(IUCr) Auto Check List

IUCr Prefilter


These must be present and must be of type char, although the old
_publ_contact_author is still allowed.
email must be of type char.
_publ_requested_journal Must be present and must be of type char.
_publ_section_title Must be present and must be of type char.
_publ_author_name Must be present and must be of type char.
_publ_author_address Must be present and must be of type char.
_publ_section_synopsis If present must be of type char.
_publ_section_abstract Must be present and must be of type char.
_publ_section_comment If present must be of type char.
_publ_section_exptl_prep If present must be of type char.
At least one of these must be present to give details of the refinement.
All of these must be of type char if they are present.
_atom_type_scat_source Must be present and must be of type char.


_chemical_formula_sum Must be present and of type char.
_chemical_formula_moiety If present must be of type char.
_chemical_formula_weight Must be present and of type numb.
_symmetry_cell_setting Must be present and of type char.
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M Must be present and of type char.
_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz Must be present and of type char. Also must not contain fractions
as decimals. e.g. 'x+0.5,y+0.5,z' is not allowed.
'x+1/2,y+1/2,z' is OK.
All should be of type numb. _cell_length_a must always be present.
A check is made against the cell setting to ensure that all the required
information is given
_cell_volume Must be present and of type numb.
_cell_formula_units_Z Must be present and of type numb.
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn Must be present and of type numb.
A value must be present if a method given and vice versa.
Method must be type char.
_diffrn_radiation_type Must be present and of type char.
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength Must be present and of type numb.
_cell_measurement_reflns_used Must be present (not area) and a number.
Must be present (not area) and of type numb.
_cell_measurement_temperature Must be present and of type numb.
_exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu Must be present and of type numb.
_exptl_crystal_description Must be present (not powder) and be of type char.
Must be numbers, in order. (not required for powder papers)
_rad should be present for cylinder/sphere.
_exptl_crystal_colour Must be present and of type char.
_diffrn_measurement_device (old)
Must be present and of type char.
_diffrn_measurement_method Must be present and of type char.
_diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean Must be a number and should be present for a papers.
Must be recognised (default is none). (not area)
_type must be present if Tmin/Tmax present.
Tmin/Tmax must be numbers. Must be present
if _type present and not none.
_diffrn_reflns_number Must be present (not powder) and a number.
_reflns_number_total Must be present (not powder) and a number.
Must be present (not powder) and a number.
Must be present (not powder) and of type char.
_diffrn_reflns_theta_max Must be present and of type numb.
_diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents (Not area/powder) Must be a number, must be present if
_reflns_number_total not equal to _reflns_number_gt
(or _observed). Must be zero if present and _total = _gt.
Must be present and numbers.
_diffrn_standards_number Must be present (not area/powder) and a number.
One of these must be present (not area/powder)
and must be numbers.
_diffrn_standards_decay_% Must be present (not powder) and a number.
_refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Must be present and of type char.
_refine_ls_R_factor_obs (old)
Must be present and of type numb.
_refine_ls_wR_factor_obs (old)
Must be present and of type numb.
Must be present and of type numb.
Must be present and of type numb.
_refine_ls_weighting_scheme Must be present and of type char.
_refine_ls_weighting_details Should be present and of type char.
_refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment Must be present if hydrogen present and of type numb.
Must be present and of type numb.
Must be present and of type numb.
If one is present, so must the other.
If details present then Flack or Rogers
must be present. If Flack/Rogers then
details must be present.
_atom_site_label Should always be present and of type char.
Should always be present and of type numb.
_atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv Should always be present and of type char.
_atom_site_aniso_label Should always be present and of type char.
Should always be present and of type numb.
Should always be present and of type char.
_geom_bond_distance Should always be present and of type numb.
Should always be present and of type char.
_geom_angle Should always be present and of type numb.