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These structures are primary designed for quant analysis. Therefore,
each of the files contains a GOAL
for quant analysis. E.g.
the file QUARTZ.STR
contains the item
GOAL:quartz=GEWICHT*exp(my*d*3/4)In this example, the Brindley correction is included. This is the case in most of the structures. Therefore, you must support the main grain diameter d in the
file. Here, we give the file
for demonstration:
VERZERR=rd7std31.geq WMIN=6 d=2 pi=2*acos(0) POL=sqr(cos(26.6*pi/180)) VAL[1]=qan30.val GOAL[1]=quartz/(anhydrite+quartz)=0.7200 GOAL[2]=anhydrite/(quartz+anhydrite)=0.2800 STRUC[1]=quartz.str STRUC[2]=anhydrite.str OUTPUT=anhy30.par LIST=anhy30.lst DIAGRAMM=anhy30.dia PARAM[1]=EPS1=0.0001_-0.0001^0.0001 PARAM[2]=EPS2=-5.67860102128615E-004 PROTOKOLL=Y