
The hornblende end-member of HP90 has been removed from the data set and replaced with tschermakite. Using the mixing model described earlier, the experimental data on alumina content of amphiboles of Jenkins (1994) on both silica-saturated and -undersaturated assemblages (tr + di + an + q, tr + fo + sp) as well as the much higher pressure data of Hoschek (1995) on the assemblage (tr + q + ky + zo) are simultaneously satisfied (see Figure 5). Vesuvianite data are derived from the experiments of Hochella et al. (1980).

178)  ts + 2di + 2q = tr + 2an   (Jenkins, 1994)
  ln_K  x(CO2)  P(kbar)      T(C)     H(low) H(high)  miss   calc   2sd        summary
  5.76     -      2.0        607      -23.42   -6.41          4.99  0.62   1 (-9.49 <-> -6.76)
  5.47     -      2.0        698      -22.01   -6.06          4.88  0.56   cH = -9.28 (sd  2.27) 2
  4.85     -      2.0        797      -16.57   -3.28          4.77  0.51   within bracket
  3.93     -      4.5        674      -12.54   -3.54          4.09  0.58   uH = 0.45, d/s = 3.8, h = 0.23
  3.81     -      4.5        776      -11.58   -2.58          4.06  0.52   
  2.93     -      7.0        650       -9.84   -3.91          3.24  0.59   
  3.10     -      7.0        750      -14.11   -0.72          3.32  0.53   
179)  ts + 2fo = tr + 2sp   (Jenkins, 1994)
  ln_K  x(CO2)  P(kbar)      T(C)     H(low) H(high)  miss   calc   2sd        summary
  1.56     -      5.9        789      -29.54  -25.39          1.40  0.50   1 (-26.41 <-> -25.49)
  1.41     -      6.1        800      -28.31  -24.35          1.38  0.49   cH = -26.07 (sd  2.19) 2
  1.25     -      8.0        827      -26.50  -22.67          1.41  0.48   within bracket
                                                                          uH = 0.27, d/s = 2.0, h = 0.67
180)  5ts + 7q = 3tr + 7ky + 2zo + H2O   (Hoschek, 1995)
  ln_K  x(CO2)  P(kbar)      T(C)     H(low) H(high)  miss   calc   2sd        summary
  8.60     0     10.0        700      -68.46  -29.17          7.63  2.71   1 (-67.49 <-> -39.95)
 13.96     0     15.0        720      -75.41  -38.98         12.00  2.66   cH = -41.00 (sd  10.98) 2
 17.05     0     20.0        740      -80.98  -16.96         16.10  2.61   within bracket
                                                                          uH = 2.41, d/s = 6.1, h = 0.13
181)  clin + 2dol = 3fo + 2cc + sp + 4H2O + 2CO2   (Chernosky & Berman, 1986)
  ln_K  x(CO2)  P(kbar)      T(C)     H(low) H(high)  miss   calc   2sd        summary
 -0.04  0.43      1.0     565  585   585.76  597.14           579     4   1 (586.68 <-> 596.22)
                                                                          cH = 593.77 (sd  0.95) 2
                                                                          within bracket
                                                                          uH = 2.92, d/s = 2.0, h = 0.01
182)  3clin + 2cc = 2di + 5fo + 3sp + 2CO2 + 12H2O   (Chernosky & Berman, 1986)
  ln_K  x(CO2)  P(kbar)      T(C)     H(low) H(high)  miss   calc   2sd        summary
  0.09  0.20      1.0     588  608  1326.59 1350.63           608     2   1 (1328.55 <-> 1348.67)
                                                                          cH = 1350.63 (sd  1.56) 2
                                                                          too high but OK
                                                                          uH = 6.12, d/s = 2.0, h = 0.00
183)  25pump = 29cz + 14gr + 5clin + 6q + 53H2O   (Schiffman & Liou, 1980)
  ln_K  x(CO2)  P(kbar)      T(C)     H(low) H(high)  miss   calc   2sd        summary
 -0.26     0      5.0     360  380  3809.74 3859.71    -15    345     6   4 (3746.78 <-> 3790.19)
 -0.26     0      6.0     359  365  3760.85 3776.12           362     6   cH = 3768.50 (sd  11.24) 
 -0.26     0      8.0     377  395  3720.19 3759.27      5    400     8   within bracket
                                                                          uH = 13.04, d/s = -1.9, h = 1.00
184)  2vsv + 6q = 11gr + 4di + wo + 9H2O   (Hochella et al., 1980)
  ln_K  x(CO2)  P(kbar)      T(C)     H(low) H(high)  miss   calc   2sd        summary
     0     0      1.0     375  390   462.97  464.92           377     4   2 (462.10 <-> 464.51)
     0     0      2.0     400  415   460.79  463.64           413     6   cH = 463.31 (sd  0.82) 
                                                                          within bracket
                                                                          uH = 0.87, d/s = 0.4, h = 1.00

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