Subdivisions of CCSL

For convenience the library has been divided into parts as follows:
The main library which contains routines used by all CCSL programs. It should be the last of the CCSl parts to be loaded by the linker.

A collection of CCSL main programs of general interest. This part should not be made into a searchable library. Some of the main programs have their own special subroutines attached. These are recognised by not being preceeded by a C LEVEL line. They will be extracted correctly with the MAIN program to which they belong by the GET procedure.

Some special MAIN programs, not of general interest or guaranteed to work!

Graphics routines for driving various different output devices. Essentially contains several different versions of the subroutine PIGLET and attachments. The different versions are distinguished by the name in the C LEVEL line, and may be extracted under this alias by GET. For instance the tektronix version is called PIGTEK and the GKS version PIGGKS. Some hints about how to load graphics programs are available.

Subroutines used for profile refinement. Not needed by programs in the MAI part of the library.

Subroutines for profile refinement of time-of-flight data. Mostly different types of peak fitting function.

Main programs for profile refinement. Like MAI this part should not be made into a search library.

Experimental code, not for general use.

P.J. Brown - Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, FRANCE. e-mail