23 September 2004

How do I find who cited my paper ?

Click on ISI Web of Knowledge and then click the Submit button.

Fill in the Topic, Author or other information eg enter "Vettier C*" as the Author. Choose the Timespan to be "Latest 5 years" (the default is the past year). Then hit the Search button.

You will now find a list of publications by this author within this timespan. Hit the Web of Science button under any given paper, for example the 2001 paper Orbital moment determination.... (If you choose a very recent paper, there may be no cites yet). Now hit the Times cited button, which in this case shows that the paper has been cited 7 times. This will give you a list of the papers citing this particular paper. You can click on any paper in this list to obtain details of the citing paper.

There are many other opitions that you may explore. For example, you can mark several papers and save them in your Marked List to be treated together.

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