Known Bugs

1.31 - Known bugs in WinGX

The following program bugs in WinGX are under investigation
  1. The use of shadowing in the Raster3D programs sometimes causes RENDER to crash, especially at higher resolutions. This problem may be cured with the newer version of RENDER in WinGX 1.64.

The following known glitches in WinGX 1.64 can arise occasionally because of bugs in the Salford Software run-time library SALFLIBC.DLL.
  1. The inter-process messaging sometimes causes the receiving program to crash with an error message "Invalid stream pointer (FILE*=NULL)".
  2. PLATON crashes immediately on load up with the error message "Access violation in CCOPY#". There is now a work around which SHOULD cure this problem - please let me know if this is not the case. It is caused because the buffer used to hold the PATH environment variable can overflow if users have very long PATH names.
Both problems should be fixed in a later release of SALFLIBC.DLL.