DIFRAC introduction

Users of several models of 4-circle single-crystal diffractometers may well have been struck by the diversity of form and content of the data files generated by diffractometer-manufacturers' software. The form of the file can create difficulties in its transfer to other computing equipment and further renders the corresponding computer programs specific to a certain type or types of diffractometer. The difficulties in the content of the files manifest themselves principally by the paucity of the available information necessitating additional input to the data treatment software (e.g. type of radiation, wavelength of radiation, scan width, sense of rotation of angles on the single-crystal diffractometer, etc.). The problem has become aggravated in recent times by the rapid development in electronic data exchange. It is now frequent to exchange files by computer networking and electronic mail rather than by the standard means of the recent past, the 1/2in magnetic tape. The advent of machine-readable submission for publication, data-base and supplementary-material deposition further highlights the problem of missing data.

Our own motivation for producing this software arose from the work of the IUCr Subcommittee on Statistical Descriptors (Schwarzenbach, Abrahams et al., 1989). We wished to be able to perform structure refinements on the directly-observed quantities such as peak and background intensities (Schwarzenbach and Flack, 1991), crystal dimensions (Schwarzenbach, 1991; Blanc, Schwarzenbach and Flack, 1991) etc. which should not be corrected for any systematic effects. In this project we also had to face the problem of producing refinement and data-treatment software which would function smoothly on data produced by three different types of single-crystal diffractometer. Further it became clear that with the advent of machine-readable submission of structural papers to journals and data bases it would be highly advantageous to obtain a clear, complete, instrument-independent record of the diffractometer measurements and conditions in the form of a data file at the earliest possible opportunity i.e. while the crystal was still mounted on the instrument.