Examples from Extra data disc 2
Extra Data Disc 2
The extra data disc 2 for !PolyDraw and !PolyNet contains some interesting
polyhedra from G.Inchbald and a
few non-convex solids from Fortran Friends. Almost 80 data files in all.
Example Plots

The 'hexagonal dipyramid'. This is the dual of the hexagonal prism; there
are 5 dipyramids and their corresponding prisms on the disc.

Compound of 3 square prisms coloured to show the individual prisms.

Deltadimpled rhombicuboctahedron. All the triangles are equilateral.
A group of space filling solids
Compound of 5 cubes

The compound of 5 cubes is a stellation of the rhombitriacontahedron. Here
it is shown with each cube a different colour.
Page last updated 05 Dec 2000
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