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Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database (BMCD)

contains crystal data and the crystallization conditions, which have been compiled from literature. In addition the BMCD contains the NASA Protein Crystal Growth Archive, which includes the crystallization data generated from studies carried out in a microgravity environment supported by NASA.

Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)

The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) contains crystal structure information for over 245,000 organic and metal organic compounds.

Heavy Atom Databank

collected information on the preparation and characterisation of HEAVY-ATOM derivatives of protein crystals.

Homologous Structure Alignment Database (HOMSTRAD)

is a database of structure-based alignments for homologous protein families. It provides annotated structural alignments in various formats, superimposed structures, links to other databases and the alignment and searching interface to the program FUGUE.

Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)

Contains complete structural information for inorganic compounds, including compound name, molecular formula, crystal symmetry group, unit cell parameters, atomic coordinates, and temperature factors.

Metalloprotein Database (MDB)

contains quantitative information on all the metal-containing sites available from structures in the PDB distribution.

Metals Structure Database (CRYSTMET)

is a database of crystallographic data for metals, including alloys, intermetallics and minerals.

Nucleic Acid Database (NDB)

assembles and distributes structural information about nucleic acids.

Pauling File - Inorganic Materials Database and Design System

covers all non-organic ordered solid state materials and consists of structure, diffraction, constitution (phase diagram) and physical property data. The currently available version (Binaries Edition) is limited to binary (and unary) phases only.

Powder Diffraction File (PDF)

maintained by the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD).

Protein Data Bank (PDB)

An international repository for the processing and distribution of 3-D macromolecular structure data primarily determined experimentally.

...to be continued...