Diamond Version 3: Create POV-Ray scenes
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Diamond version 3 lets you create POV-Ray scenes. "POV-Ray" stands for
"Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer" and is the world's most popular raytracer, a
tool for producing high-quality computer graphics. POV-Ray is copyrighted
freeware (http://www.povray.org/).
The scene is described in a script, the "POV" file, and Diamond 3 gives you a
tool to create such POV files from a structure picture, with the help of an
assistant that adds background images, textures, pigments, reflections etc. to
the scene. The quality of the resulting image will exceed the quality that
Diamond offers directly in its rendering mode by far!
So as an example, taking this view of "TA1406" (polymeric potassium
diaquahexa-μ-cyanoholmium(III)ruthenium(II) dihydrate, by J. A. Kautz,
from Acta Cryst. C59 (2003), pp. i89-i91)...

...we create a POV-Ray scene by adding a sky background and an ocean plane.
As you see, unlike Diamond, POV-Ray renders shadows and reflections.

Another POV-Ray image has been created from "TA1215" ("A mixed tribridging
dimolybdenum(I) compound:
by G. Pan, B. Zhuang, and J. Chen, from Acta Cryst. C55 (1999),
pp. 297-298), with "summer sky" background, a reflecting wood floor, and wooden
textures for atoms and bonds.

Diamond 3 Features Overview...
Previous: Individual assignment of model...
Next: Geometry enhancements: Planes, lines and more...