Magnetic Phase Transitions and Spin Ordering in Iron Silicates

Magnetic behaviour in quasi one-dimensional systems is of considerable theoretical and experimental interest. A number of silicate minerals containing Fe++ or Fe+++ ions in edge sharing infinite single, double, etc. chains have been examined using high resolution neutron powder diffraction on D1A. For example Ca(Fe++, Fe+++)Fe++Si207O(OH) ilvaite contains edge sharing double chains of FeA oxygen octahedra, infinite along the c-axis, with edge-sharing FeB octahedra alternatively above and below the plane of these double chains (Fig. 1). Below about 400K, the electronic transition from an itinerant to an ordered state has been studied by calculating the effective valence charges, using precise Fe-O bond length measurements obtained from profile refinement of neutron powder diffraction data.

click on figure for more details (Fig.1)

Magnetic structure from high resolution diffraction of ilvaite on D1A

The Fe++ and Fe+++ ordering on the A-sites can be clearly demonstrated. It has been shown that below 116K the Fe++ and Fe+++ spins on the A-sites along one infinite c-axis chain are parallel, and antiparallel to those along the adjoined edge sharing centro-symmetrically related site. Below 40K this order is maintained, but the Fe++ spins on the B-sites order antiferromagnetically as well.

A similar pattern of ferromagnetic ordering within chains, plus antiferromagnetic ordering between chains has been obtained for orthoferrosilite Fe2Si2O6 (Fig.2).

click on figure for more details (Fig.2)

Ferromagnetic ordering within chains plus antiferromagnetic ordering between claims in orthoferrosilite..

Precise D1A powder measurements of the low temperature monoclinic structure of magnetite Fe3O4 have clearly shown the monoclinic splitting at the Verwey transition (Fig. 3.a) and the weak superlattice lines due to the ordering of Fe++ and Fe+++ (Fig. 3.b).

click on figure for more details (Fig.3)

Powder measurements of the low temperature monoclinic structure of magnetite. (a) monoclinic splitting at the Verwey transition, b weak superlattice lines due to the ordering of Fe++ and Fe+++.

Valence charge calculations from precise Fe-O bond lengths obtained by profile refinement have identified some of the Fe++ sites, but others, related by a pseudo centre of symmetry, have taken a little longer.

Last updated by Andrew Crowe on 12/02/1996