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Reverse Monte Carlo and pseudo simulated annealing code for ab initio crystal structure determination, either from scratch (random starting model) or by "molecule location", fitting either to "|Fobs|" extracted by powder diffractometry or to single crystal data.
Last modification : July 2000 |
Espoir is a reverse Monte Carlo and pseudo simulated annealing code for ab initio crystal structure determination, either from "scratch" (from a completely random starting model) or by "molecule location" (analogous to the Molecule Replacement method), fitting either to the structure factors amplitudes "|Fobs|" extracted by powder diffractometry or to single crystal data (not any potential needed). This is a "last chance" program which we recommend to use only after failing with classical methods (Direct and Patterson methods). Many molecule location programs were proposed recently (OCTOPUS, PowderSolve, ENDEAVOUR, DASH, TOPAS...), but few are easily available. Most of them are commercial and very expensive. Espoir is the only program in this category distributed with open sources (GNU Public License = GPL), and free for academic research. The limit in the "scratch" mode seems to be close to 15-30 independent atoms maximum in the asymetric unit. This limit can be overcome by using the molecule location options in Espoir, extended to 6 independent objects (fragments and/or groups of random atoms). This version includes automatic molecule connectivity analysis and the use of torsion angles as variable parameters. The cost function depends either on "|Fobs|" extracted by powder diffractometry (or coming from crystal data), or on a pseudo powder pattern regenerated from the "|Fobs|" (maybe the unique innovation here, since Monte Carlo and simulated annealing is all old stuff). The program was presented at EPDIC-7, Barcelona, May 2000, and the proceedings will be published in 2001 or 2002. A full preprint is available at : Espoir in french = hope in english (something not to lose when dealing with structure determination by powder diffractometry). However, do not load too much hope in Espoir, you could be deceived. Every program, even a last chance one, has limits. More about SDPD (Sructure Determination by Powder Diffractometry) in the SDPD Internet Course, see: http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/course/
To be cited in case of use : - A. Le Bail, "ESPOIR: A program for solving structures by monte Carlo analysis of powder diffraction data," Materials Science Forum 378-381 (2001) 65-70. Applications published using ESPOIR : - Y. Laligant, A. Le Bail and F. Goutenoire, "Ab initio structure
determination of lanthanum cyclo-tetratungstate
- R.I. Walton, F. Millange, D. O’Hare, A. Le Bail, T. Loiseau, C. Serre, G. Férey, "The room-temperature crystallisation of a one-dimensional gallium fluorophosphate, Ga(HPO4)2F.H3N(CH2)3NH3·2H2O, a precursor to three-dimensional microporous gallium fluorophosphates," Chem. Comm. 3 (2000) 203-204. - A. Le Bail, P.W. Stephens and F. Hubert, "A crystal struicture for the souzalite/gormanite series from synchrotron powder diffraction data." submitted to European Journal of Mineralogy. the manuscript can be seen at : http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/souza.pdf Please send references to alb@cristal.org
if you publish an applicatiuon using ESPOIR - thanks.
This ESPOIR 3.5 package, espoir.zip contains :
Unzip all these files in any directory
named at your convenience, and run the program (no DLL needed, nothing
to change in the autoexec.bat file...).
The source code The source codes ready for compilation by both MS Visual C++6 and Compaq Visual Fortran 6.1 running under MS Visual Studio 6.can be found at : If you wish to build a DOS/UNIX/LINUX version without any GUI, you will find the Fortran source code ready for compilation by Compaq Visual Fortran 6.1 at : This version possess exactly the same functionalities
as the Windows version.
For each of them are given 2 files, the name.dat containing instructions and the name.hkl containing reflections : generic file
Molecule location files zhucl : 2 objects : a CoN5O octahedron and a Cl atom tetrasync: tetracycline hydrochloride (SDPDRR) : two objects ibuprofen: ibuprofen : one object, 4 torsion angles zhutest2 : 2 objects : a CoN5O octahedron and a NO3 molecule zhutest3 : 3 objects : like zhutest3 plus an independent O atom
Two files are absolutely necessary for running Espoir : 1. name.hkl containing the "|Fobs|", from any origin (powder data or single crystal). Be careful : never enter any intensity in that program : exclusively structure factor amplitudes (corresponding to HKLF 3 card for SHELX users) 2. name.dat containing parameters defining the model (scratch or molecule fragment) and piloting the Monte carlo process (it is like trying to pilot a bottle in the ocean : you just can hope to attain your expected destination, but Espoir will sometimes guide you somewhere that you may not have expected). Recommendations for preparing a new .dat file are to copy one of the example files, rename it, adapt it to your needs. Other possibility is to open template.dat, save it under another name, and fill in the blank lines. Finally, you may use the prespoir program delivered with the package. Recommendations for preparing a .hkl file
are to record a good powder diffraction pattern (no preferred orientation),
then, having determined the cell and the space group, to extract the structure
factor amplitudes by using either Fullprof, WinMProf, GSAS (...) which
apply the Le Bail method, or use the Pawley method with the program of
your choice. Use then the U,V,W parameters refined during the "|Fobs|"
extraction (the Caglioti law parameters) for the regeneration of the pseudo
powder pattern in Espoir. In that way, you will avoid overlapping problems.You
may also apply Espoir to |F| single crystal data.
Running the Program The Windows PC version will run by clicking on Espoir.exe, opening the window shown below : ![]() Click on "File" and then on "Open file", and select your data file, for instance cuvo3C.dat from the example files. A window is open in which you may see the parameters piloting the Espoir run, modify them if you wish. In that case, you should save the file before running Espoir. If you wish to create a new .dat file, you may "Open" the template.dat file and "Save as" it under a name of your choice. However, the best and recommended method is to copy an existing file under another name, and then to modify it. Another possibility is to use the Prespoir program which helps interactively for the .dat file creation (unfortunately, Prespoir is not yet integrated inside Espoir). You may also edit and modify the associated cuvo3C.hkl file (changing the reflection number, for instance) before to start the Monte Carlo procedure, by clicking on "View" and then on "hkl" (the generic "name" - here cuvo3C - has not to be given since the program already knows it after the name.dat file opening). "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" are possible by the "Edit" command. Then start the Monte Carlo procedure by clicking on "Run", and then on "Espoir" (see above). Alternative is to use the shortcut : Ctrl+R. A new "Progress View" window is open in which details are given in text mode about the intermediate results. You will have then to wait, possibly a lot (between a few seconds and several days, depending on your problem complexity). As soon as the first test is finished, access will be open to some details concerning the best test already completed by the program. Depending on the choice of the ipri parameter (see below), determining the various output files, you may either : - See the regenerated observed and calculated patterns (name.prf file). For that you will have to click on "View" and then on "Profile" in order to make appear the profile drawing :
- See the final structure in different ways (WinORTEP or WinSTRUPLO by using the .ins file ; RASMOL by using the name.xyz file, clicking on "View" and then on "Structure" (see below); STRUVIR by using the namestru.dat file ; NETSCAPE or EXPLORER with a VRML viewer by using the namepo.wrl or namewi.wrl files ; PLATON by using the .spf file, etc.
Of course, in the above case, viewing an inorganic structure like CuVO3 with RASMOL is not completely satisfying... You should prefer WinStruplo or Winortep by using the .ins file. - See the animation of the accepted Monte Carlo events (nameN.xyz), where N = the test number in that run, by using WINMOL or CHIME (see below - CHIME is built on a RASMOL basis), a plug-in for browsers like Netscape or Internet Explorer: In that case, the .xyz file contains the whole series of coordinates stored after each accepted Monte Carlo event. Moreover, not only the atoms in the asymetric unit are shown, but also those obtained by applying the space group symmetry. See an example of such animation in the ibuprofen case. - Etc (see the various output files and
their format in that Help file).
Why Espoir may work ? What is the difference with a simple grid-search
program which would possibly need years for finding a solution (excepted
if the solution is at the grid beginning...)? Time is to pull down of his
pedestal the Monte Carlo and simulated annealing process in the case of
molecule location. Well, this is because being close to the ideal position
will suffice to obtain a significant lowering of the R factor. The more
"close to" is large, and faster a solution will be obtained with Espoir.
That's really all. Imagine that you explore randomly the full grid: if
you have chance, you will find an edge of the potential hole, and then
the pseudo simulated annealing process will help you to go at the hole
bottom. Making numerous tests in a run increase your chances. Not so cute.
The more unstable part of the program is the STRUPLO/STRUVIR part. You may avoid entering in that part by selecting ipri smaller or equal to 4. Most frequent errors with Espoir are : - Using intensities instead of structure
factor amplitudes in the .hkl file
Latest corrected bugs
Limits 1000 reflections
Authors of Espoir for Windows Copyright © 1999-2000
Web site : http://www.cristal.org/sdpd/espoir/
Acknowledgments Thanks to Roger Sayle for that wonderful
public domain program : RASMOL.
Thanks to the Dupont de Nemours Company who decided to grant that project for improving Espoir version 2, on the recommendations of Richard Harlow, without any condition on source code and program availability, but the conditions of the GNU General Public License.
An example delivered with this version
(cuvo3c.dat) is detailed below :
Test on CuVO3 : text for this run 4.9646 5.4023 4.9154 90.32 119.13 63.93 : cell parameters P -1 : SG : Space group 1.54056 4 5 3 1 1 1 : wa, kxr, na, nt, nob, ns, ipri 0.09 -0.03 0.04 3 : U, V, W, Nstep optional if ns=1 Cu V O : atom type names 1 : ncon : constraint on distances 2.5 2.5 1.6 2.5 1.6 2.3 : rcut - optional if ncon=1 3. 3. 3. : delta (nt values) 2. 1.0 0.008 : anneal, sigma, reject 5000 100000 20000 : n1, n2, n3 20000 0.25 2 10 : nstart, rmax, ichi, ntest nob groups of lines, where nob = number of objects 1 10 : nobt, n4 : type of object, perm. 1 1 3 : ni : number of atoms of i-type 1.1 0 0 : bov, nocc, nspe optional lines according to nocc, nspe and nobt (here nothing) Example of atomic coordinates given if nobt = 0 : -0.0760 0.3091 -0.5059 1. : x,y,z,occupation number -0.6436 -0.8249 -0.7986 1. 0.3537 0.6792 0.6986 1. 0.9300 -0.1930 0.9905 1. -0.1040 -0.0487 -0.3215 1. : care to make a return here Example of atomic coordinates given if nobt = 2 : 10. 10. 10. 90. 90. 90. : cell containing the fragment -0.0760 0.3091 -0.5059 1. : x,y,z,occupation number -0.6436 -0.8249 -0.7986 1. 0.3537 0.6792 0.6986 1. 0.9300 -0.1930 0.9905 1. -0.1040 -0.0487 -0.3215 1. : care to make a return hereIf the fragment coordinates are Cartesian, the cell parameters should be 0. 0. 0. 90. 90. 90. See the example files for some combinations of objects. WARNING about coordinates : note that the atomic coordinates should be given in the exact order defined by the ni values. For instance, in the CuVO3 case above, giving 1 1 3 as ni values, after having defined that the atom-types will appear in the order Cu V O, means that the coordinates will correspond to 1 Cu, then 1 V and then 3 O atoms, strictly in that order.
Parameter definitions Be careful that a line
length should not exceed 80 characters
text (format 20A4) A title for the run. cell
(free format, 6 real).
The space group to be interpreted by Prof. Burzlaff's
wa, kxr,
na, nt, nob, ns, ipri
One real and 6 integers (free format)
Note that if you insert a rigid fragment inside your model (nobt=2 or 3),
U, V, W, nstep
Optional line occuring only if ns = 1 (see above)
name1, name2...
(characters in format 8A4 )
code for constraints on shortest interatomic distances
Care that there could be one optional line here : rcut
[(nt+1)*nt/2] reals in free format
Note that this option of minimal distance constraints should be used with caution. It is very efficient in P1. But imagine that, in any other space group, you work with more than one object : at the beginning, all objects are misplaced, and you will refuse a move because an object hurts a misplaced object... When Espoir checks distances for an object,
it will behave differently if the object is a rigid fragment or if it is
a group of independent atoms :
This means that you may have advantage to introduce several times the same atom type, aif it can belong to both a fragment and a group of independent atoms. This will allow you to play with two kinds of distances involving this atom type. delta1, delta2...
anneal, sigma,
reject (reals)
is a way for doing some simulated annealing, avoiding sometimes
= standard deviation on |F| (an overall value).
= test for accepting randomly 40% moves that do not improve
n1, n2, n3
(3 integers)
nstart, rmax,
ichi, ntest
(integer) determines the test made for accepting or rejecting an
Recommended values :
The group of following
lines have to be given nob times,
where nob is the number of objects.
nobt, n4
2 integers
nobt = -3 : fragment with free torsion angles and you want
: this parameter may have 2 meanings according to the
If torsion angles and global molecule rotation can both occur, then this
ni1, ni2...
nt values (integers)
bov, nocc, nspe
: one real and 2 integers (free format)
Of course, if nocc=1 and nspe=1, then 2 optional lines should be given next, in that same order. And the special position codes (nsp) currently defined in the program are : nsp code position nspe code position 1 - x,y,z general position 2 - x,x,x 6 - x,0,z 9 - x,y,0 10- 0,y,z 13- x,0,0 12- 0,y,0 8 - 0,0,z 3 - 0,0,0 14- 1/2,0,0 15- 0,1/2,0 16- 0,0,1/2 17- 1/2,1/2,1/2 18- 1/2,1/2,0 19- 1/2,0,1/2 20- 0,1/2,1/2 21- x,1/2,1/2 22- 1/2,y,1/2 23- 1/2,1/2,z 24- x,0,1/2 25- 0,y,1/2 26- 1/2,0,z 27- x,1/2,0 11- 1/2,y,0 5 - 0,1/2,z 28- x,1/2,z 29- 1/2,y,z 30- x,y,1/2 4 - x,1/4,z 31- x,y,1/4 32- 1/4,y,z 33- 1/4,1/4,0 34- 1/4,0,1/4 35- 0,1/4,1/4 36- 1/4,1/4,1/2 37- 1/4,1/2,1/4 38- 1/2,1/4,1/4 7 - x,0,1/4 39- x,1/4,0 40- 0,y,1/4 41- 1/4,y,0 42- 0,1/4,z 43- 1/4,0,z 44- x,1/2,1/4 45- x,1/4,1/2 46- 1/2,y,1/4 47- 1/4,y,1/2 48- 1/2,1/4,z 49- 1/4,1/2,z 50- x,1/4,1/4 51- 1/4,y,1/4 52- 1/4,1/4,z 53- 1/4,1/4,1/4 55- 3/4,3/4,3/4 56- x,1/4,3/4 57- x,3/4,1/4 58- 1/4,y,3/4 59- 3/4,y,1/4 60- 1/4,3/4,z 61- 3/4,1/4,z 54- 1/4,1/4,3/4 62- 3/4,1/4,1/4 63- 1/4,3/4,1/4 64- 0,1/2,1/4 65- 0,1/4,1/2 66- 1/2,0,1/4 67- 1/4,0,1/2 68- 1/2,1/4,0 69- 1/4,1/2,0 70- 1/2,1/2,1/4 71- 1/2,1/4,1/2 72- 1/4,1/2,1/2 73- 1/4,0,0 74- 0,1/4,0 75- 0,0,1/4 76- 3/4,1/4,1/2 77- 1/2,3/4,1/4 78- 1/4,1/2,3/4 79- 3/4,1/2,1/4 80- 1/2,1/4,3/4 81- 1/4,3/4,1/2 82- 1/4,3/4,0 83- 0,1/4,3/4 84- 3/4,0,1/4 85- 1/4,0,3/4 86- 0,3/4,1/4 87- 3/4,1/4,0 88- 0,1/2,1/4 89- 1/4,0,1/2 90- 1/2,1/4,0 91- 0,1/4,1/2 92- 1/4,1/2,0 93- 1/2,0,1/4 94- 1/8,1/8,z 95- 1/8,y,1/8 96- x,1/8,1/8 97- 1/8,1/8,5/8 98- 1/8,1/8,1/8 99- 0,1/4,5/8 100- 0,1/4,1/8 101- x,x,0 102- x,x,1/2 103- x,x,3/8 104- x,x,5/8 105- x,x,1/4 106- x,x,3/4 107- x,x+1/2,1/4 108- x,x+1/2,1/2 109- x,x+1/2,0 110- x,x+1/2,3/4 111- x,x,z 112- x,x+1/2,z 113- x,-x+1/2,1/4 114- x,-x,z 115- x,-x,1/2 116- x,-x,0 117- x,-x,1/4 118- x,1/4,1/8 119- 1/4,y,1/8 120- x,x+1/4,7/8 121- x,x+1/4,1/8 122- 0,3/4,1/8 123- 0,1/4,3/8 124- 0,1/4,1/8 125- 1/3,2/3,z 126- 2/3,1/3,z 127- 2/3,1/3,1/2 128- 2/3,1/3,0 129- 2/3,1/3,1/4 130- 1/3,2/3,1/2 131- 1/3,2/3,0 132- 1/3,2/3,1/4 133- 1/3,2/3,3/4 134- 2/3,1/3,3/4 135- x,-x,5/6 136- x,-x,1/3 137- x,-x,1/6 138- x,-x,2/3 139- x,0,5/6 140- x,0,1/3 141- x,0,1/6 142- x,0,2/3 143- x,2x,1/4 144- x,2x,3/4 145- x,2x,1/2 146- x,2x,0 147- x,2x,z 148- x,1/8,1/8 149- 1/8,1/8,1/8 150- 5/8,5/8,5/8 151- 7/8,7/8,7/8 152- 3/8,3/8,3/8 153- 7/8,1/8,1/8 154- 1/2,y,y 155- 0,y,y 156- 1/4,y,y 157- 1/2,y,-y 158- 0,y,-y 159- 1/4,y,-y 160- 1/4,y,y+1/2 161- 1/2,y,y+1/2 162- 1/4,y,-y+1/2 163- 1/8,y,-y+1/4 164- 1/8,y,y+1/4 165- 5/8,0,1/4 166- 1/8,0,1/4 167- 7/8,0,1/4 168- 3/8,0,1/4How many atoms in general and special positions ? You have to guess ! So : care that there could be up to 2 optional
lines here :
If you have 100 atoms, your optional lines
may extend on several lines. The important point being that the expected
number of values is found by the program.
if nobt = 1 the object is a group
of atoms with random coordinates, and
(reals) Lines of atomic coordinates and occupation
WARNING about coordinates : note that the atomic coordinates should be given in the exact order defined by the ni values. For instance, in the CuVO3 case above, giving 1 1 3 as ni values, after having defined that the atom-types will appear in the order Cu V O, means that the coordinates will correspond to 1 Cu, then 1 V and then 3 O atoms, in that strict order. End of nob groups of lines See the example files for details.
The organization in the .hkl file is quite simple : One line for the number N of hkl (N maximum is 1000), and then N lines including h, k, l, |Fobs|. An example is below. Data are not formatted, just list 3 integers and one real in free format. A sufficient number of hkl could be 10 reflections for one atom in the asymetric unit. 120 0 1 0 21.580 you may find possibly next 0 0 1 39.622 values in the test files 1 1 0 9.749 but they are ignored 1 0 -1 29.746 1 0 0 195.923 ... ... ... 4 1 -2 128.143 3 4 0 159.884 0 3 3 142.716 3 2 1 8.925 2 -2 0 349.860 Care to make a return here.WARNING : No intensities here, only "|Fobs|" (corresponding to HKLF 3 card in SHELX).
Espoir will create several output files, depending on the ipri value. Files with (*) below are updated in a run only when a test gives best results than the previous tests : name.imp : will contain all intermediate results no more output file if ipri=0 name.ins (*) : will contain the best result in SHELX format. That file can be used for drawing by WinORTEP Or WinStruplo (see below Web sites for download). name.spf (*) : will contain the best configuration ready for searching symmetry by PLATON (same Web siteas above for a Windows version) no more output file if ipri=1 name.prf (*) : Contains the "observed" and regenerated powder patterns in a format readable by DMPLOT. Note however that when the U and V parameters are different from 0, the step will be variable so that DMPLOT will not produce the correct angles and reflection positions. name.hgl (*) : Contains the "observed" and regenerated powder patterns in HPGL format. no more output file if ipri=2 name.xyz (*) : Contains the coordinates in xyz format (RASMOL, etc) There are only the asymetric unit coordinates in that file no more output file if ipri=3 nameN.xyz : Contains the animation in xyz format (CHIME, WinMol) for the Nth test in the run (this can consume space on your hard disk !). That file contains the atomic coordinates for the Z units in the structure (you will see usually several molecules Moving. namestru.dat (*) : Coordinates in STRUPLO/STRUVIR format no more output file if ipri=4 additional files if ipri 5 : the
program will enter in the (rather unstable) STRUVIR part.
namestru.imp (*) : Contains the distance
and angles calculations
Some Web sites for finding the above drawing programs : http://www.umass.edu/microbio/rasmol/
for CHIME (browser plug-in) and RASMOL
Lists of drawing software available at : http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/solution/structuredrawing/index.html
Pure Scratch - Al2O3 - CuVO3 Molecular Replacement - Finding an octahedron - One fragment and one atom - Two fragments - Three objects More objects Last words General Espoir needs a cell, a space group and structure factors. That means that you should have indexed the cell, guessed a space group, and either extracted the "|Fobs|" from a powder pattern by any way at your convenience (see the SDPD tutorial at http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/iniref/indexa.html), or recorded single crystal data. Care to the quality of your "|Fobs|". Remember that using the largest number of reflections is not a good idea with Espoir (because the large angle data do not contain that much information due to overlapping) : Give to Espoir the strict minimum of data, as defined below, no more. Key parameters : nobt and ns. The nobt parameter is the key for applying the chosen strategy. This parameter allows you to define the type of object(s) included in your starting model : nobt = 1 : scratch (i.e. atoms at random
And you may also use a group of independent atoms at defined positions as starting object with nobt = 0. In such a case, you can do only one test in a run. Obtaining Cartesian coordinates for >200000 molecules is quite easy and free at http://www.molecules.com/. Otherwise, use the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). The other key is the ns parameter, depending on the data quality (overlap or not) : ns = 0 : working on "|Fobs|" (they must be quite good, without too much overlapping) or single crystal data. ns = 1 : working on the powder pattern regenerated from the "|Fobs|" (overlapping no matter), note that the profile shapes are Gaussian but this is not so important, the trick is to treat overlapping data as overlapping data, and gain on speed, no more ;-) How many reflections ? The first 50 "|Fobs|" were sufficient for all Molecule Replacement (MR) examples (locating one fragment corresponds to 6 degrees of freedom). Probably 30-50 "|Fobs|" would even be sufficient (and save time) for locating one fragment, and 90-150 reflections for locating 3 fragments. Ten reflections by independent atom is the minimum for a pure scratch test. This corresponds to just more than 3 reflections per freedom degree. Giving more data may not be paying at all (longer times of calculation and program confused with high degree of overlapping data). How many Monte Carlo events ? For pure scratch option : 5000 to 8000000 events were used, depending on the problem complexity. For pure Molecule Replacement : 5000 to 400000 events should be sufficient. How many tests in a run ? If you have not any proposition after 10 tests in a run, consider to increase to 50 or 100 tests or even more before to give up. But try also to change some important parameters in your run, and retry. Anyway, this is your last chance, since you failed with the classical methods... How much time ? How many atoms ? How many objects ? Well, depending on the complexity of your
problem, a few minutes to several days, months, or years (Nature needed
million years for finding the quite complex DNA structure, why would you
expect less time from Espoir ?). The more the object number and the more
the time. The more the atom number and the more the time... and the more
the number of independent runs needed (the success ratio is weaker and
weaker). In reasonable time, you may expect to solve 30 independent atoms
problems with very good data, or 200 atoms in 4 rigid-body fragments.
Pure Scratch (random independent atoms : nobt = 1) The recommended strategy is to try with all the possible space groups (for instance, you may have a case where you should try Immm, I222, I212121, Imm2, Im2m, and I2mm), but maybe in P1 if your problem does not exceed 30 independent atoms in that space group. The problem of determining if atoms are on special or general positions is your problem : think. In scratch mode, ESPOIR works generally better in P1 space group. If you decide to give a try in P1, you need to present the "|Fobs|" as if they were corresponding to the P1 space group, by running an extraction in P1, of course (this may need some idiot things with FULLPROF like not using exact 90° angles but 90.0001 instead, etc...). Extinctions should obviously be considered as giving |Fhkl| = 0. and therefore this is a quite useful information for ESPOIR that you should absolutely include. Of course, the "|Fobs|" quality is essential. The starting configurations are built up by using a generator of random positions inserted in ESPOIR. The first example (al2o3.dat) has ns=1 and so works on the pattern regenerated from the "|Fobs|", with nob=1 and nobt=1, thus working in scratch mode, with ntest=10 (10 independent runs) : Al2O3 R-3c 4.764 4.764 13.009 90.0 90.0 120.0 R -3 C 1.54056 4 2 2 1 1 1 0.02511 -0.04562 0.03019 3 Al+3O-2 1 distance constraints 3.0 1.6 2.2 Al-Al, Al-O, O-O 6. 6. 2. 1.0 0.002 5000 20000 20000 5000 0.2 2 10 1 10 1 1 1.0 1 0 2. 3. note that the occupation numbers are givenThe final coordinates are below : Final coordinates x,y,z and occupation numbers Al1 0.99328 0.00374 0.64793 2.000 O1 0.35634 0.32461 0.58273 3.000 Final RF factor = 5.0515663E-03 Final Rp(F) factor = 4.9818517E-03You will have to recognize that Al and O are close to special positions Now see the .prf file by the DMPLOT software :
You may note that the hkl are at the good positions but the peaks are not (because the calculation is made with a variable step : indexed on the FWHM). Accordance between hkl markers and peak positions will only occur if U=V=0, giving constant FWHM related to W. So, you have seen now what is the pattern "regenerated" from the "|Fobs|". Of course, there is no relation with the true powder pattern on the point of view of peak heights. But this artifact allows to cope with overlapping peaks. Test on CuVO3 4.9646 5.4023 4.9154 90.32 119.13 63.93 P -1 1.54056 4 5 3 1 1 1 0.09 -0.03 0.04 3 Cu V O 1 2.5 2.5 1.6 2.5 1.6 2.3 3. 3. 3. 2. 1.0 0.008 5000 100000 20000 20000 0.25 2 10 1 10 1 1 3 1.1 0 0The success is obtained for 2 runs on 10 : Final coordinates x,y,z and occupation numbers Cu1 0.77860 0.57100 0.13880 1.000 V1 0.79130 0.06320 0.64800 1.000 O1 0.35460 0.22480 0.57170 1.000 O2 0.01120 0.76360 0.06280 1.000 O3 0.27340 0.76790 0.70730 1.000 Final RF factor = 4.8206953E-06 Final Rp(F) factor = 3.5013954E-06 Finding an octahedron
Finding an octahedron CoN6 7.662 9.626 7.072 90. 106.20 90. P 21 1.54056 4 7 2 1 1 1 0.25000 -0.26925 0.12779 3 Co N 1 5. 1.9 2.3 7. 7. 2. 1. 0.01 500 5000 5000 2000 0.20 2 10 2 2 1 6 1.5 0 0 10. 10. 10. 90. 90. 90. 0.40 0.20 0.101 1.00 0.607 0.20 0.101 1.00 0.207 0.20 0.101 1.00 0.40 0.407 0.101 1.00 0.40 -0.007 0.101 1.00 0.40 0.20 0.308 1.00 0.40 0.20 -0.106 1.00The success rate is 100% for the 10 independent runs : Final coordinates x,y,z and occupation numbers Co1 0.50205 0.26016 0.99801 1.000 N1 0.60482 0.11379 0.21495 1.000 N2 0.40623 0.39664 0.79575 1.000 N3 0.41792 0.38063 0.19869 1.000 N4 0.58619 0.13970 0.79733 1.000 N5 0.25404 0.15864 0.92336 1.000 N6 0.75006 0.36168 0.07266 1.000 Final RF factor = 3.2756098E-02 Final Rp(F) factor = 2.3765098E-02Note that the chances to find an octahedron are enhanced by a factor 6 because of the equivalent positions which superpose the octahedron corners by 90° rotations. Thus the total number of events (rotations + translations) may be reduced to 5000 here for a full success ratio (10/10), using the 100 first reflections of the powder pattern. The final R are in the range 0.059-0.024. The original position was 0,0,0 for Co. The proposition 0.50,0.26,0.99 is correct, owing to the P21 space group (freedom along y). - To the CoN6 octahedron above was added a Cl atom in the same cell, and the CoN6 was changed in CoN5O (zhucl.dat) : Finding an octahedron CoN5O + Cl 7.662 9.626 7.072 90. 106.20 90. P 21 1.54056 4 8 4 2 1 1 We now have 2 objects 0.25000 -0.26925 0.12779 3 Co N O Cl 0 7. 7. 7. 7. 2. 1. 0.002 2000 60000 60000 30000 0.25 2 10 2 4 1 5 1 0 1.5 0 0 10. 10. 10. 90. 90. 90. 0.00 0.00 0.200 1.00 0.207 0.00 0.200 1.00 -0.207 0.00 0.200 1.00 0.00 0.207 0.200 1.00 0.00 -0.207 0.200 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.407 1.00 0.00 0.00 -0.007 1.00 1 0 The Cl atom is introduced here 0 0 0 1 No starting coordinates are given since nobt = 1 1.5 0 0 ESPOIR will generate the coordinates at randomThe success rate is 8/10, with the best result below : Final coordinates x,y,z and occupation numbers Co1 0.68042 0.38060 0.06769 1.000 N1 0.60631 0.52431 0.24892 1.000 N2 0.75453 0.23690 0.88645 1.000 N3 0.42168 0.29638 0.99766 1.000 N4 0.93916 0.46483 0.13772 1.000 N5 0.76234 0.24459 0.30253 1.000 O1 0.59851 0.51662 0.83284 1.000 Cl1 0.68928 0.83174 0.51688 1.000 Object number 1 818 rot. acc. 22586 tested; Chi**2=0.958E-01, R=0.096 25 trans. acc. 7528 tested 651 events did not improved the fit, DUMP = 0.000014 Object number 2 21 moves acc. 29885 tested; Chi**2=0.958E-01, R=0.096 0 perm. acc. 0 tested 3 events did not improved the fit, DUMP = 0.000015For one atom, no permutation is allowed, of course Tetracycline Hydrochloride : 2 objects and 2 torsion angles With the tetracycline hydrochloride SDPDRR
data, the success rate is 2/10. There are 32 atoms in the fragment and
one independent Cl atom to find (tetrasync.dat). Espoir finds 2 torsion
angles in the starting model found in the Cambridge Structural Database
(CSD), using tetracycline hexahydrate, removing the water molecules. Two
object are entered, the C22H25N2O8 fragment and the Cl atom apart :
Test on tetracycline hydrochloride C22H25ClN2O8 synchrotron TETCYH10 10.980181 12.852233 15.733344 90.0 90.0 90.0 P 21 21 21 0.692 4 57 5 2 1 5 0.00600 0.00446 0.00257 3 C N O Cl H 0 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 1. 1. 0.005 10000 100000 100000 30000 0.30 2 100 -3 3 360 90 22 2 8 0 24 3.5 0 0 0. 0. 0. 90. 90. 90. -2.2081 -5.3245 -3.5051 1.00 -2.7849 -6.6194 -3.7186 1.00 -4.1052 -6.9479 -3.1734 1.00 -2.0611 -7.5874 -4.4949 1.00 -0.5317 -7.5703 -4.3833 1.00 -0.0174 -7.6502 -6.8536 1.00 1.4454 -8.7923 -5.2443 1.00 0.1312 -6.2129 -4.0945 1.00 0.7153 -6.2111 -2.6783 1.00 1.5275 -4.9490 -2.3964 1.00 1.9505 -4.8280 -0.9118 1.00 2.7360 -6.0591 -0.4888 1.00 2.7359 -3.5248 -0.7258 1.00 3.7728 -3.4364 0.1915 1.00 4.4414 -2.2175 0.3971 1.00 4.0770 -1.0912 -0.3139 1.00 3.0356 -1.1522 -1.2295 1.00 2.3606 -2.3711 -1.4507 1.00 1.2660 -2.4238 -2.4374 1.00 0.7787 -3.7109 -2.8573 1.00 -0.2680 -3.7653 -3.7392 1.00 -0.8748 -5.0566 -4.2679 1.00 -4.4952 -8.2301 -3.2213 1.00 0.0533 -8.3355 -5.5292 1.00 -2.6825 -4.4164 -2.8126 1.00 -4.8680 -6.0976 -2.6366 1.00 -2.5540 -8.5358 -5.1172 1.00 0.7413 -4.7422 -0.1185 1.00 2.7169 -0.0178 -1.9072 1.00 0.7709 -1.3458 -2.8894 1.00 -0.8530 -2.6761 -4.2377 1.00 -1.2576 -4.8989 -5.6368 1.00 -5.3014 -8.4426 -2.8154 1.00 -4.0991 -8.7431 -3.5645 1.00 -0.3867 -8.1475 -3.6288 1.00 -0.4225 -9.1639 -5.6825 1.00 0.1572 -8.3942 -7.5170 1.00 1.0528 -6.9473 -6.8413 1.00 -0.9262 -7.3135 -7.0418 1.00 1.7365 -9.4734 -5.9562 1.00 2.0100 -8.0104 -5.1918 1.00 1.4350 -9.2798 -4.3841 1.00 0.8051 -6.0422 -4.7347 1.00 1.2316 -7.0575 -2.5956 1.00 -0.0508 -6.2538 -2.0928 1.00 2.2736 -5.1030 -2.8545 1.00 0.9537 -4.8415 0.5794 1.00 2.9144 -6.0295 0.4128 1.00 3.5039 -6.1533 -1.0227 1.00 2.2024 -6.8721 -0.6586 1.00 4.0558 -4.1710 0.6952 1.00 5.0732 -2.2248 1.0565 1.00 4.5374 -0.3213 -0.2192 1.00 1.9830 -0.2015 -2.2820 1.00 -0.4363 -2.0515 -3.9521 1.00 -0.5760 -4.7370 -6.0482 1.00 1 0 <-- here is entered the object number 2 : the Cl atom 0 0 0 1 0 3.5 0 0
ibuprofen : one object and 4 torsion angles In that case, one object is the molecule found at the WebMolecules Web site http://www.molecules.com/ with 4 torsion angles as located automatically by the Espoir program. The structure factors amplitudes were extracted from a routine powder pattern recorded on a STOE diffractometer (sum of 2 patterns counted one second per point, thanks to Jeremy Cockroft - that pattern being part ot the Powder Diffraction Internet Course of the Birkbeck College, London, http://pd.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/pd/). This may show that it is even possible to determine structures from low resolution and low statistics data by Espoir. Using the extracted "|Fobs|", and applying the refined structures found at CSD, one obtains, using the first 50 reflections : IBPRAC starting model : R = 14.4
% End of Espoir moves : R = 12.6 %
This may be compared to R = 14,4%, the
lowest minimum found by using Espoir with the Cartesian coordinates found
at the WebMoleciules Web site :
Test on ibuprofen - pattern 2 sec from
J. Cockcroft
You may see the animation of the accepted Monte Carlo events if you possess CHIME as a plug-in to Netscape or Internet Explorer. Click on ibuprofen12.xyz. But be prepared to wait, since that file contains 268 frames and weights 1468 Ko... In that case, a NO3 molecule was inserted together with the CoN5O octahedron of the zhutest case. We have thus now to cope with two objects being independent molecules (zhutest2.dat) : Finding an octahedron CoN5O + NO3 7.662 9.626 7.072 90. 106.20 90. P 21 1.54056 4 11 3 2 1 1 0.25000 -0.26925 0.12779 3 Co N O 0 7. 7. 7. 2. 1. 0.002 20000 200000 100000 100000 0.25 2 20 2 4 1 5 1 1.5 0 0 10. 10. 10. 90. 90. 90. 0.40 0.10 0.200 1.00 0.607 0.10 0.200 1.00 0.207 0.10 0.200 1.00 0.40 0.307 0.200 1.00 0.40 -0.107 0.200 1.00 0.40 0.10 0.407 1.00 0.40 0.10 -0.007 1.00 2 4 0 1 3 1.5 0 0 10. 10. 10. 90. 90. 120. 0.20 0.30 0.30 1.00 0.330 0.30 0.30 1.00 0.200 0.430 0.30 1.00 0.070 0.170 0.30 1.0020 runs were made and and the best result presents R~10%. 11 runs show R < 15% which are probably good as well. The best result is below : Object number 1 at test 1. Previous minimum R=1.000 48 rot. acc. 75337 tested; Chi**2=0.103 , R=0.103 15 trans. acc. 25112 tested 28 events did not improved the fit, DUMP = 0.000020 Object number 2 at test 1. Previous minimum R=1.000 82 rot. acc. 74663 tested; Chi**2=0.103 , R=0.103 16 trans. acc. 24887 tested 61 events did not improved the fit, DUMP = 0.000020 Final coordinates x,y,z and occupation numbers Co1 0.19159 0.41337 0.07653 1.000 N1 -0.06736 0.32937 0.00221 1.000 N2 0.43303 0.49169 0.14583 1.000 N3 0.25857 0.29873 0.33441 1.000 N4 0.12461 0.52801 -0.18135 1.000 N5 0.10439 0.57476 0.22103 1.000 O1 0.27879 0.25198 -0.06797 1.000 N1 0.82494 0.33617 0.44968 1.000 O1 0.83580 0.45169 0.35841 1.000 O2 0.66711 0.28066 0.43540 1.000 O3 0.97191 0.27617 0.55523 1.000Three objects In that case, an oxygen atom supposed to belong to a H2O molecule was added to the previous zhutest2.dat example. We have thus now to cope with three objects (zhutest3.dat) : Finding an octahedron CoN6 + NO3 + H2O 7.662 9.626 7.072 90. 106.20 90. P 21 1.54056 4 12 3 3 1 1 0.25000 -0.26925 0.12779 3 Co N O 0 7. 7. 7. 2. 1. 0.002 2000 300000 100000 100000 0.25 2 20 2 4 1 5 1 1.5 0 0 10. 10. 10. 90. 90. 90. 0.00 0.00 0.200 1.00 0.207 0.00 0.200 1.00 -0.207 0.00 0.200 1.00 0.00 0.207 0.200 1.00 0.00 -0.207 0.200 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.407 1.00 0.00 0.00 -0.007 1.00 2 4 0 1 3 1.5 0 0 10. 10. 10. 90. 90. 120. 0.20 0.30 0.40 1.00 0.330 0.30 0.40 1.00 0.200 0.430 0.40 1.00 0.070 0.170 0.40 1.00 1 0 <-- third object 0 0 1 1.5 0 0And the best result is : Object number 1 at test 3. Previous minimum R=0.172 189 rot. acc. 74955 tested; Chi**2=0.135 , R=0.135 9 trans. acc. 24984 tested 159 events did not improved the fit, DUMP = 0.000000 Object number 2 at test 3. Previous minimum R=0.172 171 rot. acc. 75107 tested; Chi**2=0.135 , R=0.135 8 trans. acc. 25035 tested 137 events did not improved the fit, DUMP = 0.000002 Object number 3 at test 3. Previous minimum R=0.172 24 moves acc. 99918 tested; Chi**2=0.135 , R=0.135 0 perm. acc. 0 tested 5 events did not improved the fit, DUMP = 0.000001 Final coordinates x,y,z and occupation numbers Co1 0.19412 0.53563 0.06463 1.000 N1 0.14626 0.67733 0.26467 1.000 N2 0.24197 0.39394 -0.13540 1.000 N3 -0.05527 0.44380 0.04147 1.000 N4 0.44350 0.62747 0.08780 1.000 N5 0.31518 0.40247 0.29345 1.000 O1 0.07306 0.66880 -0.16418 1.000 N1 0.81021 0.46793 0.42364 1.000 O1 0.65144 0.45701 0.45491 1.000 O2 0.91548 0.35985 0.44297 1.000 O3 0.86373 0.58692 0.37302 1.000 O1 0.42695 0.65672 0.59874 1.000 Final RF factor = 0.3239980 Final Rp(F) factor = 0.1352600 The limit is 6 objects inside ESPOIR 3.00. More than 6 objects can be managed possibly
by changing the array dimension parameter N_O in esp0.inc :
C Dimensions can be adapted to the available memory by changing C the values in PARAMETER statements C C N_HKL Maximum number of reflections (1000) C N_T Maximum number of different type of atom (8) C N_A Maximum number of atoms per object (60) C N_O Maximum number of different objects (6) C An object can be either : C - a rigid molecule containing up to N_A atoms C - up to N_A independent atoms C N_PTS Maximum number of points on the regenerated profile C (16000) C C Integer*4 N_HKL,N_T,N_A,N_AT,N_O,N_PTS C C Usual Parameters for PC, 64 Mbytes core memory C PARAMETER(N_HKL=1000,N_T=8,N_A=60,N_O=6,N_PTS=16000) CLast words You may try to modify/improve ESPOIR in order to include the possibility to treat torsion angles. If you do so, please contact me, and remember, you should absolutely let the source code open (GNU license). In the "scratch" option, ESPOIR uses the "brute force", thanks to fast and cheap computers. Is it really more capable to solve your structure than by classical Patterson and Direct methods ? This is not so sure. Have also a look at the more conventional methods as described in the SDPD tutorial. More generally, visit the SDPD Database, and subscribe to the SDPD Mailing List. Eventually, follow the SDPD Internet Course.
To be done soon (?) for version 3.5. Want to do it ? Get the Fortran source code and compile it under Linux. Use FTNCHECK before in order to clean up the code. Change some compiler-dependent routine (date, hour, the random number generator RAN, etc).
- Add the possibility to treat torsion
angles along a cone instead of a fixed bond.
If you want to help, or do the whole job, you are welcome ! Anyway, for the cost, you already have something...
You may consider building a version for your own computer if you possess a Fortran compiler. The source code is available. Moreover, the GNU license allows you to hack the code at your convenience. You may even modify the graphical user interface (GUI) made with the MS Visual C++ 6 compiler, running under MS Visual Studio 6 (together with the Compaq Visual Fortran 6.1 compiler). ESPOIR 0.9
Version 2.01 allows to treat some data affected by twinning by merohedry. See the parameter ns=2. Version 2.02 allows the use of molecule global scattering factors. This is of some interest for locating a C60 molecule with orientational disorder. See parameter nt which should be negative. MODIFICATIONS IN ESPOIR 3.0
Copyright © 1999-2000 Marc Mileur & Armel Le Bail |