Incommensurate Phases

Thanks to the especially well adapted diffractometer D10, the ILL continues its role of excellence in this domain. For example, the intermediate phase of quartz existing in a 1.3K range between the alpha and beta phases is in fact incommensurate. Six satellites are observed around most Bragg peaks along the three [100] directions or reciprocal space (shown below). Modulation corresponds to the superposition of sinusoidal plane waves as no higher order harmonics are observed. With decreasing temperature the modulation vector decreases from 0.033 to 0.029 reciprocal units. Premonitory diffuse scattering is observed in the beta phase a few degrees above Ti=847.2K (the incommensurate transition temperature). The results are in many respects analogous to the situation of NaNO2.

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Intensity map in the (00l) plane from Q-scans around the (022) reciprocal point at Ti-0.8K. The hatched elipsoids (labelled 1-6) correspond to the section of the satellite peaks at half their intensity; the central one (B), corresponding to the Bragg peak, roughly gives the experimental resolution. The lines a, b, c show the scan directions used to check for higher order components.

Another good example is given by the Kondo compound TmS. Single crystal neutron diffraction experiments have revealed a modulated antiferromagnetic structure below the Néel temperature TN=5.2K. At 1.5K the propagation vector q is (½-n, ½+n, ½), with n=0.075 (Figure below). In the simplest assumption, where no coupling does exist between the different Fourier components, the magnetic structure can be described as an amplitude modulation of the magnetization propagating along the [110] direction. The magnetic moments are aligned along [112] directions and (111) planes are antiferromagnetically coupled.

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Single crystal neutron diffraction by the Kondo compound TmS. A modulated antiferromagnetic structure below the Néel temperature TN=5.2K was observed.

Last updated by Andrew Crowe on 13/02/1996