This file contains the face index and distance information about the crystal. It is a SHELX style free format text file with four-character data identifiers. It may either be created manually with a text-editor, created by the ANALYTICAL or GAUSSIAN absorption correction programs, or by the visualisation program XtalView. The format is as follows
TITL    test crystal shape for NaWO4.2H2O
CELL    8.4797  10.5930  13.8527   90.0   90.0   90.0
FACE    0   0   1   0.0387
FACE    0   0  -1   0.0387
FACE    1   0   0   0.1225
FACE   -1   0   0   0.1225
FACE    0   1   0   0.1375
FACE    0  -1   0   0.1375
FACE    0   1   2   0.0825
FACE    0  -1  -2   0.0825
FACE    0   1  -2   0.0825
FACE    0  -1   2   0.0825
FACE    1   0   1   0.1050
FACE   -1   0  -1   0.1050
FACE   -1   0   1   0.1050
FACE    1   0  -1   0.1050
ABSC   18.669
The TITL card is optional if you want to put a title in the picture.