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My molecule disappeared from the GraphEnt EM projection map.
Electron microscopy data quite often have a problem with the estimated standard
deviations of the amplitudes. Let me illustrate this with an example.
The figure below compares the conventional and GraphEnt maps for a 8Å potential density projection of a large complex.
Problematic EM projection
It looks as if all low resolution information disappeared from the GraphEnt map,
and this is more-or-less what has indeed have happened. The reason is shown
in the next figure. The two graphs show on the same scale the distribution of
versus resolution for the EM data (left graph) and of a typical X-ray
crystallographic data set (right graph).
Distribution of F/sig(F)
Whereas the X-ray data have a
dynamic range extending approximately over two orders of magnitude, the EM
data show a flat distribution with the (strong) low resolution terms having a
value of
(F) not much different from the data in the highest
resolution shell. Because I have seen this behaviour with almost all EM data
sets that I have come across, I suspect that the problem is with the data
processing programs used by the EM community.
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Previous: My native Patterson function
NMG, Nov 2002