that occur, and may eventually help in the design of a rechargable MnO2 battery. Similar measurements have been attempted with lead acid batteries, where neutrons are even more interesting for locating the light oxygens in the presence of the very heavy lead atoms.

Last updated by Andrew Crowe on 31/01/1996