Using proprep & gformat on Windows These programs are designed to be used from the command line and in the directory where the data files are located. Experienced windows users who will use these programs often may wish to either add the directory where the proprep.exe and gformat.exe files are installed to the PATH or may wish to install these files to a directory that is already in the path. For occasional use, it probably makes more sense to simply copy the two files to the directory where they will be used. To use these programs within CMPR, also place a copy of the files into the directory with the cmpr.tcl (etc.) file (typically C:\Program Files\CMPR) (Note that this works for version 1.27 of CMPR or later). Typical use of proprep & gformat: open a "DOS" window. There are several ways to do this. One way is to use the Run command in the Start menu to execute: cmd.exe (on -NT/-2000/-XP) or command.exe (on -9x/-ME) change the working directory: s: cd \MyFiles run the programs: proprep mydat001 mydat002 gformat -s mydat001 mydat002 use proprep -h or gformat -h for help