

A wxDb instance is a connection to an ODBC datasource which may be opened, closed, and re-opened an unlimited number of times.  A database connection allows function to be performed directly on the datasource, as well as allowing access to any tables/views defined in the datasource to which the user has sufficient privileges.


Include files




Helper classes and data structures


The following classes and structs are defined in db.cpp/.h for use with the wxDb class.


      ·           wxDbColFor (p. 32)

      ·           wxDbColInf (p. 31)

      ·           wxDbTableInf (p. 76)

      ·           wxDbInf (p. 39)




NOTE: In a future release, all ODBC class constants will be prefaced with 'wx'


    wxDB_PATH_MAX           Maximum path length allowed to be passed to

                            the ODBC driver to indicate where the data

                            file(s) are located.


    DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN  Maximum supported length for the name of a



    DB_MAX_ERROR_HISTORY    Maximum number of error messages retained in

                            the queue before being overwritten by new



    DB_MAX_ERROR_MSG_LEN    Maximum supported length of an error message

                            returned by the ODBC classes


    DB_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN    Maximum supported length for a complete SQL

                            statement to be passed to the ODBC driver


    DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN   Maximum supported length for the name of a



    DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN Maximum supported WHERE clause length that

                            can be passed to the ODBC driver


    DB_TYPE_NAME_LEN        Maximum length of the name of a column's

                            data type

Enumerated types


Enumerated types


enum wxDbSqlLogState

sqlLogOFF, sqlLogON


enum wxDBMS


These are the databases currently tested and working with the ODBC classes.  A call to wxDb::Dbms (p. 11) will return one of these enumerated values listed below.




      dbmsSYBASE_ASA     // Adaptive Server Anywhere

      dbmsSYBASE_ASE     // Adaptive Server Enterprise










See the remarks in wxDb::Dbms (p. 11) for exceptions/issues with each of these database engines.


Public member variables


SWORD wxDb::cbErrorMsg

This member variable is populated as a result of calling wxDb::GetNextError (p. 20).  Contains the count of bytes in the wxDb::errorMsg string.


int wxDb::DB_STATUS

The last ODBC error/status that occurred on this data connection.  Possible codes are:


   DB_ERR_GENERAL_WARNING                     // SqlState = '01000'

   DB_ERR_DISCONNECT_ERROR                    // SqlState = '01002'

   DB_ERR_DATA_TRUNCATED                      // SqlState = '01004'

   DB_ERR_PRIV_NOT_REVOKED                    // SqlState = '01006'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_CONN_STR_ATTR               // SqlState = '01S00'

   DB_ERR_ERROR_IN_ROW                        // SqlState = '01S01'

   DB_ERR_OPTION_VALUE_CHANGED                // SqlState = '01S02'

   DB_ERR_NO_ROWS_UPD_OR_DEL                  // SqlState = '01S03'

   DB_ERR_MULTI_ROWS_UPD_OR_DEL               // SqlState = '01S04'

   DB_ERR_WRONG_NO_OF_PARAMS                  // SqlState = '07001'

   DB_ERR_DATA_TYPE_ATTR_VIOL                 // SqlState = '07006'

   DB_ERR_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT                   // SqlState = '08001'

   DB_ERR_CONNECTION_IN_USE                   // SqlState = '08002'

   DB_ERR_CONNECTION_NOT_OPEN                 // SqlState = '08003'

   DB_ERR_REJECTED_CONNECTION                 // SqlState = '08004'

   DB_ERR_CONN_FAIL_IN_TRANS                  // SqlState = '08007'

   DB_ERR_COMM_LINK_FAILURE                   // SqlState = '08S01'

   DB_ERR_INSERT_VALUE_LIST_MISMATCH          // SqlState = '21S01'

   DB_ERR_DERIVED_TABLE_MISMATCH              // SqlState = '21S02'

   DB_ERR_STRING_RIGHT_TRUNC                  // SqlState = '22001'

   DB_ERR_NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RNG            // SqlState = '22003'

   DB_ERR_ERROR_IN_ASSIGNMENT                 // SqlState = '22005'

   DB_ERR_DATETIME_FLD_OVERFLOW               // SqlState = '22008'

   DB_ERR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO                      // SqlState = '22012'

   DB_ERR_STR_DATA_LENGTH_MISMATCH            // SqlState = '22026'

   DB_ERR_INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOL           // SqlState = '23000'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_CURSOR_STATE                // SqlState = '24000'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_TRANS_STATE                 // SqlState = '25000'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_AUTH_SPEC                   // SqlState = '28000'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_CURSOR_NAME                 // SqlState = '34000'

   DB_ERR_SYNTAX_ERROR_OR_ACCESS_VIOL         // SqlState = '37000'

   DB_ERR_DUPLICATE_CURSOR_NAME               // SqlState = '3C000'

   DB_ERR_SERIALIZATION_FAILURE               // SqlState = '40001'

   DB_ERR_SYNTAX_ERROR_OR_ACCESS_VIOL2        // SqlState = '42000'

   DB_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED                   // SqlState = '70100'

   DB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION                // SqlState = 'IM001'

   DB_ERR_NO_DATA_SOURCE                      // SqlState = 'IM002'

   DB_ERR_DRIVER_LOAD_ERROR                   // SqlState = 'IM003'

   DB_ERR_SQLALLOCENV_FAILED                  // SqlState = 'IM004'

   DB_ERR_SQLALLOCCONNECT_FAILED              // SqlState = 'IM005'


   DB_ERR_NO_DATA_SOURCE_DLG_PROHIB           // SqlState = 'IM007'

   DB_ERR_DIALOG_FAILED                       // SqlState = 'IM008'


   DB_ERR_DATA_SOURCE_NAME_TOO_LONG           // SqlState = 'IM010'

   DB_ERR_DRIVER_NAME_TOO_LONG                // SqlState = 'IM011'

   DB_ERR_DRIVER_KEYWORD_SYNTAX_ERROR         // SqlState = 'IM012'

   DB_ERR_TRACE_FILE_ERROR                    // SqlState = 'IM013'

   DB_ERR_TABLE_OR_VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS        // SqlState = 'S0001'

   DB_ERR_TABLE_NOT_FOUND                     // SqlState = 'S0002'

   DB_ERR_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS                // SqlState = 'S0011'

   DB_ERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND                     // SqlState = 'S0012'

   DB_ERR_COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS               // SqlState = 'S0021'

   DB_ERR_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND                    // SqlState = 'S0022'

   DB_ERR_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_COLUMN               // SqlState = 'S0023'

   DB_ERR_GENERAL_ERROR                       // SqlState = 'S1000'

   DB_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE           // SqlState = 'S1001'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_COLUMN_NUMBER               // SqlState = 'S1002'

   DB_ERR_PROGRAM_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE           // SqlState = 'S1003'

   DB_ERR_SQL_DATA_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE          // SqlState = 'S1004'

   DB_ERR_OPERATION_CANCELLED                 // SqlState = 'S1008'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_VALUE              // SqlState = 'S1009'

   DB_ERR_FUNCTION_SEQUENCE_ERROR             // SqlState = 'S1010'


   DB_ERR_INVALID_TRANS_OPERATION_CODE        // SqlState = 'S1012'

   DB_ERR_NO_CURSOR_NAME_AVAIL                // SqlState = 'S1015'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_STR_OR_BUF_LEN              // SqlState = 'S1090'

   DB_ERR_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE        // SqlState = 'S1091'

   DB_ERR_OPTION_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE            // SqlState = 'S1092'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_NO                    // SqlState = 'S1093'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_SCALE_VALUE                 // SqlState = 'S1094'

   DB_ERR_FUNCTION_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE          // SqlState = 'S1095'

   DB_ERR_INF_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE               // SqlState = 'S1096'

   DB_ERR_COLUMN_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE            // SqlState = 'S1097'

   DB_ERR_SCOPE_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE             // SqlState = 'S1098'

   DB_ERR_NULLABLE_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE          // SqlState = 'S1099'



   DB_ERR_DIRECTION_OPTION_OUT_OF_RANGE       // SqlState = 'S1103'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_PRECISION_VALUE             // SqlState = 'S1104'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_TYPE                  // SqlState = 'S1105'

   DB_ERR_FETCH_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE             // SqlState = 'S1106'

   DB_ERR_ROW_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE              // SqlState = 'S1107'


   DB_ERR_INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION             // SqlState = 'S1109'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_DRIVER_COMPLETION           // SqlState = 'S1110'

   DB_ERR_INVALID_BOOKMARK_VALUE              // SqlState = 'S1111'

   DB_ERR_DRIVER_NOT_CAPABLE                  // SqlState = 'S1C00'

   DB_ERR_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED                     // SqlState = 'S1T00'

struct wxDb::dbInf

This structure is internal to the  wxDb class and contains details of the ODBC datasource that the current  instance of the wxDb is connected to in its members.  When the datasource  is opened, all of the information contained in the dbInf structure is  queried from the datasource.  This information is used almost exclusively  within the ODBC class library.  Where there may be a need for particular  portions of this information outside of the class library, member  functions (e.g. wxDbTable::IsCursorClosedOnCommit (p. 60))  have been added for ease of use.


   wxChar dbmsName[40]        - Name of the dbms product

   wxChar dbmsVer[64]         - Version # of the dbms product

   wxChar driverName[40]      - Driver name

   wxChar odbcVer[60]         - ODBC version of the driver

   wxChar drvMgrOdbcVer[60]   - ODBC version of the driver manager

   wxChar driverVer[60]       - Driver version

   wxChar serverName[80]      - Server Name, typically a connect string

   wxChar databaseName[128]   - Database filename

   wxChar outerJoins[2]       - Does datasource support outer joins

   wxChar procedureSupport[2] - Does datasource support stored


   UWORD  maxConnections      - Maximum # of connections datasource


   UWORD  maxStmts            - Maximum # of HSTMTs per HDBC

   UWORD  apiConfLvl          - ODBC API conformance level

   UWORD  cliConfLvl          - Is datasource SAG compliant

   UWORD  sqlConfLvl          - SQL conformance level

   UWORD  cursorCommitBehavior   - How cursors are affected on db commit

   UWORD  cursorRollbackBehavior - How cursors are affected on db


   UWORD  supportNotNullClause   - Does datasource support NOT NULL


   wxChar supportIEF[2]       - Integrity Enhancement Facility (Ref.


   UDWORD txnIsolation        - Transaction isolation level supported by


   UDWORD txnIsolationOptions - Transaction isolation level options


   UDWORD fetchDirections     - Fetch directions supported

   UDWORD lockTypes           - Lock types supported in SQLSetPos

   UDWORD posOperations       - Position operations supported in


   UDWORD posStmts            - Position statements supported

   UDWORD scrollConcurrency   - Scrollable cursor concurrency options


   UDWORD scrollOptions       - Scrollable cursor options supported

   UDWORD staticSensitivity   - Can additions/deletions/updates be


   UWORD  txnCapable          - Indicates if datasource supports


   UDWORD loginTimeout        - Number seconds to wait for a login



The last n ODBC errors that have occurred on this database connection.


wxChar wxDb::errorMsg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]

This member variable is populated as a result of calling wxDb::GetNextError (p. 20).  It contains the ODBC error message text.


SDWORD wxDb::nativeError

Set by wxDb::DispAllErrors,  wxDb::GetNextError, and wxDb::DispNextError.  It contains the  datasource-specific error code returned by the datasource to the ODBC driver.   Used for reporting ODBC errors.


wxChar wxDb::sqlState[20]

Set by wxDb::TranslateSqlState().   Indicates the error state after a failed ODBC operation.  Used for reporting  ODBC errors.




Default cursor scrolling is defined by wxODBC_FWD_ONLY_CURSORS in setup.h when the wxWindows library is built.  This behavior can be overridden when  an instance of a wxDb is created (see wxDb constructor (p. 8)).   Default setting of this value TRUE, as not all databases/drivers support  both types of cursors.


See also


wxDbColFor (p. 32), wxDbColInf (p. 31), wxDbTable (p. 40), wxDbTableInf (p. 76), wxDbInf (p. 39)



Associated non-class functions


The following functions are used in conjunction with the wxDb class.


wxDb * wxDbGetConnection(wxDbConnectInf *pDbConfig, bool FwdOnlyCursors=(bool)wxODBC_FWD_ONLY_CURSORS)




This function is used to request a "new" wxDb instance for use by the program.  The wxDb instance returned is also opened (see wxDb::Open (p. 24)). 


This function (along with wxDbFreeConnection() and wxDbCloseConnection())  maintain a cached of wxDb instances for user/re-use by a program.  When a  program needs a wxDb instance, it may call this function to obtain a wxDb  instance.  If there is a wxDb instance in the cache that is currently unused  that matches the connection requirements specified in 'pDbConfig' then  that cached connection is marked as no longer being free, and a pointer to  the wxDb instance is returned.


If there are no connections available in the cache that meet the requirements  given in 'pDbConfig', then a new wxDb instance is created to connect  to the datasource specified in 'pDbConfig' using the userID and password  given in 'pDbConfig'.


NOTE: The caching routine also uses the wxDb::Open (p. 24)  connection datatype copying code.  If the call to wxDbGetConnection()  requests a connection to a datasource, and there is not one available in the  cache, a new connection is created.  But when the connection is opened,  instead of polling the datasource over again for its datatypes, if a  connection to the same datasource (using the same userID/password) has already  been done previously, the new connection skips querying the datasource for  its datatypes, and uses the same datatypes determined previously by the  other connection(s) for that same datasource.  This cuts down greatly on  network traffic, database load, and connection creation time.


When the program is done using a connection created through a call to  wxDbGetConnection(), the program should call wxDbFreeConnection() to release  the wxDb instance back to the cache.  DO NOT DELETE THE wxDb INSTANCE!   Deleting the wxDb instance returned can cause a crash/memory corruption  later in the program when the cache is cleaned up.


When exiting the program, call wxDbCloseConnections() to close all the  cached connections created by calls to wxDbGetConnection().


bool wxDbFreeConnection(wxDb *pDb)




Searches the list of cached database connections connection for one matching  the passed in wxDb instance.  If found, that cached connection is freed.


Freeing a connection means that it is marked as available (free) in the  cache of connections, so that a call to wxDbGetConnection (p. 5)  is able to return a pointer to the wxDb instance for use.  Freeing a  connection does NOT close the connection, it only makes the connection  available again.


void wxDbCloseConnections()




Closes all cached connections that have been made through use of the wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) function. 


NOTE: These connections are closed regardless of whether they are in use  or not.  This function should only be called after the program has  finished using the connections and all wxDbTable instances that use any of  the connections have been closed.


This function performs a wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10)  on the connection before closing it to commit any changes that are still  pending, as well as to avoid any function sequence errors upon closing  each connection.


int  wxDbConnectionsInUse()




Returns a count of how many database connections are currently free ( not  being used) that have been cached through use of the wxDbGetConnection (p. 5)  function.


bool wxDbSqlLog(wxDbSqlLogState state, const wxString&filename = SQL_LOG_FILENAME)




This function sets the sql log state for all open wxDb objects


bool wxDbGetDataSource(HENV henv, wxChar *Dsn, SWORD DsnMax, wxChar *DsDesc, SWORD DsDescMax, UWORD direction = SQL_FETCH_NEXT)




This routine queries the ODBC driver manager for a list of available  datasources.  Repeatedly call this function to obtain all the datasources  available through the ODBC driver manager on the current workstation.


    wxStringList strList;


    while (wxDbGetDataSource(DbConnectInf.GetHenv(), Dsn, 

    SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH+1, DsDesc, 255))













Default constructor.


 wxDb(const HENV&aHenv, bool FwdOnlyCursors=(bool)wxODBC_FWD_ONLY_CURSORS)


Constructor, used to create an ODBC connection to a datasource.





Environment handle used for this connection.  See wxDConnectInf::AllocHenv (p. 35)



Will cursors created for use with this datasource  connection only allow forward scrolling cursors.




This is the constructor for the wxDb class.  The wxDb object must be created and opened before any database activity can occur.




   wxDbConnectInf ConnectInf;

   ....Set values for member variables of ConnectInf here


   wxDb sampleDB(ConnectInf.GetHenv());

   if (!sampleDB.Open(ConnectInf.GetDsn(), ConnectInf.GetUserID(),



      // Error opening datasource


See also


wxDbGetConnection (p. 5),





bool Catalog(wxChar * userID, const wxString&fileName =  SQL_CATALOG_FILENAME)


Allows a data "dictionary" of the datasource to be created, dumping pertinent  information about all data tables to which the user specified in userID has  access.







Database user name to use in accessing the database.  All  tables to which this user has rights will be evaluated in the catalog.



OPTIONAL.  Name of the text file to create and write  the DB catalog to.  Default is SQL_CATALOG_FILENAME.


Return value


Returns TRUE if the catalog request was successful, or FALSE if there was some  reason that the catalog could not be generated.




============== ============== ================ ========= =======


============== ============== ================ ========= =======

EMPLOYEE       RECID          (0008)NUMBER            15       8

EMPLOYEE       USER_ID        (0012)VARCHAR2          13      13

EMPLOYEE       FULL_NAME      (0012)VARCHAR2          26      26

EMPLOYEE       PASSWORD       (0012)VARCHAR2          26      26

EMPLOYEE       START_DATE     (0011)DATE              19      16



void Close()


Closes the database connection.




At the end of your program, when you have finished all of your database work,  you must close the ODBC connection to the datasource.  There are actually  four steps involved in doing this as illustrated in the example. 


Any wxDbTable instances which use this connection must be deleted before  closing the database connection.




   // Commit any open transactions on the datasource



   // Delete any remaining wxDbTable objects allocated with new

   delete parts;


   // Close the wxDb connection when finished with it




bool CommitTrans()


Permanently "commits" changes (insertions/deletions/updates) to the database. 


Return value


Returns TRUE if the commit was successful, or FALSE if the commit failed.




Transactions begin implicitly as soon as you make a change to the database  with an insert/update/delete, or any other direct SQL command that performs  one of these operations against the datasource.   At any time thereafter, to save the changes to disk permanently, "commit"  them by calling this function.


Calling this member function commits ALL open transactions on this ODBC  connection.  For example, if three different wxDbTable instances used the  same connection to the datasource, committing changes made on one of those  wxDbTable instances commits any pending transactions on all three wxDbTable  instances.


Until a call to wxDb::CommitTrans() is made, no other user or cursor is able  to see any changes made to the row(s) that have been inserted/modified/deleted.


Special Note : Cursors


It is important to understand that different database/ODBC driver  combinations handle transactions differently.  One thing in particular that  you must pay attention to is cursors, in regard to transactions.  Cursors are  what allow you to scroll through records forward and backward and to  manipulate records as you scroll through them.  When you issue a query, a  cursor is created behind the scenes.  The cursor keeps track of the query and  keeps track of the current record pointer.  After you commit or rollback a  transaction, the cursor may be closed automatically.  This is database  dependent, and with some databases this behavior can be controlled through  management functions.  This means you would need to requery the datasource  before you can perform any additional work using this cursor.  This is only  necessary however if the datasource closes the cursor after a commit or  rollback.  Use the wxDbTable::IsCursorClosedOnCommit (p. 60)  member function to determine the datasource's transaction behavior.  Note, in  many situations it is very inefficient to assume the cursor is closed and  always requery.  This could put a significant, unnecessary load on datasources  that leave the cursors open after a transaction.





bool CreateView(const wxString& viewName, const wxString& colList, const wxString&pSqlStmt)


Creates a SQL VIEW of one or more tables in a single datasource.  Note that  this function will only work against databases which support views (currently  only Oracle as of November 21 2000).






The name of the view.  e.g. PARTS_V



OPTIONAL Pass in a comma delimited list of column  names if you wish to explicitly name each column in the result set.  If not  desired, pass in an empty string and the column names from the associated  table(s) will be used.



Pointer to the select statement portion of the CREATE  VIEW statement.  Must be a complete, valid SQL SELECT statement.




A 'view' is a logical table that derives columns from one or more other  tables or views.  Once the view is created, it can be queried exactly like  any other table in the database.


NOTE: Views are not available with all datasources.  Oracle is one example  of a datasource which does support views.




   // Incomplete code sample

   db.CreateView("PARTS_SD1", "PN, PD, QTY", 


                  WHERE STORAGE_DEVICE = 1");


   // PARTS_SD1 can now be queried just as if it were a data table.





wxDBMS  Dbms()




The return value will be of the enumerated type wxDBMS.  This enumerated type contains a list of all the currently tested and supported databases.


Additional databases may work with these classes, but the databases returned by this function have been tested and confirmed to work with  these ODBC classes.


Possible values returned by this function can be viewed in the Enumerated types (p. 2) section of wxDb.


There are known issues with conformance to the ODBC standards with several datasources supported by the wxWindows ODBC classes.  Please see the overview  for specific details on which datasource have which issues.


Return value


The return value will indicate which of the supported datasources is  currently connected to by this connection.  In the event that the datasource is not recognized, a value of 'dbmsUNIDENTIFIED' is returned.





bool DispAllErrors(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT)


Used to log all database errors that occurred as a result of an executed  database command.  This logging is automatic and also includes debug logging  when compiled in debug mode via wxLogDebug (p. Error! Bookmark not defined.).  If logging  is turned on via wxDb::SetSqlLogging (p. 26), then an  entry is also logged to the defined log file.





Handle to the ODBC environment.



Handle to the ODBC connection.  Pass this in if the ODBC  function call that erred required a hdbc or hstmt argument.



Handle to the ODBC statement being executed against.  Pass  this in if the ODBC function call that erred out required a hstmt argument.




This member function will log all of the ODBC error messages for the last  ODBC function call that was made.  This function is normally used internally  within the ODBC class library, but can be used programmatically after calling  ODBC functions directly (i.e. SQLFreeEnv()).


Return value


The function always returns FALSE, so a call to this function can be made  in the return statement of a code block in the event of a failure to  perform an action (see the example below).


See also


wxDb::SetSqlLogging (p. 26), wxDbSqlLog







if (SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (UCHAR FAR *) pSqlStmt, SQL_NTS) !=



      // Display all ODBC errors for this stmt

      return(db.DispAllErrors(db.henv, db.hdbc, hstmt));




void DispNextError()




This function is normally used internally within the ODBC class library. It could be used programmatically after calling ODBC functions directly.  This function works in conjunction with wxDb::GetNextError (p. 20) when errors (or sometimes informational messages)  returned from ODBC need to be analyzed rather than simply displaying them as an error.  GetNextError() retrieves the next ODBC error from the ODBC error queue.  The wxDb member variables "sqlState", "nativeError" and "errorMsg" could then be evaluated.  To display the error retrieved, DispNextError() could then be called. The combination of GetNextError() and DispNextError() can be used to iteratively step through the errors returned from ODBC evaluating each one in context and displaying the ones you choose.




   // Drop the table before attempting to create it

   sprintf(sqlStmt, "DROP TABLE %s", tableName);

   // Execute the drop table statement

   if (SQLExecDirect(hstmt,(UCHAR FAR *)sqlStmt,SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS)


      // Check for sqlState = S0002, "Table or view not found".

      // Ignore this error, bomb out on any other error.

      pDb->GetNextError(henv, hdbc, hstmt);

      if (wxStrcmp(pDb->sqlState, "S0002"))


         pDb->DispNextError();   // Displayed error retrieved

         pDb->DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt); // Display all other errors, if any

         pDb->RollbackTrans();   // Rollback the transaction

         CloseCursor();          // Close the cursor

         return(FALSE);          // Return Failure





bool DropView(const wxString&viewName)


Drops the data table view named in 'viewName'.





Name of the view to be dropped.




If the view does not exist, this function will return TRUE.  Note that views are not supported with all datasources.





bool ExecSql(const wxString&pSqlStmt)


Allows a native SQL command to be executed directly against the datasource.  In addition to being able to run any standard SQL command, use of this function allows a user to (potentially) utilize features specific to the datasource they are connected to that may not be available through ODBC.  The ODBC driver will pass the specified command directly to the datasource.





Pointer to the SQL statement to be executed.




This member extends the wxDb class and allows you to build and execute ANY VALID SQL statement against the datasource.  This allows you to extend the class  library by being able to issue any SQL statement that the datasource is capable of processing.


See also


wxDb::GetData (p. 17), wxDb::GetNext (p. 19)





bool IsFwdOnlyCursors()


Older form (pre-2.3/2.4 of wxWindows) of the wxDb::IsFwdOnlyCursors (p. 21).  This method is  provided for backward compatability only.  The method wxDb::IsFwdOnlyCursors (p. 21) should be  used in place of this method.


wxDbInf * GetCatalog(const wxChar *userID)






wxDbInf * GetCatalog(const wxChar *userID)


Returns a wxDbInf (p. 39) pointer that points to the catalog  (datasource) name, schema, number of tables accessible to the current user,  and a wxDbTableInf pointer to all data pertaining to all tables in the users  catalog.





Owner/Schema of the table.  Specify a userID when the datasource you are connected to allows multiple unique tables with the same name to be owned by different users.  userID is evaluated as follows:


         userID == NULL  ... UserID is ignored (DEFAULT)

         userID == ""    ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'

         userID != ""    ... UserID set equal to 'userID'



The returned catalog will only contain catalog entries for tables to which the user specified in 'userID' has sufficient privileges.  If no user is specified (NULL passed in), a catalog pertaining to all tables in the datasource accessible to the connected user (permissions apply) via this connection will be returned.





int  GetColumnCount(const wxString&tableName, const wxChar *userID)





The table name you wish to obtain column information about.



Name of the user that owns the table(s) (also referred to as schema).   Required for some datasources for situations where there may be multiple tables with the  same name in the datasource, but owned by different users. userID  is  evaluated in the following manner:


         userID == NULL  ... UserID is ignored (DEFAULT)

         userID == ""    ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'

         userID != ""    ... UserID set equal to 'userID'

Return value


Returns a count of how many columns are in the specified table.  If an error  occurs retrieving the number of columns, this function will return a -1.





wxDbColInf * GetColumns(const wxString&tableName, UWORD *numCols, const wxChar *userID=NULL)


wxDbColInf * GetColumns(wxChar *tableName[], const wxChar *userID)





The table name you wish to obtain column information about.


Pointer to a UWORD which will hold a count of the number of columns returned by this function


An array of pointers to table names you wish to obtain column information about.  The last element of this array must be a NULL string.


Name of the user that owns the table(s) (also referred to as schema).  Required for some datasources for situations where there may be multiple tables with the same name in the datasource, but owned by different users. userID is evaluated in the following manner:


         userID == NULL  ... UserID is ignored (DEFAULT)

         userID == ""    ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'

         userID != ""    ... UserID set equal to 'userID'

Return value


This function returns a pointer to an array of wxDbColInf (p. 31)  structures, allowing you to obtain information regarding the columns of the  named table(s).  If no columns were found, or an error occurred, this pointer  will be NULL.




ALL column bindings associated with this wxDb instance are unbound by this function, including those used by any wxDbTable instances that use  this wxDb instance.  This function should use its own wxDb instance to avoid undesired unbinding of columns.


See also


wxDbColInf (p. 31)




   wxChar *tableList[] = {"PARTS", 0};

   wxDbColInf *colInf = pDb->GetColumns(tableList);

   if (colInf)


      // Use the column inf


      // Destroy the memory

      delete [] colInf;




bool GetData(UWORD colNo, SWORD cType, PTR pData, SDWORD maxLen, SDWORD FAR * cbReturned )


Used to retrieve result set data without binding column values to memory  variables (i.e. not using a wxDbTable instance to access table data).





Ordinal number of the desired column in the result set to be  returned.


The C data type that is to be returned.  See a partial list  in wxDbTable::SetColDefs (p. 68)


Memory buffer which will hold the data returned by the call  to this function.


Maximum size of the buffer 'pData' in characters.  NOTE: Not UNICODE safe.  If this is a numeric field, a value of 0 may be  passed for this parameter, as the API knows the size of the expected return  value.


Pointer to the buffer containing the length of the  actual data returned.  If this value comes back as SQL_NULL_DATA, then the wxDb::GetData (p. 17) call has failed.


See also


wxDb::GetNext (p. 19), wxDb::ExecSql (p. 14)




    SDWORD cb;

    ULONG reqQty;

    wxString sqlStmt;




    // Perform the query

    if (!pDb->ExecSql(sqlStmt.c_str()))


        // ERROR




    // Request the first row of the result set

    if (!pDb->GetNext())


        // ERROR




    // Read column #1 of the row returned by the call to ::GetNext()

    // and return the value in 'reqQty'

    if (!pDb->GetData(1, SQL_C_ULONG, &reqQty, 0, &cb))


        // ERROR




    // Check for a NULL result

    if (cb == SQL_NULL_DATA)




When requesting multiple columns to be returned from the result set (for example, the SQL query requested 3 columns be returned), the calls to this function must request the columns in ordinal sequence (1,2,3 or 1,3 or 2,3). 





const wxChar * GetDatabaseName()


Returns the name of the database engine.





const wxString& GetDatasourceName()


Returns the ODBC datasource name.







Returns the ODBC handle to the database connection.







Returns the ODBC environment handle.







Returns the ODBC statement handle associated with this database connection.





int  GetKeyFields(const wxString&tableName, wxDbColInf *colInf, UWORD nocols)


Used to determine which columns are members of primary or non-primary indexes on the specified table.  If a column is a member of a foreign key for some other table, that information is detected also.


This function is primarily for use by the wxDb::GetColumns (p. 16) function, but may be called if desired from the client application.





Name of the table for which the columns will be evaluated as to their inclusion in any indexes.


Data structure containing the column definitions (obtained with wxDb::GetColumns (p. 16)).  This function populates the PkCol, PkTableName, and FkTableName members of the colInf structure.


Number of columns defined in the instance of colInf.


Return value


Currently always returns TRUE.


See also


wxDbColInf (p. 31), wxDb::GetColumns (p. 16)





bool GetNext()


Called after executing a query, this function requests the next row  in the result set after the current position of the cursor.


See also


wxDb::ExecSql (p. 14), wxDb::GetData (p. 17)





bool GetNextError(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT)





A handle to the ODBC environment.


OPTIONAL.  A handle to the ODBC connection.  Pass this  in if the ODBC function call that erred out required a hdbc or hstmt argument.


OPTIONAL.A handle to the ODBC statement being executed  against.  Pass this in if the ODBC function call that erred out requires a  hstmt argument.




   if (SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (UCHAR FAR *) pSqlStmt, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS)


      // Display all ODBC errors for this stmt

      return(db.DispAllErrors(db.henv, db.hdbc, hstmt));


See also


wxDb::DispNextError (p. 13), wxDb::DispAllErrors (p. 12)





const wxString& GetPassword()


Returns the password used to establish this connection to the datasource.





int  GetTableCount()


Returns the number of wxDbTable() instances currently using this datasource  connection.





const wxString& GetUsername()


Returns the user name (uid) used to establish this connection to the  datasource.





bool Grant(int privileges, const wxString&tableName, const wxString&userList = "PUBLIC")


Use this member function to GRANT privileges to users for accessing tables in  the datasource.





Use this argument to select which privileges you want to  grant.  Pass DB_GRANT_ALL to grant all privileges.  To grant individual  privileges pass one or more of the following OR'd together:


         DB_GRANT_SELECT  = 1

         DB_GRANT_INSERT  = 2

         DB_GRANT_UPDATE  = 4

         DB_GRANT_DELETE  = 8


                            DB_GRANT_UPDATE | DB_GRANT_DELETE


The name of the table you wish to grant privileges on.


OPTIONAL.  A comma delimited list of users to grant the privileges to.  If this argument is not passed in, the privileges will be given to the general PUBLIC.




Some databases require user names to be specified in all capital letters (i.e. Oracle).  This function does not automatically capitalize the user names passed in the comma-separated list.  This is the responsibility of the calling routine.


The currently logged in user must have sufficient grantor privileges for this  function to be able to successfully grant the indicated privileges.




   db.Grant(DB_GRANT_SELECT | DB_GRANT_INSERT, "PARTS", "mary, sue");



bool IsFwdOnlyCursors()


This setting indicates whether this database connection was created as being capable of using only forward scrolling cursors. 


This function does NOT indicate if the ODBC driver or datasource supports  backward scrolling cursors.  There is no standard way of detecting if the  driver or datasource can support backward scrolling cursors.


If a wxDb instance was created as being capable of only forward scrolling  cursors, then even if the datasource and ODBC driver support backward  scrolling cursors, tables using this database connection would only be able  to use forward scrolling cursors.


The default setting of whether a wxDb connection to a database allows forward-only or also backward scrolling cursors is defined in setup.h by the  value of wxODBC_FWD_ONLY_CURSORS.  This default setting can be overridden when the wxDb connection is initially created (see wxDb constructor (p. 8) and wxDbGetConnection (p. 5)).


Return value


Returns TRUE if this datasource connection is defined as using only forward scrolling cursors, or FALSE if the connection is defined as being allowed to  use backward scrolling cursors and their associated functions (see note above).




Added as of wxWindows v2.4 release, this function is a renamed version of  wxDb::FwdOnlyCursors() to match the normal wxWindows naming conventions for  class member functions.


This function is not available in versions prior to v2.4.  You should  use wxDb::FwdOnlyCursors (p. 14) for wxWindows  versions prior to 2.4.


See also


wxDb constructor (p. 8), wxDbGetConnection (p. 5)





bool IsOpen()


Indicates whether the database connection to the datasource is currently  opened.




This function may indicate that the database connection is open, even if  the call to wxDb::Open (p. 24) may have failed to fully  initialize the connection correctly.  The connection to the database is open and can be used via the direct SQL commands, if this  function returns TRUE.  Other functions which depend on the wxDb::Open (p. 24) to have completed correctly may not function  as expected.  The return result from wxDb::Open (p. 24) is the  only way to know if complete initialization of this wxDb connection was  successful or not.  See wxDb::Open (p. 24) for more details on  partial failures to open a connection instance.








void LogError(const wxString&errMsg const wxString&SQLState="")



Free-form text to display describing the error/text to be logged.


OPTIONAL.  Native SQL state error.  Default is 0.




Calling this function will enter a log message in the error list maintained for the database connection.  This log message is free form and can be anything the programmer wants to enter in the error list.


If SQL logging is turned on, the call to this function will also log the text into the SQL log file.


See also


wxDb::WriteSqlLog (p. 29)





void ModifyColumn(const wxString&tableName const wxString&ColumnName int dataType ULONG columnLength=0 const wxString&optionalParam="")


Used to change certain properties of a column such as the length, or whether a column  allows NULLs or not.



Name of the table that the column to be modified is in.


Name of the column to be modified.  NOTE: Name of column cannot  be changed with this function.




New size of the column.  Valid only for DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR  dataType fields.  Default is 0.


Default is "".




Cannot be used to modify the precision of a numeric column, therefore 'columnLength'  is ignored unless the dataType is DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR.


Some datasources do not allow certain properties of a column to be changed if any rows  currently have data stored in that column.  Those datasources that do allow columns  to be changed with data in the rows many handle truncation and/or expansion in  different ways.  Please refer to the reference material for the datasource being  used for behavioral descriptions.




    ok = pDb->ModifyColumn("CONTACTS", "ADDRESS2",

                            DB_, colDefs[j].SzDataObj,

                            wxT("NOT NULL"));



bool Open(const wxString&Dsn, const wxString&Uid, const wxString&AuthStr)


bool Open(wxDb *copyDb)


Opens a connection to the datasource, sets certain behaviors of the datasource  to confirm to the accepted behaviors (e.g. cursor position maintained on  commits), and queries the datasource for its representations of the basic  datatypes to determine the form in which the data going to/from columns in  the data tables are to be handled.


The second form of this function, which accepts a "wxDb *" as a parameter,  can be used to avoid the overhead (execution time, database load, network  traffic) which are needed to determine the data types and representations  of data that are necessary for cross-datasource support by these classes. 


Normally the first form of the wxDb::Open() function will open the connection  and then send a series of queries to the datasource asking it for its  representation of data types, and all the features it supports.  If one  connection to the datasource has already been made previously, the information  gathered when that connection was created can just be copied to any new  connections to the same datasource by passing a pointer to the first  connection in as a parameter to the wxDb::Open() function.  Note that this  new connection created from the first connections information will use the  same Dsn/Uid/AuthStr as the first connection used.





datasource name.  The name of the ODBC datasource as  assigned when the datasource is initially set up through the ODBC data  source manager.


User ID.  The name (ID) of the user you wish to connect as to the datasource.  The user name (ID) determines what objects you have access to in the datasource and what datasource privileges you have. Privileges include being able to create new objects, update objects, delete objects and so on.  Users and privileges are normally administered by the database administrator.


The password associated with the Uid.


Already completely configured and opened datasource connection  from which all Dsn, Uid, AuthStr, and data typing information is to be copied  from for use by this datasource connection.





After a wxDb instance is created, it must then be opened.  When opening a  datasource, there must be three pieces of information passed.  The data  source name, user name (ID) and the password for the user.  No database  activity on the datasource can be performed until the connection is opened.   This is normally done at program startup and the datasource remains  open for the duration of the program/module run. 


It is possible to have connections to multiple datasources open at the same  time to support distributed database connections by having separate instances  of wxDb objects that use either the same or different Dsn/Uid/AuthStr settings.


If this function returns a value of FALSE, it does not necessarily mean that  the connection to the datasource was not opened.  It may mean that some  portion of the initialization of the connection failed (such as a datatype not  being able to be determined how the datasource represents it).  To determine  if the connection to the database failed, use the wxDb::IsOpen (p. 22)  function after receiving a FALSE result back from this function to determine if  the connection was opened or not.  If this function returns FALSE, but wxDb::IsOpen (p. 22)  returns TRUE, then direct SQL commands may be passed to the database  connection and can be successfully executed, but use of the datatypes (such as  by a wxDbTable instance) that are normally determined during open will not be  possible.


The Dsn, Uid, and AuthStr string pointers that are passed in  are copied.  NOT the strings themselves, only the pointers.  The calling routine  must maintain the memory for these three strings for the life of the wxDb instance.




   wxDb sampleDB(DbConnectInf.GetHenv());

   if (!sampleDB.Open("Oracle 7.1 HP/UX", "gtasker", "myPassword"))


      if (sampleDb.IsOpen())


        // Connection is open, but the initialization of

        // datatypes and parameter settings failed




        // Error opening datasource





bool RollbackTrans()


Function to "undo" changes made to the database.  After an insert/update/delete, the operation may be "undone" by issuing this command any time before a wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) is called on the database connection.






Transactions begin implicitly as soon as you make a change to the database.  The  transaction continues until either a commit or rollback is executed.  Calling  wxDb::RollbackTrans() will result in ALL changes done using this database  connection that have not already been committed to be "undone" back to the last  commit/rollback that was successfully executed.


Calling this member function rolls back ALL open (uncommitted)  transactions on this ODBC connection, including all wxDbTable instances that  use this connection.


See also


wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) for a special note on cursors





void SetDebugErrorMessages(bool state)



Either TRUE (debug messages are logged) or FALSE (debug messages are not logged).




Turns on/off debug error messages from the ODBC class library.  When this function is passed TRUE, errors are reported to the user/logged automatically in a text or pop-up dialog when an ODBC error occurs.  When passed FALSE, errors are silently handled.


When compiled in release mode (FINAL=1), this setting has no affect.


See also


wxDb constructor (p. 8)




bool SetSqlLogging(wxDbSqlLogState state, const wxString&filename = SQL_LOG_FILENAME, bool  append = FALSE)





Either sqlLogOFF or sqlLogON (see enum wxDbSqlLogState (p. 32)). Turns logging of SQL commands sent to the datasource OFF or ON.


OPTIONAL.  Name of the file to which the log text is to be written.  Default is SQL_LOG_FILENAME.


OPTIONAL. Whether the file is appended to or overwritten.  Default is FALSE.




When called with sqlLogON, all commands sent to the datasource engine are logged to the file specified by filename.  Logging is done by embedded wxDb::WriteSqlLog (p. 29) calls in the database member functions, or may be manually logged by adding calls to wxDb::WriteSqlLog (p. 29) in your own source code.


When called with sqlLogOFF, the logging file is closed, and any calls to wxDb::WriteSqlLog (p. 29) are ignored.





bool TableExists(const wxString&tableName, const wxChar *userID=NULL, const wxString&path="")


Checks the ODBC datasource for the existence of a table.  If a userID  is specified, then the table must be accessible by that user (user must have  at least minimal privileges to the table).





Name of the table to check for the existence of.


Owner of the table (also referred to as schema).  Specify a userID when the datasource you are connected to allows multiple unique tables with the same name to be owned by different users.  userIDis evaluated as follows:


         userID == NULL  ... UserID is ignored (DEFAULT)

         userID == ""    ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'

         userID != ""    ... UserID set equal to 'userID'



tableName may refer to a table, view, alias or synonym.


This function does not indicate whether or not the user has privileges to query or perform other functions on the table.  Use the wxDb::TablePrivileges (p. 27) to determine if the user has sufficient privileges or not.


See also


wxDb::TablePrivileges (p. 27)




bool TablePrivileges(const wxString&tableName, const wxString&priv, const wxChar *userID=NULL, const wxChar *schema=NULL, const wxString&path="")


Checks the ODBC datasource for the existence of a table.  If a userID  is specified, then the table must be accessible by that user (user must have  at least minimal privileges to the table).





Name of the table on which to check privileges.  tableName may refer to a table, view, alias or synonym.


The table privilege being evaluated. May be one of the  following (or a datasource specific privilege):


    SELECT      : The connected user is permitted to retrieve data for

                  one or more columns of the table.


    INSERT      : The connected user is permitted to insert new rows

                  containing data for one or more columns into the



    UPDATE      : The connected user is permitted to update the data in

                  one or more columns of the table.


    DELETE      : The connected user is permitted to delete rows of

                  data from the table.


    REFERENCES  : Is the connected user permitted to refer to one or

                  more columns of the table within a constraint (for

                  example, a unique, referential, or table check



OPTIONAL.  User for which to determine if the privilege  specified to be checked is granted or not.  Default is "".  userID is evaluated as follows:


         userID == NULL  ... NOT ALLOWED!

         userID == ""    ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'

         userID != ""    ... UserID set equal to 'userID'


OPTIONAL.  Owner of the table.  Specify a userID when the datasource  you are connected to allows multiple unique tables with the same name to be  owned by different users.  Specifying the table owner makes determination of the  users privileges MUCH faster.  Default is NULL.  userID is evaluated as follows:


         schema == NULL  ... Any owner (DEFAULT)

         schema == ""    ... Owned by 'this->uid'

         schema != ""    ... Owned by userID specified in 'schema'


OPTIONAL.  Path to the table.  Default is "".   Currently unused.






The scope of privilege allowed to the connected user by a given table  privilege is datasource dependent.


For example, the privilege UPDATE might allow the connected user to update  all columns in a table on one datasource, but only those columns for  which the grantor (the user that granted the connected user) has the UPDATE  privilege on another datasource.


Looking up a user's privileges to a table can be time consuming depending on the  datasource and ODBC driver.  This time can be minimized by passing a schema  as a parameter.  With some datasources/drivers, the difference can be several  seconds of time difference.




int  TranslateSqlState(const wxString&SQLState)


Converts an ODBC sqlstate to an internal error code.





State to be converted.


Return value


Returns the internal class DB_ERR code.  See wxDb::DB_STATUS (p. 1) definition.




bool WriteSqlLog(const wxString&logMsg)





Free form string to be written to the log file.




Very useful debugging tool that may be turned on/off during run time (see  (see wxDb::SetSqlLogging (p. 26) for details on  turning logging on/off).  The passed in string logMsg will be written to  a log file if SQL logging is turned on.


Return value


If SQL logging is off when a call to WriteSqlLog() is made, or there is a failure to write the log message to the log file, the function returns FALSE without performing the requested log, otherwise TRUE is returned.


See also

wxDb::SetSqlLogging (p. 26)




Pointer to dynamic column definitions for use with a wxDbTable instance.   Currently there are no member functions for this class.


    void   *PtrDataObj;

    int     SzDataObj;

    SWORD   SqlCtype;



This class is used to hold information about the columns bound to an  instance of a wxDbTable object. 


Each instance of this class describes one column in the wxDbTable  object.  When calling the wxDb constructor (p. 8), a  parameter passed in indicates the number of columns that will be defined for  the wxDbTable object.  The constructor uses this information to allocate  adequate memory for all of the column descriptions in your wxDbTable object.   Private member wxDbTable::colDefs is a pointer to this chunk of memory  maintained by the wxDbTable class (and can be retrieved using the wxDbTable::GetColDefs (p. 54) function).   To access the nth column definition of your wxDbTable object, just reference  wxDbColDefs element [n - 1].


Typically, wxDbTable::SetColDefs (p. 68) is used to  populate an array of these data structures for the wxDbTable instance.


Currently there are no accessor functions for this class, so all members are  public.


    wxChar  ColName[DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1];  // Column Name

    int     DbDataType;    - Logical Data Type;

                             e.g. DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER

    SWORD   SqlCtype;      - C data type; e.g. SQL_C_LONG

    void   *PtrDataObj;    - Address of the data object

    int     SzDataObj;     - Size, in bytes, of the data object

    bool    KeyField;      - Is column part of the PRIMARY KEY for the

                             table? -- Date fields should NOT be


    bool    Updateable;    - Column is updateable?

    bool    InsertAllowed; - Column included in INSERT statements?

    bool    DerivedCol;    - Column is a derived value?

    SDWORD  CbValue;       - !!!Internal use only!!!

    bool    Null;          - NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED

                             Allows NULL values in Inserts and Updates

See also


wxDbTable::GetColDefs (p. 54), wxDb constructor (p. 8)





Simply initializes all member variables to a cleared state.  Called by  the constructor automatically.




Used with the wxDb::GetColumns (p. 16) functions for obtaining all retrievable information about a column's definition.


    wxChar       catalog[128+1];

    wxChar       schema[128+1];

    wxChar       tableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1];

    wxChar       colName[DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1];

    SWORD        sqlDataType;

    wxChar       typeName[128+1];

    SWORD        columnSize;

    SWORD        bufferLength;

    short        decimalDigits;

    short        numPrecRadix;

    short        nullable;

    wxChar       remarks[254+1];

    int          dbDataType;  // conversion of the 'sqlDataType'

                              // to the generic data type used by

                              // these classes

    int          PkCol;       // Primary key column

                                    0 = No

                                    1 = First Key

                                    2 = Second Key, etc...

    wxChar       PkTableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1];

                              // Tables that use this PKey as a FKey

    int          FkCol;       // Foreign key column

                                    0 = No

                                    1 = First Key

                                    2 = Second Key, etc...

    wxChar       FkTableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1];

                              // Foreign key table name

    wxDbColFor  *pColFor;     // How should this column be formatted

The constructor for this class initializes all the values to zero, "", or NULL.


The destructor for this class takes care of deleting the pColFor member if  it is non-NULL.





Simply initializes all member variables to a cleared state.  Called by  the constructor automatically.




Beginning support for handling international formatting specifically on dates  and floats. 


    wxString       s_Field;       // Formated String for Output

    wxString       s_Format[7];   // Formated Objects - TIMESTAMP has

                                     the biggest (7)

    wxString       s_Amount[7];   // Formated Objects - amount of

                                     things that can be formatted

    int            i_Amount[7];   // Formated Objects -

                                        TT MM YYYY HH MM SS m

    int            i_Nation;      // 0 = timestamp

                                     1 = EU

                                     2 = UK

                                     3 = International

                                     4 = US

    int            i_dbDataType;  // conversion of the 'sqlDataType'

                                     to the generic data type used by

                                     these classes

    SWORD          i_sqlDataType;

The constructor for this class initializes all the values to zero or NULL.


The destructor does nothing at this time.


Only one function is provided with this class currently:





int  Format(int Nation, int dbDataType, SWORD sqlDataType, short columnSize, short decimalDigits)


Work in progress, and should be inter-related with wxLocale eventually.





Simply initializes all member variables to a cleared state.  Called by  the constructor automatically.




This class is used for holding the data necessary for connecting to the ODBC  datasource.  That information includes: SQL environment handle, datasource  name, user ID, password and default directory path (used with dBase).  Other  optional fields held in this class are and file type, both for future  functions planned to be added for creating/manipulating datasource definitions.




Default constructor.


wxDb(HENV henv, const wxString&dsn, const wxString&userID="", const wxString&password, const wxString&defaultDir="", const wxString&description="", const wxString&fileType="")


Constructor which allows initial settings of all the classes member variables.


See the special not below on the henv parameter for forcing this constructor  to create a SQL environment handle automatically, rather than needing to pass  one in to the function.





Environment handle used for this connection.  See wxDConnectInf::AllocHenv (p. 35) for how to create  an SQL environment handle.  NOTE: Passing in a NULL for this parameter will  inform the constructor that it should create its own SQL environment handle.   If NULL is passed for this parameter, the constructor will call wxDConnectInf::AllocHenv (p. 35) internally.  A  flag is set internally also to indicate that the HENV was created by the  constructor so that when the default class destructor is called, the  destructor will call wxDConnectInf::FreeHenv (p. 35)  to free the environment handle automatically.


Name of the datasource to be used in creating wxDb instances  for creating connection(s) to a datasource.


OPTIONAL Many datasources allow (or even require)  use of a username to determine privileges that connecting user is allowed  to have when accessing the datasource or the data tables.  Default is "".


OPTIONAL Password to be associated with the user  ID specified in 'userID'.  Default is "".


OPTIONAL Used for datasources which require the  path to where the data file is stored to be specified.  dBase is one example  of the type of datasource which requires this information.  Default is "".








It is strongly recommended that programs use the longer form of the  constructor and allow the constructor to create the SQL environment handle  automatically, and manage the destruction of the handle.




   wxDbConnectInf *DbConnectInf;


     DbConnectInf = new wxDbConnectInf(0,"MY_DSN", "MY_USER",



     ....the rest of the program


     delete DbConnectInf;

See also


wxDConnectInf::AllocHenv (p. 35), wxDConnectInf::FreeHenv (p. 35)







Handles the default destruction of the instance of the class.  If the long form  of the wxDConnectInf (p. 33) was used, then this destructor  also takes care of calling wxDConnectInf::FreeHenv (p. 35) to free the  SQL environment handle.





bool  AllocHenv()


Allocates a SQL environment handle that will be used to interface with  an ODBC datasource.




This function can be automatically called by the long from of the wxDbConnectInf (p. 33) constructor.





void FreeHenv()


Frees the SQL environment handle being managed by the instance of this class.




If the SQL environment handle was created using the long form of the wxDbConnectInf (p. 33) constructor, then the flag indicating  that the HENV should be destroyed when the classes destructor is called  is reset to be FALSE, so that any future handles created using the wxDbConnectInf::AllocHenv (p. 35) function  must be manually released with a call to this function.





Simply initializes all member variables to a cleared state.  Called by  the constructor automatically.





const wxChar * GetAuthStr()


Accessor function to return the password assigned for this class  instance that will be used with the user ID.


Synonymous with wxDbConnectInf::GetPassword (p. 37)





const wxChar * GetDefaultDir()


Accessor function to return the default directory in which the datasource's data  table is stored.  This directory is only used for file based datasources like  dBase.  MS-Access does not require this to be set, as the path is set in the  ODBC Administrator for MS-Access.





const wxChar * GetDescription()


Accessor function to return the description assigned for this class  instance.


NOTE: Description is a FUTURE USE item and is unused currently.





const wxChar * GetDsn()


Accessor function to return the datasource name assigned for this class  instance.





const wxChar * GetFileType()


Accessor function to return the filetype of the ODBC datasource assigned for  this class instance.


NOTE: FileType is a FUTURE USE item and is unused currently.





const HENV GetHenv()


Accessor function to return the SQL environment handle being managed  by this class instance.





const wxChar * GetPassword()


Accessor function to return the password assigned for this class  instance that will be used with the user ID.


Synonymous with wxDbConnectInf::GetAuthStr (p. 36)





const wxChar * GetUid()


Accessor function to return the user ID assigned for this class  instance.





const wxChar * GetUserID()


Accessor function to return the user ID assigned for this class  instance.





 SetAuthStr(const wxString&authstr)


Accessor function to assign the password for this class  instance that will be used with the user ID.


Synonymous with wxDbConnectInf::SetPassword (p. 38)





 SetDefaultDir(const wxString&defDir)


Accessor function to assign the default directory in which the datasource's data  table is stored.  This directory is only used for file based datasources like  dBase.  MS-Access does not require this to be set, as the path is set in the  ODBC Administrator for MS-Access.





 SetDescription(const wxString&desc)


Accessor function to assign the description assigned for this class  instance.


NOTE: Description is a FUTURE USE item and is unused currently.





 SetDsn(const wxString&dsn)


Accessor function to assign the datasource name for this class instance.





 SetFileType(const wxString&)


Accessor function to return the filetype of the ODBC datasource assigned for  this class instance.


NOTE: FileType is a FUTURE USE item and is unused currently.





void SetHenv(const HENV henv)


Accessor function to set the SQL environment handle for this class instance.





 SetPassword(const wxString&password)


Accessor function to assign the password for this class  instance that will be used with the user ID.


Synonymous with wxDbConnectInf::SetAuthStr (p. 37)





 SetUid(const wxString&uid)


Accessor function to set the user ID for this class instance.





 SetUserID(const wxString&userID)


Accessor function to assign the user ID for this class instance.




Used in creation of non-primary indexes.  Currently there are no member  functions for this class.


    wxChar  ColName[DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1] // Name of column

    bool    Ascending   // Is index maintained in ASCENDING sequence?

There are no constructors/destructors as of this time, and no member functions.




Contains information regarding the database connection (datasource name,  number of tables, etc).  A pointer to a wxDbTableInf is included in this  class so a program can create a wxDbTableInf array instance to maintain all information about all tables in the datasource to have all the datasource's information in one memory structure.


Primarily, this class is used internally by the wxWindows ODBC classes.


    wxChar        catalog[128+1];

    wxChar        schema[128+1];  // typically means owner of table(s)

    int           numTables;      // How many tables does this

                                     datasource have

    wxDbTableInf *pTableInf;      // Equals a new


The constructor for this class initializes all the values to zero, "", or NULL.


The destructor for this class takes care of deleting the pTableInf member if  it is non-NULL.





Simply initializes all member variables to a cleared state.  Called by  the constructor automatically.




A wxDbTable instance provides re-usable access to rows of data in a table contained within the associated ODBC datasource


Include files




Helper classes and data structures


The following classes and structs are defined in dbtable.cpp/.h for use  with the wxDbTable class.


      ·           wxDbColDef (p. 30)

      ·           wxDbColDataPtr (p. 30)

      ·           wxDbIdxDef (p. 39)




    wxDB_DEFAULT_CURSOR  Primary cursor normally used for cursor based



    wxDB_QUERY_ONLY      Used to indicate whether a table that is opened

                         is for query only, or if insert/update/deletes

                         will be performed on the table.  Less overhead

                         (cursors and memory) are allocated for query

                         only tables, plus read access times are faster

                         with some datasources.


    wxDB_ROWID_LEN       [Oracle only] - Used when CanUpdateByRowID()

                         is true.  Optimizes updates so they are faster

                         by updating on the Oracle-specific ROWID column

                         rather than some other index.



    wxDB_DISABLE_VIEW    Use to indicate when a database view should not

                         be if a table is normally set up to use a view. 

                         [Currently unsupported.]






 wxDbTable(wxDb *pwxDb, const wxString&tblName,   const UWORD numColumns, const wxString&qryTblName = "",   bool qryOnly = !wxDB_QUERY_ONLY, const wxString&tblPath = "")


Default constructor.





Pointer to the wxDb instance to be used by this wxDbTable  instance.


The name of the table in the RDBMS.


The number of columns in the table.  (Do NOT include the ROWID column in the count if using Oracle).


OPTIONAL.  The name of the table or view to base  your queries on.  This argument allows you to specify a table/view other than the base table for this object to base your queries on.  This allows you to  query on a view for example, but all of the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETES will  still be performed on the base table for this wxDbTable object.  Basing your  queries on a view can provide a substantial performance increase in cases where your queries involve many tables with multiple joins.  Default is "".


OPTIONAL.  Indicates whether the table will be  accessible for query purposes only, or should the table create the necessary cursors to be able to insert, update, and delete data from the table.   Default is !wxDB_QUERY_ONLY.


OPTIONAL.  Some datasources (such as dBase)  require a path to where the table is stored on the system.  Default is "".





virtual ~wxDbTable()


Virtual default destructor.





void BuildDeleteStmt(wxString&pSqlStmt, int typeOfDel, const wxString&pWhereClause="")


Constructs the full SQL statement that can be used to delete all rows matching the criteria in the pWhereClause.





Pointer to buffer for the SQL statement retrieved.  To be sure you have adequate space allocated for the SQL statement, allocate DB_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN bytes.


The type of delete statement being performed.  Can be one of three values: DB_DEL_KEYFIELDS, DB_DEL_WHERE or DB_DEL_MATCHING


OPTIONAL.  If the typeOfDel is DB_DEL_WHERE,  then you must also pass in a SQL WHERE clause in this argument.  Default  is "".




This member function constructs a SQL DELETE statement.  This can be used for  debugging purposes if you are having problems executing your SQL statement.


WHERE and FROM clauses specified using wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)  and wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) are ignored by  this function.





void BuildSelectStmt(wxString&pSqlStmt, int typeOfSelect, bool distinct)


Constructs the full SQL statement that can be used to select all rows matching the criteria in the pWhereClause.  This function is called internally in the  wxDbTable class whenever the function wxDbTable::Query (p. 62)  is called.


NOTE: Only the columns specified in wxDbTable::SetColDefs (p. 68)  statements are included in the list of columns returned by the SQL statement  created by a call to this function.





Pointer to storage for the SQL statement retrieved.  To be sure you have adequate space allocated for the SQL statement, allocate DB_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN bytes.


The type of select statement being performed.  Can be one of four values: DB_SELECT_KEYFIELDS, DB_SELECT_WHERE, DB_SELECT_MATCHING or DB_SELECT_STATEMENT.


Whether to select distinct records only.




This member function constructs a SQL SELECT statement.  This can be used for  debugging purposes if you are having problems executing your SQL statement.


WHERE and FROM clauses specified using wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)  and wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) are ignored by  this function.





void BuildUpdateStmt(wxString&pSqlStmt, int typeOfUpd, const wxString&pWhereClause="")


Constructs the full SQL statement that can be used to update all rows matching the criteria in the pWhereClause.


If typeOfUpd is DB_UPD_KEYFIELDS, then the current values in the bound columns are used to determine which row(s) in the table are to be updated. The  exception to this is when a datasource supports ROW IDs (Oracle).  The ROW ID column is used for efficiency purposes when available.


NOTE: Only the columns specified in wxDbTable::SetColDefs (p. 68)  statements are included in the list of columns updated by the SQL statement  created by a call to this function.  Any column definitions that were defined as being non-updateable will be excluded from the SQL UPDATE statement created by this function.





Pointer to storage for the SQL statement retrieved.  To be sure you have adequate space allocated for the SQL statement, allocate DB_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN bytes.


The type of update statement being performed.  Can be one of two values: DB_UPD_KEYFIELDS or DB_UPD_WHERE.


OPTIONAL.  If the typeOfUpd is DB_UPD_WHERE,  then you must also pass in a SQL WHERE clause in this argument. Default is "".




This member function allows you to see what the SQL UPDATE statement looks like that the ODBC class library builds.  This can be used for debugging purposes if you are having problems executing your SQL statement.


WHERE and FROM clauses specified using wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)  and wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) are ignored by  this function.





void BuildSelectStmt(wxString&pWhereClause, int typeOfWhere, const wxString&qualTableName="", bool useLikeComparison=FALSE)


Constructs the portion of a SQL statement which would follow the word 'WHERE' in a SQL statement to be passed to the datasource.  The returned string does NOT include the word 'WHERE'.





Pointer to storage for the SQL statement retrieved.   To be sure you have adequate space allocated for the SQL statement, allocate DB_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN bytes.


The type of where clause to generate.  Can be one of  two values:  DB_WHERE_KEYFIELDS or DB_WHERE_MATCHING.


OPTIONAL.  Prepended to all base table  column names.  For use when a FROM clause has been specified with the wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70),  to clarify which table a column name reference belongs to.  Default is "".


OPTIONAL.  Should the constructed WHERE  clause utilize the LIKE comparison operator.  If FALSE, then the '='  operator is used.  Default is FALSE.




This member function allows you to see what the SQL WHERE clause looks like  that the ODBC class library builds.  This can be used for debugging purposes if you are having problems executing your own SQL statements.


If using 'typeOfWhere' set to DB_WHERE_MATCHING, any bound columns currently containing a NULL value are not included in the WHERE clause's list of columns to use in the comparison.





bool CanSelectForUpdate()


Use this function to determine if the datasource supports SELECT ... FOR UPDATE. When the keywords "FOR UPDATE" are included as part of your SQL SELECT statement, all records retrieved (not just queried, but actually retrieved using wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57), etc) from the result set are  locked. 




Not all datasources support the "FOR UPDATE" clause, so you must use this member function to determine if the datasource currently connected to supports this behavior or not before trying to select using "FOR UPDATE".


If the wxDbTable instance was created with the parameter wxDB_QUERY_ONLY, then  this function will return FALSE.  For all known databases which do not support  the FOR UPDATE clause, this function will return FALSE also.





bool CanUpdateByROWID()






Every Oracle table has a hidden column named ROWID.  This is a pointer to the physical location of the record in the datasource and allows for very fast  updates and deletes.  The key is to retrieve this ROWID during your query so it is available during an update or delete operation.


Use of the ROWID feature is always handled by the class library except in the  case of wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt (p. 64).  Since  you are passing in the SQL SELECT statement,  it is up to you to include the ROWID column in your query.  If you do not,  the application will still work, but may not be as optimized.  The ROWID is  always the last column in the column list in your SQL SELECT statement.   The ROWID is not a column in the normal sense and should not be considered  part of the column definitions for the wxDbTable object.




The decision to include the ROWID in your SQL SELECT statement must be  deferred until runtime since it depends on whether you are connected  to an Oracle datasource or not.




  // Incomplete code sample

  wxDbTable parts;


  if (parts.CanUpdByROWID())


      // Note the ROWID column must always be the last column selected







void ClearMemberVar(UWORD colNo, bool setToNull=FALSE)


Same as wxDbTable::ClearMemberVars (p. 46) except that this function clears only the specified column of its values, and  optionally sets the column to be a NULL column.



Column number that is to be cleared.  This number (between 0  and (noCols-1)) is the index of the column definition created using the wxDbTable::SetColDefs (p. 68) function.


OPTIONAL.  Indicates whether the column should be  flagged as being a NULL value stored in the bound memory variable.  If TRUE,  then any value stored in the bound member variable is cleared.  Default is  FALSE.





void ClearMemberVars(bool setToNull=FALSE)


Initializes all bound columns of the wxDbTable instance to zero.  In the case  of a string, zero is copied to the first byte of the string. 



OPTIONAL.  Indicates whether all columns should be  flagged as having a NULL value stored in the bound memory variable.  If TRUE,  then any value stored in the bound member variable is cleared.  Default is  FALSE.




This is useful before calling functions such as wxDbTable::QueryMatching (p. 65) or wxDbTable::DeleteMatching (p. 51) since these  functions build their WHERE clauses from non-zero columns.  To call either wxDbTable::QueryMatching (p. 65) or wxDbTable::DeleteMatching (p. 51) use this sequence:


1)  ClearMemberVars()

2)  Assign columns values you wish to match on

3)  Call wxDbTable::QueryMatching() or wxDbTable::DeleteMatching()



bool CloseCursor(HSTMTcursor)


Closes the specified cursor associated with the wxDbTable object.





The cursor to be closed.




Typically handled internally by the ODBC class library, but may be used by the  programmer if desired.







ULONG  Count(const wxString&args="*")


Returns the number of records which would be in the result set using the current query parameters specified in the WHERE and FROM clauses.





OPTIONAL.  This argument allows the use of the  DISTINCT keyword against a column name to cause the returned count to  only indicate the number of rows in the result set that have a unique  value in the specified column.  An example is shown below.  Default is "*",  meaning a count of the total number of rows matching is returned, regardless  of uniqueness.




This function can be called before or after an actual query to obtain the  count of records in the result set.  Count() uses its own cursor, so result set cursor positioning is not affected by calls to Count().


WHERE and FROM clauses specified using wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)  and wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) ARE used by  this function.







    -----------     ----------

    John            Doe   

    Richard         Smith

    Michael         Jones

    John            Carpenter


    // Incomplete code sample

    wxDbTable users;




    // This Count() will return 4, as there are four users listed above

    // that match the query parameters

    totalNumberOfUsers = users.Count();


    // This Count() will return 3, as there are 3 unique first names

    // in the table above - John, Richard, Michael.

    totalNumberOfUniqueFirstNames = users.Count("DISTINCT FIRST_NAME");



bool CreateIndex(const wxString&idxName, bool unique, UWORD noIdxCols, wxDbIdxDef *pIdxDefs, bool attemptDrop=TRUE)


This member function allows you to create secondary (non primary) indexes on  your tables.  You first create your table, normally specifying a primary  index, and then create any secondary indexes on the table.  Indexes in  relational model are not required.  You do not need indexes to look up records  in a table or to join two tables together.  In the relational model, indexes,  if available, provide a quicker means to look up data in a table.  To enjoy  the performance benefits of indexes, the indexes must be defined on the  appropriate columns and your SQL code must be written in such a way as to  take advantage of those indexes.





Name of the Index.  Name must be unique within the table  space of the datasource.


Indicates if this index is unique.


Number of columns in the index.


A pointer to an array wxDbIdxDef structures.


OPTIONAL.  Indicates if the function should try  to execute a wxDbTable::DropIndex (p. 53) on the index  name provided before trying to create the index name.  Default is TRUE.




The first parameter, index name, must be unique and should be given a  meaningful name.  Common practice is to include the table name as a prefix  in the index name (e.g. For table PARTS, you might want to call your index  PARTS_IDX1).  This will allow you to easily view all  of the indexes defined for a given table grouped together alphabetically.


The second parameter indicates if the index is unique or not.  Uniqueness  is enforced at the RDBMS level preventing rows which would have duplicate indexes from being inserted into the table when violating a unique index's  uniqueness.


In the third parameter, specify how many columns are in your index.  This  number must match the number of columns defined in the 'pIdxDefs' parameter.


The fourth parameter specifies which columns make up the index using the  wxDbIdxDef structure.  For each column in the index, you must specify two  things, the column name and the sort order (ascending / descending).  See  the example below to see how to build and pass in the wxDbIdxDef structure.


The fifth parameter is provided to handle the differences in datasources as  to whether they will automatically overwrite existing indexes with the same  name or not.  Some datasources require that the existing index must be dropped  first, so this is the default behavior.


Some datasources (MySQL, and possibly others) require columns which are to be  part of an index to be defined as NOT NULL.  When this function is called, if  a column is not defined to be NOT NULL, a call to this function will modify  the column definition to change any columns included in the index to be  NOT NULL.  In this situation, if a NULL value already exists in one of the  columns that is being modified, creation of the index will fail.


Postgres is unable to handle index definitions which specify whether the index  is ascending or descending, and defaults to the system default when the index  is created.


It is not necessary to call wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10)  after executing this function.




    // Create a secondary index on the PARTS table

    wxDbIdxDef  idxDef[2];  // 2 columns make up the index


    wxStrcpy(idxDef[0].ColName, "PART_DESC");  // Column 1

    idxDef[0].Ascending = TRUE;


    wxStrcpy(idxDef[1].ColName, "SERIAL_NO");  // Column 2

    idxDef[1].Ascending = FALSE;


    // Create a name for the index based on the table's name

    wxString indexName;


    parts->CreateIndex(indexName, TRUE, 2, idxDef);



bool CreateTable(bool attemptDrop=TRUE)


Creates a table based on the definitions previously defined for this wxDbTable instance.





OPTIONAL.  Indicates whether the driver should  attempt to drop the table before trying to create it.  Some datasources will  not allow creation of a table if the table already exists in the table space  being used.  Default is TRUE.




This function creates the table and primary index (if any) in the table space  associated with the connected datasource.  The owner of these objects will  be the user id that was given when wxDb::Open (p. 24) was called.   The objects will be created in the default schema/table space for that user.


In your derived wxDbTable object constructor, the columns and primary index  of the table are described through the wxDbColDef (p. 30) structure.  wxDbTable::CreateTable (p. 50) uses this information  to create the table and to add the primary index.  See wxDbTable (p. 40) ctor and wxDbColDef description for additional  information on describing the columns of the table.


It is not necessary to call wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10)  after executing this function.





bool DB_STATUS()


Accessor function that returns the wxDb private member variable DB_STATUS for  the database connection used by this instance of wxDbTable.





bool Delete()


Deletes the row from the table indicated by the current cursor.




Use wxDbTable::GetFirst (p. 55), wxDbTable::GetLast (p. 56), wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57) orwxDbTable::GetPrev (p. 57) to position the cursor to  a valid record.  Once positioned on a record, call this function to delete  the row from the table.


A wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25) must be called after use of  this function to commit or rollback the deletion.


NOTE: Most datasources have a limited size "rollback" segment.  This means  that it is only possible to insert/update/delete a finite number of rows  without performing a wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25).  Size of the rollback  segment varies from database to database, and is user configurable in  most databases.  Therefore it is usually best to try to perform a commit  or rollback at relatively small intervals when processing a larger number  of actions that insert/update/delete rows in a table.





bool DeleteCursor(HSTMT *hstmtDel)


Allows a program to delete a cursor.





Handle of the cursor to delete.




For default cursors associated with the instance of wxDbTable, it is not  necessary to specifically delete the cursors.  This is automatically done  in the wxDbTable destructor.


NOTE: If the cursor could not be deleted for some reason, an error is logged  indicating the reason.  Even if the cursor could not be deleted, the HSTMT  that is passed in is deleted, and the pointer is set to NULL.







bool DeleteMatching()


This member function allows you to delete records from your wxDbTable object  by specifying the data in the columns to match on. 




To delete all users with a first name of "JOHN", do the following:


    1)  Clear all "columns" using wxDbTable::ClearMemberVars().

    2)  Set the FIRST_NAME column equal to "JOHN".

    3)  Call wxDbTable::DeleteMatching().

The WHERE clause is built by the ODBC class library based on all non-NULL  columns.  This allows deletion of records by matching on any column(s) in  your wxDbTable instance, without having to write the SQL WHERE clause.


A wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25) must be called after use of  this function to commit or rollback the deletion.


NOTE: Row(s) should be locked before deleting them to make sure they are  not already in use.  This can be achieved by calling wxDbTable::QueryMatching (p. 65),  and then retrieving the records, locking each as you go (assuming FOR UPDATE  is allowed on the datasource).  After the row(s) have been successfully locked,  call this function.


NOTE: Most datasources have a limited "rollback" segment.  This means  that it is only possible to insert/update/delete a finite number of rows  without performing a wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25).  Size of the rollback  segment varies from database to database, and is user configurable in  most databases.  Therefore it is usually best to try to perform a commit  or rollback at relatively small intervals when processing a larger number  of actions that insert/update/delete rows in a table.




    // Incomplete code sample to delete all users with a first name

    // of "JOHN"






bool DeleteWhere(const wxString&pWhereClause)


Deletes all rows from the table which match the criteria specified in the  WHERE clause that is passed in.





SQL WHERE clause.  This WHERE clause determines which  records will be deleted from the table interfaced through the wxDbTable  instance.  The WHERE clause passed in must be compliant with the SQL 92  grammar.  Do not include the keyword 'WHERE'




This is the most powerful form of the wxDbTable delete functions.  This  function gives access to the full power of SQL.  This function can be used  to delete records by passing a valid SQL WHERE clause.  Sophisticated  deletions can be performed based on multiple criteria using the full  functionality of the SQL language. 


A wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) must be called after use of  this function to commit the deletions.


Note: This function is limited to deleting records from the table associated  with this wxDbTable object only.  Deletions on joined tables is not possible.


NOTE: Most datasources have a limited size "rollback" segment.  This means  that it is only possible to insert/update/delete a finite number of rows  without performing a wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25).  Size of the rollback  segment varies from database to database, and is user configurable in  most databases.  Therefore it is usually best to try to perform a commit  or rollback at relatively small intervals when processing a larger number  of actions that insert/update/delete rows in a table.


WHERE and FROM clauses specified using wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)  and wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) are ignored by  this function.




    // Delete parts 1 thru 10 from containers 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' that

    // are magenta in color

    parts.DeleteWhere("(PART_NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND 10) AND \

                        CONTAINER IN ('X', 'Y', 'Z') AND \

                        UPPER(COLOR) = 'MAGENTA'");



bool DropIndex(const wxString&idxName)


Allows an index on the associated table to be dropped (deleted) if the user  login has sufficient privileges to do so.





Name of the index to be dropped.




If the index specified in the 'idxName' parameter does not exist, an error  will be logged, and the function will return a result of FALSE.


It is not necessary to call wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10)  after executing this function.





bool DropTable()


Deletes the associated table if the user has sufficient privileges to do so.




This function returns TRUE if the table does not exist, but only for  supported databases (see wxDb::Dbms (p. 11)).  If a datasource  is not specifically supported, and this function is called, the function  will return FALSE.


Most datasources/ODBC drivers will delete any indexes associated with the  table automatically, and others may not.  Check the documentation for your  database to determine the behavior.


It is not necessary to call wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10)  after executing this function.





const wxString& From()


void From(const wxString&From)


Accessor function for the private class member wxDbTable::from.  Can be used  as a synonym for wxDbTable::GetFromClause (p. 55)  (the first form of this function) or  wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) (the second form  of this function).





A comma separated list of table names that are to be outer  joined with the base table's columns so that the joined table's columns  may be returned in the result set or used as a portion of a comparison with  the base table's columns.  NOTE that the base tables name must NOT be included  in the FROM clause, as it is automatically included by the wxDbTable class  in constructing query statements.


Return value


The first form of this function returns the current value of the wxDbTable  member variable ::from. 


The second form of the function has no return value, as it will always set  the from clause successfully.


See also


wxDbTable::GetFromClause (p. 55), wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70)





wxDbColDef * GetColDefs()


Accessor function that returns a pointer to the array of column definitions  that are bound to the columns that this wxDbTable instance is associated  with.


To determine the number of elements pointed to by the returned wxDbColDef (p. 30) pointer, use the wxDbTable::GetNumberOfColumns (p. 57) function.




These column definitions must not be manually redefined after they have been  set.





HSTMT GetCursor()


Returns the HSTMT value of the current cursor for this wxDbTable object. 




This function is typically used just before changing to use a different cursor  so that after the program is finished using the other cursor, the current  cursor can be set back to being the cursor in use.


See also


wxDbTable::SetCursor (p. 70), wxDbTable::GetNewCursor (p. 56)





wxDb * GetDb()


Accessor function for the private member variable pDb which is a pointer to  the datasource connection that this wxDbTable instance uses.





bool GetFirst()


Retrieves the FIRST row in the record set as defined by the current query.   Before retrieving records, a query must be performed using wxDbTable::Query (p. 62), wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields (p. 67), wxDbTable::QueryMatching (p. 65) or wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt (p. 64).




This function can only be used if the datasource connection used by the  wxDbTable instance was created with FwdOnlyCursors set to FALSE.  If the  connection does not allow backward scrolling cursors, this function will  return FALSE, and the data contained in the bound columns will be undefined.


See also


wxDb::IsFwdOnlyCursors (p. 21)





const wxString& GetFromClause()


Accessor function that returns the current FROM setting assigned with the wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70).


See also


wxDbTable::From (p. 54)





bool GetLast()


Retrieves the LAST row in the record set as defined by the current query.   Before retrieving records, a query must be performed using wxDbTable::Query (p. 62), wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields (p. 67), wxDbTable::QueryMatching (p. 65) or wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt (p. 64).




This function can only be used if the datasource connection used by the  wxDbTable instance was created with FwdOnlyCursors set to FALSE.  If the  connection does not allow backward scrolling cursors, this function will  return FALSE, and the data contained in the bound columns will be undefined.


See also


wxDb::IsFwdOnlyCursors (p. 21)





HSTMT * GetNewCursor(bool setCursor=FALSE, bool bindColumns=TRUE)


This function will create a new cursor that can be used to access the table  being referenced by this wxDbTable instance, or to execute direct SQL commands  on without affecting the cursors that are already defined and possibly  positioned.





OPTIONAL.  Should this new cursor be set to be the  current cursor after successfully creating the new cursor.  Default is FALSE.


OPTIONAL.  Should this new cursor be bound to all  the memory variables that the default cursor is bound to.  Default is TRUE.




This new cursor must be closed using wxDbTable::DeleteCursor (p. 51)  by the calling program before the wxDbTable instance is deleted, or both  memory and resource leaks will occur.





bool GetNext()


Retrieves the NEXT row in the record set after the current cursor position  as defined by the current query.  Before retrieving records, a query must be  performed using wxDbTable::Query (p. 62), wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields (p. 67), wxDbTable::QueryMatching (p. 65) or wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt (p. 64).


Return value


This function returns FALSE when the current cursor has reached the end of  the result set.  When FALSE is returned, data in the bound columns is  undefined.




This function works with both forward and backward scrolling cursors.


See alsowxDbTable::++ (p. 75)





UWORD  GetNumberOfColumns()


Accessor function that returns the number of columns that are statically  bound for access by the wxDbTable instance.





const wxString& GetOrderByClause()


Accessor function that returns the current ORDER BY setting assigned with  the wxDbTable::SetOrderByClause (p. 72).


See also


wxDbTable::OrderBy (p. 62)





bool GetPrev()


Retrieves the PREVIOUS row in the record set before the current cursor  position as defined by the current query.  Before retrieving records, a  query must be performed using wxDbTable::Query (p. 62), wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields (p. 67), wxDbTable::QueryMatching (p. 65) or wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt (p. 64).


Return value


This function returns FALSE when the current cursor has reached the beginning  of the result set and there are now other rows prior to the cursors current  position.  When FALSE is returned, data in the bound columns is undefined.




This function can only be used if the datasource connection used by the  wxDbTable instance was created with FwdOnlyCursors set to FALSE.  If the  connection does not allow backward scrolling cursors, this function will  return FALSE, and the data contained in the bound columns will be undefined.


See also


wxDb::IsFwdOnlyCursors (p. 21), wxDbTable::-- (p. 75)





const wxString& GetQueryTableName()


Accessor function that returns the name of the table/view that was indicated  as being the table/view to query against when this wxDbTable instance was  created.


See also


wxDbTable constructor (p. 41)





UWORD GetRowNum()


Returns the ODBC row number for performing positioned updates and deletes. 




This function is not being used within the ODBC class library and may be a  candidate for removal if no use is found for it.


Row number with some datasources/ODBC drivers is the position in the result set,  while in others it may be a physical position in the database.  Check your  database documentation to find out which behavior is supported.





const wxString& GetTableName()


Accessor function that returns the name of the table that was indicated  as being the table that this wxDbTable instance was associated with.





const wxString& GetTablePath()


Accessor function that returns the path to the data table that was indicated  during creation of this wxDbTable instance.




Currently only applicable to dBase and MS-Access datasources.





const wxString& GetWhereClause()


Accessor function that returns the current WHERE setting assigned with the wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)


See also


wxDbTable::Where (p. 75)





int  Insert()


Inserts a new record into the table being referenced by this wxDbTable  instance.  The values in the member variables of the wxDbTable instance are  inserted into the columns of the new row in the database. Return value


    DB_SUCCESS              Record inserted successfully (value = 1)


    DB_FAILURE              Insert failed (value = 0)



                            The insert failed due to an integrity

                            constraint violation (duplicate non-unique

                            index entry) is attempted.



A wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25) must be called after use of  this function to commit or rollback the insertion.




    // Incomplete code snippet

    wxStrcpy(parts->PartName, "10");

    wxStrcpy(parts->PartDesc, "Part #10");

    parts->Qty = 1000;

    RETCODE retcode = parts.Insert();



        case DB_SUCCESS:




            // Current data would result in a duplicate key

            // on one or more indexes that do not allow duplicates




            // Insert failed for some unexpected reason






bool  IsColNull(UWORD colNo)


Used primarily in the ODBC class library to determine if a column value is  set to "NULL".  Works for all data types supported by the ODBC class library.





The column number of the bound column as defined by the wxDbTable::SetColDefs (p. 68)  calls which defined the columns accessible to this wxDbTable instance.




NULL column support is currently not fully implemented as of wxWindows 2.4





bool  IsCursorClosedOnCommit()


Accessor function to return information collected during the opening of the  datasource connection that is used by this wxDbTable instance.  The result  returned by this function indicates whether an implicit closing of the cursor is  done after a commit on the database connection.


Return value


Returns TRUE if the cursor associated with this wxDbTable object is closed  after a commit or rollback operation.  Returns FALSE otherwise.




If more than one wxDbTable instance used the same database connection, all cursors  which use the database connection are closed on the commit if this function  indicates TRUE.





bool  IsQueryOnly()


Accessor function that returns a value indicating if this wxDbTable instance  was created to allow only queries to be performed on the bound columns.  If  this function returns TRUE, then no actions may be performed using this  wxDbTable instance that would modify (insert/delete/update) the table's data.





bool  Open(bool checkPrivileges=FALSE, bool checkTableExists=TRUE)


Every wxDbTable instance must be opened before it can be used.  This function  checks for the existence of the requested table, binds columns, creates required  cursors, (insert/select and update if connection is not wxDB_QUERY_ONLY) and  constructs the insert statement that is to be used for inserting data as a new  row in the datasource.





Indicates whether the Open() function should check  whether the current connected user has at least SELECT privileges to access the  table to which they are trying to open.  Default is FALSE.



Indicates whether the Open() function should check  whether the table exists in the database or not before opening it.  Default is TRUE.




If the function returns a FALSE value due to the table not existing, a log  entry is recorded for the datasource connection indicating the problem  that was detected when checking for table existence.  Note that it is usually  best for the calling routine to check for the existence of the table and for  sufficent user privileges to access the table in the mode (wxDB_QUERY_ONLY or  !wxDB_QUERY_ONLY) before trying to open the table for the best possible  explanation as to why a table cannot be opened.


Checking the user's privileges on a table can be quite time consuming during  the open phase.  With most applications, the programmer already knows that the  user has sufficient privileges to access the table, so this check is normally  not required.


For best performance, open the table, and then use the wxDb::TablePrivileges (p. 27) function  to check the users privileges.  Passing a schema to the TablePrivileges()  function can significantly speed up the privileges checks.


See also


wxDb::TableExists (p. 27), wxDb::TablePrivileges (p. 27)





const wxString& OrderBy()


void OrderBy(const wxString&OrderBy)


Accessor function for the private class member wxDbTable::orderBy.  Can be  used as a synonym for wxDbTable::GetOrderByClause (p. 57)  (the first form of this function) or wxDbTable::SetOrderByClause (p. 72)  (the second form of this function).





A comma separated list of column names that indicate the  alphabetized/numeric sorting sequence that the result set is to be returned  in.  If a FROM clause has also been specified, each column name specified in  the ORDER BY clause should be prefaced with the table name to which the column  belongs using DOT notation (TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME).


Return value


The first form of this function returns the current value of the wxDbTable  member variable ::orderBy. 


The second form of the function has no return value.


See also


wxDbTable::GetOrderByClause (p. 57), wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70)





virtual bool  Query(bool forUpdate=FALSE, bool distinct=FALSE)





OPTIONAL.  Gives you the option of locking records  as they are retrieved.  If the RDBMS is not capable of the FOR UPDATE clause,  this argument is ignored.  See wxDbTable::CanSelectForUpdate (p. 45) for  additional information regarding this argument.  Default is FALSE.


OPTIONAL.  Allows selection of only distinct values  from the query (SELECT DISTINCT ... FROM ...).  The notion of DISTINCT  applies to all columns returned in the result set, not individual columns.   Default is FALSE.




This function queries records from the datasource based on the three  wxDbTable members: "where", "orderBy", and "from".  Use wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73) to filter on  records to be retrieved (e.g. All users with a first name of "JOHN").   Use wxDbTable::SetOrderByClause (p. 72) to  change the sequence in which records are returned in the result set from  the datasource (e.g. Ordered by LAST_NAME).  Use wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) to allow outer  joining of the base table (the one being associated with this instance of  wxDbTable) with other tables which share a related field. 


After each of these clauses are set/cleared, call wxDbTable::Query() to  fetch the result set from the datasource. 


This scheme has an advantage if you have to requery your record set  frequently in that you only have to set your WHERE, ORDER BY, and FROM  clauses once.  Then to refresh the record set, simply call wxDbTable::Query()  as frequently as needed. 


Note that repeated calls to wxDbTable::Query() may tax the database  server and make your application sluggish if done too frequently or  unnecessarily. 


The base table name is automatically prepended to the base column names in  the event that the FROM clause has been set (is non-null) using wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70).


The cursor for the result set is positioned before the first record in  the result set after the query.  To retrieve the first record, call either wxDbTable::GetFirst (p. 55) (only if backward scrolling  cursors are available) or wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57).  Typically, no data from the  result set is returned to the client driver until a request such as wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57) is performed, so network  traffic and database load are not overwhelmed transmitting data until the  data is actually requested by the client.  This behavior is solely dependent  on the ODBC driver though, so refer to the ODBC driver's reference material  for information on its behaviors.


Values in the bound columns' memory variables are undefined after executing a  call to this function and remain that way until a row in the result set is  requested to be returned.


The wxDbTable::Query() function is defined as "virtual" so that it may be  overridden for application specific purposes.


Be sure to set the wxDbTable's "where", "orderBy", and "from"  member variables to "" if they are not to be used in the query.  Otherwise,  the results returned may have unexpected results (or no results) due to  improper or incorrect query parameters constructed from the uninitialized  clauses.




    // Incomplete code sample

    parts->SetWhereClause("DESCRIPTION = 'FOOD'");



    // Query the records based on the where, orderBy and from clauses

    // specified above


    // Display all records queried


        dispPart(parts);  // user defined function



bool QueryBySqlStmt(const wxString&pSqlStmt)


Performs a query against the datasource by accepting and passing verbatim the  SQL SELECT statement passed to the function.





Pointer to the SQL SELECT statement to be executed.




This is the most powerful form of the query functions available.  This member  function allows a programmer to write their own custom SQL SELECT statement  for requesting data from the datasource.  This gives the programmer access  to the full power of SQL for performing operations such as scalar functions,  aggregate functions, table joins, and sub-queries, as well as datasource  specific function calls. 


The requirements of the SELECT statement are the following:


    1. Must return the correct number of columns.  In the derived

       wxDbTable constructor, it is specified how many columns are in

       the wxDbTable object.  The SELECT statement must return exactly

       that many columns.


    2. The columns must be returned in the same sequence as specified

       when defining the bounds columns using wxDbTable::SetColDefs(),

       and the columns returned must be of the proper data type.  For

       example, if column 3 is defined in the wxDbTable bound column

       definitions to be a float, the SELECT statement must return a

       float for column 3 (e.g. PRICE * 1.10 to increase the price by



    3. The ROWID can be included in your SELECT statement as the last

       column selected, if the datasource supports it.  Use

       wxDbTable::CanUpdByROWID() to determine if the ROWID can be

       selected from the datasource.  If it can, much better

       performance can be achieved on updates and deletes by including

       the ROWID in the SELECT statement.

Even though data can be selected from multiple tables (joins) in your select  statement, only the base table associated with this wxDbTable object is automatically updated through the ODBC class library.  Data from multiple  tables can be selected for display purposes however.  Include columns in  the wxDbTable object and mark them as non-updateable (See wxDbColDef (p. 30) for details).  This way columns can be  selected and displayed from other tables, but only the base table will be  updated automatically when performed through the wxDbTable::Update (p. 74) function after using this type of  query.  To update tables other than the base table, use the wxDbTable::Update (p. 74) function passing a SQL statement.


After this function has been called, the cursor is positioned before the  first record in the record set.  To retrieve the first record, call  either wxDbTable::GetFirst (p. 55) or wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57).




    // Incomplete code samples

      wxString sqlStmt;


               AND CONTAINER = 12";

    // Query the records using the SQL SELECT statement above


    // Display all records queried




    Example SQL statements



    // Table Join returning 3 columns

    SELECT part_no, part_desc, sd_name

        from parts, storage_devices

        where parts.storage_device_id =



    // Aggregate function returning total number of

    // parts in container 99

    SELECT count(*) from PARTS where container = 99


    // Order by clause; ROWID, scalar function

    SELECT part_no, substring(part_desc, 1, 10), qty_on_hand + 1, ROWID

        from parts

        where warehouse = 10

        order by part_no desc           // descending order


    // Subquery

    SELECT * from parts

        where container in (select container

        from storage_devices

            where device_id = 12)



virtual bool  QueryMatching(bool forUpdate=FALSE, bool distinct=FALSE)


QueryMatching allows querying of records from the table associated with  the wxDbTable object by matching "columns" to values. 


For example: To query the datasource for the row with a PART_NUMBER column  value of "32", clear all column variables of the wxDbTable object, set the  PartNumber variable that is bound to the PART_NUMBER column in the wxDbTable  object to "32", and then call wxDbTable::QueryMatching().





OPTIONAL.  Gives you the option of locking records  as they are queried (SELECT ... FOR UPDATE).  If the RDBMS is not capable of  the FOR UPDATE clause, this argument is ignored.  See wxDbTable::CanSelectForUpdate (p. 45) for  additional information regarding this argument.  Default is FALSE.


OPTIONAL.  Allows selection of only distinct values  from the query (SELECT DISTINCT ... FROM ...).  The notion of DISTINCT  applies to all columns returned in the result set, not individual columns.   Default is FALSE.




The SQL WHERE clause is built by the ODBC class library based on all  non-zero/non-NULL columns in your wxDbTable object.  Matches can be on one,  many or all of the wxDbTable's columns.  The base table name is prepended  to the column names in the event that the wxDbTable's FROM clause is non-null.


This function cannot be used to perform queries which will check for  columns that are 0 or NULL, as the automatically constructed WHERE clause  only will contain comparisons on column member variables that are  non-zero/non-NULL.


The primary difference between this function and wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields (p. 67)  is that this function can query on any column(s) in the wxDbTable object.   Note however that this may not always be very efficient.  Searching on  non-indexed columns will always require a full table scan.


The cursor is positioned before the first record in the record set after  the query is performed.  To retrieve the first record, the program must call  either wxDbTable::GetFirst (p. 55) or wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57).


WHERE and FROM clauses specified using wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)  and wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) are ignored by  this function.




    // Incomplete code sample

    parts->ClearMemberVars();           // Set all columns to zero

    wxStrcpy(parts->PartNumber,"32");   // Set columns to query on

    parts->OnHold = TRUE;

    parts->QueryMatching();             // Query

    // Display all records queried


        dispPart(parts);  // Some application defined function



bool  QueryOnKeyFields(bool forUpdate=FALSE, bool distinct=FALSE)


QueryOnKeyFields provides an easy mechanism to query records in the table  associated with the wxDbTable object by the primary index column(s).  Simply  assign the primary index column(s) values and then call this member function  to retrieve the record. 


Note that since primary indexes are always unique, this function implicitly  always returns a single record from the database. The base table name is  prepended to the column names in the event that the wxDbTable's FROM clause  is non-null.





OPTIONAL.  Gives you the option of locking records  as they are queried (SELECT ... FOR UPDATE).  If the RDBMS is not capable of  the FOR UPDATE clause, this argument is ignored.  See wxDbTable::CanSelectForUpdate (p. 45) for  additional information regarding this argument.  Default is FALSE.


OPTIONAL.  Allows selection of only distinct values  from the query (SELECT DISTINCT ... FROM ...).  The notion of DISTINCT  applies to all columns returned in the result set, not individual columns.   Default is FALSE.




The cursor is positioned before the first record in the record set after  the query is performed.  To retrieve the first record, the program must call  either wxDbTable::GetFirst (p. 55) or wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57).


WHERE and FROM clauses specified using wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)  and wxDbTable::SetFromClause (p. 70) are ignored by  this function.




    // Incomplete code sample

    wxStrcpy(parts->PartNumber, "32");


    // Display all records queried


        dispPart(parts);  // Some application defined function



bool Refresh()


This function re-reads the bound columns into the memory variables, setting  them to the current values stored on the disk.


The cursor position and result set are unaffected by calls to this function. (The one exception is in the case where the record to be refreshed has been  deleted by some other user or transaction since it was originally retrieved  as part of the result set.  For most datasources, the default behavior in  this situation is to return the value that was originally queried for the  result set, even though it has been deleted from the database.  But this is  datasource dependent, and should be tested before relying on this behavior.)




This routine is only guaranteed to work if the table has a unique primary  index defined for it.  Otherwise, more than one record may be fetched and  there is no guarantee that the correct record will be refreshed.  The  table's columns are refreshed to reflect the current data in the database.





void SetColDefs(UWORD index, const wxString&fieldName, int dataType, void *pData, SWORD cType, int size, bool keyField = FALSE, bool upd = TRUE, bool insAllow = TRUE, bool derivedCol = FALSE)


wxDbColDataPtr * SetColDefs(wxDbColInf *colInfs, UWORD numCols)





Column number (0 to n-1, where n is the number of columns  specified as being defined for this wxDbTable instance when the  wxDbTable constructor was called.


Column name from the associated data table.


Logical data type.  Valid logical types include:


    DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR        : strings

    DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER        : non-floating point numbers

    DB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT          : floating point numbers

    DB_DATA_TYPE_DATE           : dates


Pointer to the data object that will hold the column's  value when a row of data is returned from the datasource.


SQL C Type.  This defines the data type that the SQL  representation of the data is converted to to be stored in pData. Other valid types are available also, but these are the most common ones:


    SQL_C_CHAR      // strings










    SQL_C_BOOLEAN   // defined in db.h

    SQL_C_ENUM      // defined in db.h


Maximum size in bytes of the pData object.


OPTIONAL.  Indicates if this column is part of the  primary index.  Default is FALSE.


OPTIONAL.  Are updates allowed on this column?   Default is TRUE.


OPTIONAL.  Inserts allowed on this column?   Default is TRUE.


OPTIONAL.  Is this a derived column (non-base  table column for query only)?  Default is FALSE.



Pointer to an array of wxDbColInf instances which contains  all the information necessary to create numCols column definitions.


Number of elements of wxDbColInf type that are pointed  to by colInfs, which are to have column definitions created from them.




If pData is to hold a string of characters, be sure to include enough  space for the NULL terminator in pData and in the byte count of size.


Both forms of this function provide a shortcut for defining the columns in  your wxDbTable object.  Use this function in any derived wxDbTable  constructor when describing the column/columns in the wxDbTable object.


The second form of this function is primarily used when the wxDb::GetColumns (p. 16) function was used to query the  datasource for the column definitions, so that the column definitions are  already stored in wxDbColInf form.  One example use of using wxDb::GetColumns (p. 16) then using this function is if  a data table existed in one datasource, and the table's column definitions  were to be copied over to another datasource or table.




    // Long way not using this function

    wxStrcpy(colDefs[0].ColName, "PART_NO");

    colDefs[0].DbDataType   = DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR;

    colDefs[0].PtrDataObj   = PartNumber;

    colDefs[0].SqlCtype     = SQL_C_CHAR;

    colDefs[0].SzDataObj    = PART_NUMBER_LEN;

    colDefs[0].KeyField     = TRUE;

    colDefs[0].Updateable   = FALSE;

    colDefs[0].InsertAllowed= TRUE;

    colDefs[0].DerivedCol   = FALSE;


    // Shortcut using this function

    SetColDefs(0, "PART_NUMBER", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, PartNumber,




bool SetCursor(HSTMT *hstmtActivate = (void **) wxDB_DEFAULT_CURSOR)





OPTIONAL.  Pointer to the cursor that is to  become the current cursor.  Passing no cursor handle will reset the cursor  back to the wxDbTable's default (original) cursor that was created when the  wxDbTable instance was first created.  Default is wxDB_DEFAULT_CURSOR.




When swapping between cursors, the member variables of the wxDbTable object  are automatically refreshed with the column values of the row that the  current cursor is positioned at (if any).  If the cursor is not positioned,  then the data in member variables is undefined.


The only way to return back to the cursor that was in use before this  function was called is to programmatically determine the current cursor's HSTMT BEFORE calling this function using wxDbTable::GetCursor (p. 55)  and saving a pointer to that cursor.


See also


wxDbTable::GetNewCursor (p. 56), wxDbTable::GetCursor (p. 55), wxDbTable::SetCursor (p. 70)





void SetFromClause(const wxString&From)


Accessor function for setting the private class member wxDbTable::from  that indicates what other tables should be outer joined with the wxDbTable's base table for access to the columns in those other tables.


Synonym to this function is one form of wxDbTable::From (p. 54)





A comma separated list of table names that are to be outer  joined with the base table's columns so that the joined table's columns  may be returned in the result set or used as a portion of a comparison with  the base table's columns.  NOTE that the base tables name must NOT be included  in the FROM clause, as it is automatically included by the wxDbTable class  in constructing query statements.




Used by the wxDbTable::Query (p. 62) and wxDbTable::Count (p. 47) member functions to allow outer  joining of records from multiple tables. 


Do not include the keyword "FROM" when setting the FROM clause.


If using the FROM clause when performing a query, be certain to include in  the corresponding WHERE clause a comparison of a column from either the base  table or one of the other joined tables to each other joined table to ensure  the datasource knows on which column values the tables should be joined on.





    // Base table is the "LOCATION" table, and it is being

    // outer joined to the "PART" table via the the field "PART_NUMBER"

    // that can be related between the two tables.

    location->SetWhereClause("LOCATION.PART_NUMBER = PART.PART_NUMBER")



See also


wxDbTable::From (p. 54), wxDbTable::GetFromClause (p. 55)





bool SetColNull(UWORD colNo, bool set=TRUE)


bool SetColNull(const wxString&colName, bool set=TRUE)


Both forms of this function allow a member variable representing a column  in the table associated with this wxDbTable object to be set to NULL.


The first form allows the column to be set by the index into the column  definitions used to create the wxDbTable instance, while the second allows  the actual column name to be specified.





Index into the column definitions used when first defining  this wxDbTable object.


Actual data table column name that is to be set to NULL.


Whether the column is set to NULL or not.  Passing TRUE sets  the column to NULL, passing FALSE sets the column to be non-NULL.  Default is  TRUE.




No database updates are done by this function.  It only operates on the  member variables in memory.  Use and insert or update function to store this  value to disk.





void SetOrderByClause(const wxString&OrderBy)


Accessor function for setting the private class member wxDbTable::orderBy  which determines sequence/ordering of the rows returned in the result set  of a query.


A synonym to this function is one form of the function wxDbTable::OrderBy (p. 62)





A comma separated list of column names that indicate the  alphabetized sorting sequence that the result set is to be returned in.  If  a FROM clause has also been specified, each column name specified in the  ORDER BY clause should be prefaced with the table name to which the column  belongs using DOT notation (TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME).




Do not include the keywords "ORDER BY" when setting the ORDER BY clause.





    parts->SetOrderByClause("PART_DESCRIP, QUANTITY");




    location->SetOrderByClause("LOCATION.POSITION, PART.PART_NUMBER);


See also


wxDbTable::OrderBy (p. 62), wxDbTable::GetOrderByClause (p. 57)





bool SetQueryTimeout(UDWORD nSeconds)


Allows a time period to be set as the timeout period for queries.





The number of seconds to wait for the query to complete  before timing out.




Neither Oracle or Access support this function as of yet.  Other databases  should be evaluated for support before depending on this function working  correctly.





void SetWhereClause(const wxString&Where)


Accessor function for setting the private class member wxDbTable::where  that determines which rows are returned in the result set by the datasource.


A synonym to this function is one form of the function wxDbTable::Where (p. 75)





SQL "where" clause.  This clause can contain any SQL language  that is legal in standard where clauses.  If a FROM clause has also been  specified, each column name specified in the ORDER BY clause should be  prefaced with the table name to which the column belongs using DOT notation  (TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME).




Do not include the keywords "WHERE" when setting the WHERE clause.





    // Simple where clause

    parts->SetWhereClause("PART_NUMBER = '32'");


    // Any comparison operators

    parts->SetWhereClause("PART_DESCRIP LIKE 'HAMMER%'");


    // Multiple comparisons, including a function call

    parts->Where("QTY > 0 AND {fn UCASE(PART_DESCRIP)} LIKE '%DRILL%'");


    // Using parameters and multiple logical combinations

    parts->Where("((QTY > 10) OR (ON_ORDER > 0)) AND ON_HOLD = 0");


    // This query uses an outer join (requiring a FROM clause also)

    // that joins the PART and LOCATION table on he common field


    parts->Where("PART.ON_HOLD = 0 AND \


                  LOCATION.PART_NUMBER > 0");

See also


wxDbTable::Where (p. 75), wxDbTable::GetWhereClause (p. 59)





bool  Update()


bool  Update(const wxString&pSqlStmt)


The first form of this function will update the row that the current cursor  is currently positioned at with the values in the memory variables that  are bound to the columns.  The actual SQL statement to perform the update  is automatically created by the ODBC class, and then executed.


The second form of the function allows full access through SQL statements for  updating records in the database.  Write any valid SQL UPDATE statement and  submit it to this function for execution.  Sophisticated updates can be  performed using the full power of the SQL dialect. The full SQL statement  must have  the exact syntax required by the driver/datasource for performing  the update.  This usually is in the form of:


    UPDATE tablename SET col1=X, col2=Y, ... where ...




Pointer to SQL UPDATE statement to be executed.




A wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25) must be called after use of  this function to commit or rollback the update.




wxString sqlStmt;

sqlStmt = "update PART set QTY = 0 where PART_NUMBER = '32'";



bool UpdateWhere(const wxString&pWhereClause)


Performs updates to the base table of the wxDbTable object, updating only the  rows which match the criteria specified in the pWhereClause.


All columns that are bound to member variables for this wxDbTable instance  that were defined with the "updateable" parameter set to TRUE will be updated  with the information currently held in the memory variable. 





Pointer to a valid SQL WHERE clause.  Do not  include the keyword 'WHERE'.




Care should be used when updating columns that are part of indexes with  this function so as not to violate an unique key constraints.


A wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25) must be called after use of  this function to commit or rollback the update(s).





const wxString& Where()


void Where(const wxString&Where)


Accessor function for the private class member wxDbTable::where.  Can be used  as a synonym for wxDbTable::GetWhereClause (p. 59)  (the first form of this function) to return the current where clause or  wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73) (the second form  of this function) to set the where clause for this table instance.





A valid SQL WHERE clause.  Do not include the keyword 'WHERE'.


Return value


The first form of this function returns the current value of the wxDbTable  member variable ::where. 


The second form of the function has no return value, as it will always set  the where clause successfully.


See also


wxDbTable::GetWhereClause (p. 59), wxDbTable::SetWhereClause (p. 73)



wxDbTable::operator ++


bool operator ++()


Synonym for wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57)


See also


wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57)



wxDbTable::operator --


bool operator --()


Synonym for wxDbTable::GetPrev (p. 57)


See also


wxDbTable::GetPrev (p. 57)




    tableName[0]    = 0;

    tableType[0]    = 0;

    tableRemarks[0] = 0;

    numCols         = 0;

    pColInf         = NULL;

Currently only used by wxDb::GetCatalog (p. 15) internally  and wxDbInf (p. 39) class, but may be used in future releases for  user functions.  Contains information describing the table (Name, type, etc).  A pointer to a wxDbColInf array instance is included so a program can create a wxDbColInf (p. 31) array instance (using wxDb::GetColumns (p. 16))  to maintain all information about the columns of a table in one memory  structure.


Eventually, accessor functions will be added for this class





Simply initializes all member variables to a cleared state.  Called by  the constructor automatically.




Database classes overview


The more sophisticated wxODBC classes (wxDb/wxDbTable) are the  recommended classes for doing database/ODBC work with wxWindows.  These new  classes replace the wxWindows v1.6x classes wxDatabase.  Documentation for the  old wxDatabase class and its associated classes is still  included in the class documentation and in this overview section, but support  for these old classes has been phased out, and all future development work  is being done solely on the new wxDb/wxDbTable classes.



Different ODBC Class Libraries in wxWindows


Following is detailed overview of how to use the wxWindows ODBC classes - wxDb (p. 1)  and wxDbTable (p. 40) and their associated functions.  These are  the ODBC classes donated by Remstar International, and are collectively  referred to herein as the wxODBC classes.  Since their initial inclusion with  wxWindows v2.x, they have become the recommended wxWindows classes for database access.



wxDb/wxDbTable wxODBC Overview


Classes: wxDb (p. 1), wxDbTable (p. 40)


The wxODBC classes were designed for database independence.  Although SQL and  ODBC both have standards which define the minimum requirements they must  support to be in compliance with specifications, different database vendors  may implement things slightly different.  One example of this is that Oracle  requires all user names for the datasources to be supplied in uppercase  characters.  In situations like this, the wxODBC classes have been written  to make this transparent to the programmer when using functions that require  database specific syntax.


Currently several major databases, along with other widely used databases,  have been tested and supported through the wxODBC classes.  The list of  supported databases is certain to grow as more users start implementing  software with these classes, but at the time of the writing of this document,  users have successfully used the classes with the following datasources:


      ·     Oracle (v7, v8, v8i)

      ·           Sybase (ASA and ASE)

      ·     MS SQL Server (v7 - minimal testing)

      ·     MS Access (97 and 2000)

      ·           MySQL

      ·     DBase (IV, V)**

      ·           PostgreSQL

      ·           INFORMIX

      ·           VIRTUOSO

      ·     DB2


An up-to-date list can be obtained by looking in the comments of the function wxDb::Dbms (p. 11) in db.cpp, or in the enumerated type wxDBMS (p. 2) in db.h.


**dBase is not truly an ODBC datasource, but there are drivers which can  emulate much of the functionality of an ODBC connection to a dBase table.   See the wxODBC Known Issues (p. 91) section of this  overview for details.



wxODBC Where To Start


First, if you are not familiar with SQL and ODBC, go to your local bookstore  and pick up a good book on each.  This documentation is not meant to teach  you many details about SQL or ODBC, though you may learn some just from  immersion in the subject.


If you have worked with non-SQL/ODBC datasources before, there are some  things you will need to un-learn.  First some terminology as these phrases will  be used heavily in this section of the manual.


Datasource            (usually a database) that contains the data that will be  accessed by the wxODBC classes.

Data table            The section of the datasource that contains the rows and  columns of data.

ODBC driver            The middle-ware software that interprets the ODBC  commands sent by your application and converts them to the SQL format expected  by the target datasource.

Datasource connection            An open pipe between your application and  the ODBC driver which in turn has a connection to the target datasource.   Datasource connections can have a virtually unlimited number of wxDbTable  instances using the same connect (dependent on the ODBC driver).  A separate  connection is not needed for each table (the exception is for isolating  commits/rollbacks on different tables from affecting more than the desired  table.  See the class documentation on wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) and wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25).

Rows            Similar to records in old relational databases, a row is a  collection of one instance of each column of the data table that are all  associated with each other.

Columns            Individual fields associated with each row of a data  table.

Query            Request from the client to the datasource asking for  the data that matches the requirements specified in the users request.  When  a query is performed, the datasource performs the lookup of the rows with  satisfy the query, and creates a result set.

Result set            The data which matches the requirements specified  in a query sent to the datasource.  Dependent on drivers, a result set  typically remains at the datasource (no data is transmitted to the ODBC driver)  until the client actually instructs the ODBC driver to retrieve it.

Cursor            a logical pointer into the result set that a query  generates, indicating the next record that will be returned to the client  when a request for the next record is made.

Scrolling cursors            Scrolling refers to the movement of cursors  through the result set.  Cursors can always scroll forward sequentially in  the result set (FORWARD ONLY scrolling cursors).  With Forward only scrolling  cursors, once a row in the result set has been returned to the ODBC driver  and on to the client, there is no way to have the cursor move backward in  the result set to look at the row that is previous to the current row in  the result set.  If BACKWARD scrolling cursors are supported by both the  ODBC driver and the datasource that are being used, then backward  scrolling cursor functions may be used (wxDbTable::GetPrev (p. 57), wxDbTable::GetFirst (p. 55), and wxDbTable::GetLast (p. 56)).  If the datasource or the  ODBC driver only support forward scrolling cursors, your program and logic  must take this in to account.

Commit/Rollback            Commit will physically save  insertions/deletions/updates, while rollback basically does an undo of  everything done against the datasource connection that has not been  previously committed.  Note that Commit and Rollbacks are done on a  connection, not on individual tables.  All tables which use a shared  connection to the datasource are all committed/rolled back at the same  time when a call to wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10) or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25) is made.

Index            Indexes are datasource maintained lookup structures  that allow the datasource to quickly locate data rows based on the values  of certain columns.  Without indexes, the datasource would need to do a  sequential search of a table every time a query request is made.  Proper  unique key index construction can make datasource queries nearly instantaneous.



Before you are able to read data from a data table in a datasource, you must  have a connection to the datasource.  Each datasource connection may be used  to open multiple tables all on the same connection (number of tables open are  dependent on the driver, datasource configuration and the amount of memory on  the client workstation).  Multiple connections can be opened to the same  datasource by the same client (number of concurrent connections is dependent  on the driver and datasource configuration).


When a query is performed, the client passes the query to the ODBC driver,  and the driver then translates it and passes it along to the datasource.  The  database engine (in most cases - exceptions are text and dBase files) running  on the machine hosting the database does all the work of performing the search  for the requested data.  The client simply waits for a status to come back  through the ODBC driver from the datasource. 


Depending on the ODBC driver, the result set either remains "queued" on the  database server side, or is transferred to the machine that the driver is  queued on.  The client does not receive this data.  The client must request  some or all of the result set to be returned before any data rows are  returned to the client application.


Result sets do not need to include all columns of every row matching the  query.  In fact, result sets can actually be joinings of columns from two  or more data tables, may have derived column values, or calculated values  returned.


For each result set, a cursor is maintained (typically by the database)  which keeps track of where in the result set the user currently is.   Depending on the database, ODBC driver, and how you configured the  wxWindows ODBC settings in setup.h (see wxODBC - Compiling (p. 82)), cursors can be  either forward or backward scrolling.  At a minim, cursors must scroll  forward.  For example, if a query resulted in a result set with 100 rows,  as the data is read by the client application, it will read row 1, then 2,  then 3, etc, etc.  With forward only cursors, once the cursor has moved to  the next row, the previous row cannot be accessed again without re-querying  the datasource for the result set over again.  Backward scrolling cursors  allow you to request the previous row from the result set, actually  scrolling the cursor backward.


Backward scrolling cursors are not supported on all database/driver  combinations.  For this reason, forward-only cursors are the default in  the wxODBC classes.  If your datasource does support backward scrolling  cursors and you wish to use them, make the appropriate changes in setup.h  to enable them (see wxODBC - Compiling (p. 82)).  For greatest portability between  datasources, writing your program in such a way that it only requires  forward scrolling cursors is your best bet.  On the other hand, if you are  focusing on using only datasources that support backward scrolling cursors,  potentially large performance benefits can be gained from using them.


There is a limit to the number of cursors that can be open on each connection  to the datasource, and usually a maximum number of cursors for the datasource  itself.  This is all dependent on the database.  Each connection that is  opened (each instance of a wxDb) opens a minimum of 5 cursors for on creation  that are required for things such as updates/deletions/rollbacks/queries.   Cursors are a limited resource, so use care in creating large numbers of  cursors.


Additional cursors can be created if necessary with the wxDbTable::GetNewCursor (p. 56) function.  One example  use for additional cursors are to track multiple scroll points in result  sets.  By creating a new cursor, a program could request a second result set  from the datasource while still maintaining the original cursor position in  the first result set.


Different than non-SQL/ODBC datasources, when a program performs an  insertion, deletion, or update (or other SQL functions like altering  tables, etc) through ODBC, the program must issue a "commit" to the  datasource to tell the datasource that the action(s) it has been told to  perform are to be recorded as permanent.  Until a commit is performed,  any other programs that query the datasource will not see the changes that  have been made (although there are databases that can be configured to  auto-commit).  NOTE: With most all datasources, until the commit is  performed, any cursor that is open on that same datasource connection  will be able to see the changes that are uncommitted.  Check your  database's documentation/configuration to verify this before counting on it  though.


A rollback is basically an UNDO command on the datasource connection.  When  a rollback is issued, the datasource will flush all commands it has been told  to do since the last commit that was performed.


NOTE: Commits/Rollbacks are done on datasource connections (wxDb instances)  not on the wxDbTable instances.  This means that if more than one table  shares the same connection, and a commit or rollback is done on that  connection, all pending changes for ALL tables using that connection are  committed/rolled back.



wxODBC - Configuring your system for ODBC use


Before you are able to access a datasource, you must have installed and  configured an ODBC driver.  Doing this is system specific, so it will not be  covered in detail here.  But here are a few details to get you started.


Most database vendors provide at least a minimal ODBC driver with their  database product.  In practice, many of these drivers have proven to be slow  and/or incomplete.  Rumor has it that this is because the vendors do not want  you using the ODBC interface to their products, they want you to use their  applications to access the data. 


Whatever the reason, for database intensive applications, you may want to  think of using a third-party ODBC driver for your needs.  One example of a  third party set of ODBC drivers that has been heavily tested and used is  Rogue Wave's drivers.  Rogue Wave has drivers available for many different  platforms and databases.  Under Microsoft Windows, install the ODBC driver you are planning to use.  You  will then use the ODBC Administrator in the Control Panel to configure an  instance of the driver for your intended datasource.  Note that with all  flavors of NT, this configuration can be set up as a System or User DSN  (datasource name).  Configuring it as a system resource will make it  available to all users (if you are logged in as 'administrator'), otherwise  the datasource will only be available to the who configured the DSN.


Under Unix, iODBC is used for implementation of the ODBC API.  To compile the  wxODBC classes, you must first obtain (http://www.iodbc.org) and install iODBC.   Then you must create the file " /.odbc.ini" (or optionally create  "/etc/odbc.ini" for access for all users on the system).  This file contains  the settings for your system/datasource.  Below is an example section of a  odbc.ini file for use with the "samples/db" sample program using MySQL:



        Trace    = Off

        TraceFile= stderr

        Driver   = /usr/local/lib/libmyodbc.so

        DSN      = contacts

        SERVER   =

        USER     = qet

        PASSWORD =

        PORT     = 3306



wxODBC - Compiling


The wxWindows setup.h file has several settings in it pertaining to compiling  the wxODBC classes.


wxUSE_ODBC            This must be set to 1 in order for the compiler to  compile the wxODBC classes.  Without setting this to 1, there will be no  access to any of the wxODBC classes.  The default is 0.

wxODBC_FWD_ONLY_CURSORS            When a new database connection is  requested, this setting controls the default of whether the connection allows  only forward scrolling cursors, or forward and backward scrolling cursors  (see the section in "WHERE TO START" on cursors for more information on  cursors).  This default can be overridden by passing a second parameter to  either the wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) or wxDb constructor (p. 8).  The default is 1.

wxODBC_BACKWARD_COMPATABILITY            Between v2.0 and 2.2, massive  renaming efforts were done to the ODBC classes to get naming conventions  similar to those used throughout wxWindows, as well as to preface all wxODBC  classes names and functions with a wxDb preface.  Because this renaming would  affect applications written using the v2.0 names, this compile-time directive  was added to allow those programs written for v2.0 to still compile using the  old naming conventions.  These deprecated names are all define'd to their  corresponding new function names at the end of the db.cpp/dbtable.cpp source  files.  These deprecated class/function names should not be used in future  development, as at some point in the future they will be removed.  The default  is 0.



Under MS Windows


You are required to include the "odbc32.lib" provided by your compiler vendor  in the list of external libraries to be linked in.  If using the makefiles  supplied with wxWindows, this library should already be included for use with  makefile.b32, makefile.vc, and makefile.g95.


You cannot compile the wxODBC classes under Win16 - sorry.




Under Unix--with-iodbc flag for configure





wxODBC - Basic Step-By-Step Guide


To use the classes in an application, there are eight basic steps:


      ·     Define datasource connection information

      ·     Get a datasource connection

      ·     Create table definition

      ·     Open the table

      ·     Use the table

      ·     Close the table

      ·     Close the datasource connection

      ·           Release the ODBC environment handle


Following each of these steps is detailed to explain the step, and to  hopefully mention as many of the pitfalls that beginning users fall in  to when first starting to use the classes.  Throughout the steps, small  snippets of code are shown to show the syntax of performing the step.  A  complete code snippet is provided at the end of this overview that shows a  complete working flow of all these steps (see wxODBC - Sample Code 1 (p. 93)).


Define datasource connection information


To be able to connect to a datasource through the ODBC driver, a program must  supply a minimum of three pieces of information: Datasource name, User ID, and  Authorization string (password).  A fourth piece of information, a default  directory indicating where the data file is stored, is required for Text and  dBase drivers for ODBC.


The wxWindows data class wxDbConnectInf exists for holding all of these  values, plus some others that may be desired.


The 'Henv' member is the environment handle used to access memory for use by the  ODBC driver.  Use of this member is described below in the "Getting a Connection  to the Datasource" section.


The 'Dsn' must exactly match the datasource name used to configure the ODBC  datasource (in the ODBC Administrator (MSW only) or in the .odbc.ini file).


The 'Uid' is the User ID that is to be used to log in to the datasource.  This  User ID must already have been created and assigned rights within the  datasource to which you are connecting.  The user that the connection is  establish by will determine what rights and privileges the datasource  connection will allow the program to have when using the connection that  this connection information was used to establish.  Some datasources are  case sensitive for User IDs, and though the wxODBC classes attempt to hide  this from you by manipulating whatever data you pass in to match the  datasource's needs, it is always best to pass the 'Uid' in the case that  the datasource requires.


The 'AuthStr' is the password for the User ID specified in the 'Uid' member.   As with the 'Uid', some datasources are case sensitive (in fact most are).   The wxODBC classes do NOT try to manage the case of the 'AuthStr' at all.   It is passed verbatim to the datasource, so you must use the case that the  datasource is expecting.


The 'defaultDir' member is used with file based datasources (i.e. dBase,  FoxPro, text files).  It contains a full path to the location where the  data table or file is located.  When setting this value, use forward  slashes '/' rather than backslashes ' avoid compatibility differences  between ODBC drivers.


The other fields are currently unused.  The intent of these fields are that  they will be used to write our own ODBC Administrator type program that will  work on both MSW and Un*x systems, regardless of the datasource.  Very little  work has been done on this to date.


Get a Datasource Connection


There are two methods of establishing a connection to a datasource.  You  may either manually create your own wxDb instance and open the connection,  or you may use the caching functions provided with the wxODBC classes to  create/maintain/delete the connections.


Regardless of which method you use, you must first have a fully populated  wxDbConnectInf object.  In the wxDbConnectInf instance, provide a valid  Dns, Uid, and AuthStr (along with a 'defaultDir' if necessary).  Before  using this though, you must allocate an environment handle to the 'Henv'  member.


    wxDbConnectInf DbConnectInf;





To allocate an environment handle for the ODBC connection to use, the  wxDbConnectInf class has a datasource independent method for creating  the necessary handle:


    if (DbConnectInf.AllocHenv())


        wxMessageBox("Unable to allocate an ODBC environment handle",

                     "DB CONNECTION ERROR", wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);



When the wxDbConnectInf::AllocHenv() function is called successfully, a  value of TRUE will be returned.  A value of FALSE means allocation failed,  and the handle will be undefined.


A shorter form of doing the above steps is encapsulated into the  long form of the constructor for wxDbConnectInf.


    wxDbConnectInf *DbConnectInf;


      DbConnectInf = new wxDbConnectInf(NULL, "MyDSN", "MyUserName",

                                        "MyPassword", "");

This shorthand form of initializing the constructor passes a NULL for the SQL  environment handle, telling the constructor to allocate a handle during  construction.  This handle is also managed for the life of wxDbConnectInf  instance, and is freed automatically upon destruction of the instance.


Once the wxDbConnectInf instance is initialized, you are ready to  connect to the datasource.


To manually create datasource connections, you must create a wxDb  instance, and then open it.


    wxDb *db = new wxDb(DbConnectInf->GetHenv());


    opened = db->Open(DbConnectInf);

The first line does the house keeping needed to initialize all  the members of the wxDb class.  The second line actually sends the request  to the ODBC driver to open a connection to its associated datasource using  the parameters supplied in the call to wxDb::Open (p. 24).


A more advanced form of opening a connection is to used the connection  caching functions that are included with the wxODBC classes.  The caching  mechanisms do the same functions are the manual approach to opening a  connection, but they also manage each connection they have created,  re-using them and cleaning them up when they are closed, without you  programmatically needing to do the coding.


To use the caching function wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) to get  a connection to a datasource, simply call it with a single parameter of the  type wxDbConnectInf:


    db = wxDbGetConnection(DbConnectInf);

The wxDb pointer that is returned is both initialized and opened.  If  something failed in creating or opening the connection, the return value  from wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) will be NULL.


The connection that is returned is either a new connection, or it is a  "free" connection from the cache of connections that the class maintains  that was no longer in use.  Any wxDb instance created with a call to wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) is kept track of in a linked list of established  connections.  When a program is done with a connection, a call to wxDbFreeConnection (p. 5) is made, and the datasource  connection will then be tagged as FREE, making it available for the next  call to wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) that needs a connection  using the same connection information (Dsn, Uid, AuthStr).  The cached  connections remain cached until a call to wxDbCloseConnections (p. 5) is made,  at which time all cached connections are closed and deleted.


Besides the obvious advantage of using the single command caching routine to  obtain a datasource connection, using cached connections can be quite a  performance boost as well.  Each time that a new connection is created  (not retrieved from the cache of free connections), the wxODBC classes  perform many queries against the datasource to determine the datasource's  datatypes and other fundamental behaviors.  Depending on the hardware,  network bandwidth, and datasource speed, this can in some cases take a  few seconds to establish the new connection (with well balanced systems,  it should only be a fraction of a second).  Re-using already established  datasource connections rather than creating/deleting, creating/deleting  connections can be quite a time saver.


Another time saver is the "copy connection" features of both wxDb::Open (p. 24) and wxDbGetConnection (p. 5).   If manually creating a wxDb instance and opening it, you must pass an existing  connection to the wxDb::Open (p. 24) function yourself to gain the performance  benefit of copying existing connection settings.  The wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) function automatically does this  for you, checking the Dsn, Uid, and AuthStr parameters when you request  a connection for any existing connections that use those same settings.   If one is found, wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) copies the datasource settings for  datatypes and other datasource specific information that was previously  queried, rather than re-querying the datasource for all those same settings.


One final note on creating a connection.  When a connection is created, it  will default to only allowing cursor scrolling to be either forward only,  or both backward and forward scrolling cursors.  The default behavior is  determined by the setting "wxODBC_FWD_ONLY_CURSORS" in setup.h when you  compile the wxWindows library.  The library default is to only support  forward scrolling cursors only, though this can be overridden by parameters  for wxDb() constructor or the wxDbGetConnection (p. 5)  function.  All datasources and ODBC drivers must support forward scrolling  cursors.  Many datasources support backward scrolling cursors, and many  ODBC drivers support backward scrolling cursors.  Before planning on using  backward scrolling cursors, you must be certain that both your datasource  and ODBC driver fully support backward scrolling cursors.  See the small  blurb about "Scrolling cursors" in the definitions at the beginning of  this overview, or other details of setting the cursor behavior in the wxDb  class documentation.


Create Table Definition


Data can be accessed in a datasource's tables directly through various  functions of the wxDb class (see wxDb::GetData (p. 17)).  But to make life much  simpler, the wxDbTable class encapsulates all of the SQL specific API calls  that would be necessary to do this, wrapping it in an intuitive class of APIs.


The first step in accessing data in a datasource's tables via the wxDbTable  class is to create a wxDbTable instance.


    table = new wxDbTable(db, tableName, numTableColumns, "",

                          !wxDB_QUERY_ONLY, "");

When you create the instance, you indicate the previously established  datasource connection to be used to access the table, the name of the  primary table that is to be accessed with the datasource's tables, how many  columns of each row are going to be returned, the name of the view of the  table that will actually be used to query against (works with Oracle only  at this time), whether the data returned is for query purposes only, and  finally the path to the table, if different than the path specified when  connecting to the datasource.


Each of the above parameters are described in detail in the wxDbTable  class' description, but one special note here about the fifth  parameter - queryOnly setting.  If a wxDbTable instance is created as  wxDB_QUERY_ONLY, then no inserts/deletes/updates are able to be performed  using this instance of the wxDbTable.  Any calls to wxDb::CommitTrans (p. 10)  or wxDb::RollbackTrans (p. 25) against the datasource  connection used by this wxDbTable instance are ignored by this instance.  If  the wxDbTable instance is created with "!wxDB_QUERY_ONLY" as shown above,  then all the cursors and other overhead associated with being able to  insert/update/delete data in the table are created, and thereby those  operations can then be performed against the associated table with this  wxDbTable instance.


If a table is to be accessed via a wxDbTable instance, and the table will  only be read from, not written to, there is a performance benefit (not as  many cursors need to be maintained/updated, hence speeding up access times),  as well as a resource savings due to fewer cursors being created for the  wxDbTable instance.  Also, with some datasources, the number of  simultaneous cursors is limited. 


When defining the columns to be retrievable by the wxDbTable instance, you  can specify anywhere from one column up to all columns in the table. 


    table->SetColDefs(0, "FIRST_NAME", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, FirstName,

                      SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(name), TRUE, TRUE);

    table->SetColDefs(1, "LAST_NAME", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, LastName,

                      SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(LastName), TRUE, TRUE);

Notice that column definitions start at index 0 and go up to one less than  the number of columns specified when the wxDbTable instance was created  (in this example, two columns - one with index 0, one with index 1).


The above lines of code "bind" the datasource columns specified to the  memory variables in the client application.  So when the application  makes a call to wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57) (or any other function that retrieves  data from the result set), the variables that are bound to the columns will  have the column value stored into them.  See the wxDbTable::SetColDefs (p. 68)  class documentation for more details on all the parameters for this function.


The bound memory variables have undefined data in them until a call to a  function that retrieves data from a result set is made  (e.g. wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57),wxDbTable::GetPrev (p. 57), etc).  The variables are not  initialized to any data by the wxODBC classes, and they still contain  undefined data after a call to wxDbTable::Query (p. 62).  Only  after a successful call to one of the ::GetXxxx() functions is made do the  variables contain valid data.


It is not necessary to define column definitions for columns whose data is  not going to be returned to the client.  For example, if you want to query  the datasource for all users with a first name of 'GEORGE', but you only want  the list of last names associated with those rows (why return the FIRST_NAME  column every time when you already know it is 'GEORGE'), you would only have  needed to define one column above.


You may have as many wxDbTable instances accessing the same table using the  same wxDb instance as you desire.  There is no limit imposed by the classes  on this.  All datasources supported (so far) also have no limitations on this.


Open the table


Opening the table technically is not doing anything with the datasource  itself.  Calling wxDbTable::Open (p. 61) simply does all the  house keeping of checking that the specified table exists, that the current  connected user has at least SELECT privileges for accessing the table,  setting up the requisite cursors,  binding columns and cursors, and  constructing the default INSERT statement that is used when a new row is  inserted into the table (non-wxDB_QUERY_ONLY tables only).


    if (!table->Open())


        // An error occurred opening (setting up) the table


The only reason that a call to wxDbTable::Open (p. 61) will likely fail is if the  user has insufficient privileges to even SELECT the table.  Other problems  could occur, such as being unable to bind columns, but these other reason  point to some lack of resource (like memory).  Any errors generated  internally in the wxDbTable::Open (p. 61) function are logged to the error log  if SQL logging is turned on for the classes.


Use the table


To use the table and the definitions that are now set up, we must first  define what data we want the datasource to collect in to a result set, tell  it where to get the data from, and in what sequence we want the data returned.


    // the WHERE clause limits/specifies which rows in the table

    // are to be returned in the result set

    table->SetWhereClause("FIRST_NAME = 'GEORGE'");


    // Result set will be sorted in ascending alphabetical

    // order on the data in the 'LAST_NAME' column of each row

    // If the same last name is in the table for two rows,

    // sub-sort on the 'AGE' column

    table->SetOrderByClause("LAST_NAME, AGE");


    // No other tables (joins) are used for this query


The above lines will be used to tell the datasource to return in the result  all the rows in the table whose column "FIRST_NAME" contains the name  'GEORGE' (note the required use of the single quote around the string  literal) and that the result set will return the rows sorted by ascending  last names (ascending is the default, and can be overridden with the  "DESC" keyword for datasources that support it - "LAST_NAME DESC").


Specifying a blank WHERE clause will result in the result set containing  all rows in the datasource.


Specifying a blank ORDERBY clause means that the datasource will return  the result set in whatever sequence it encounters rows which match the  selection criteria.  What this sequence is can be hard to determine.   Typically it depends on the index that the datasource used to find the  rows which match the WHERE criteria.  BEWARE - relying on the datasource  to return data in a certain sequence when you have not provided an ORDERBY  clause will eventually cause a problem for your program.  Databases can be  tuned to be COST-based, SPEED-based, or some other basis for how it gets  your result set.  In short, if you need your result set returned in a  specific sequence, ask for it that way by providing an ORDERBY clause.


Using an ORDERBY clause can be a performance hit, as the database must  sort the items before making the result set available to the client.   Creating efficient indexes that cause the data to be "found" in the correct  ORDERBY sequence can be a big performance benefit.  Also, in the large  majority of cases, the database will be able to sort the records faster  than your application can read all the records in (unsorted) and then sort  them.  Let the database do the work for you!


Notice in the example above, a column that is not included in the bound  data columns ('AGE') will be used to sub-sort the result set.


The FROM clause in this example is blanked, as we are not going to be  performing any table joins with this simple query.  When the FROM clause  is blank, it is assumed that all columns referenced are coming from  the default table for the wxDbTable instance.


After the selection criteria have been specified, the program can now  ask the datasource to perform the search and create a result set that  can be retrieved:


    // Instruct the datasource to perform a query based on the

    // criteria specified above in the where/orderBy/from clauses.

    if (!table->Query())


        // An error occurred performing the query


Typically, when an error occurs when calling wxDbTable::Query (p. 62), it is a  syntax problem in the WHERE clause that was specified.  The exact SQL  (datasource specific) reason for what caused the failure of wxDbTable::Query (p. 62)  (and all other operations against the datasource can be found by  parsing the table's database connection's "errorList[]" array member for  the stored text of the error.


When the wxDbTable::Query (p. 62) returns TRUE, the  database was able to successfully complete the requested query using the  provided criteria.  This does not mean that there are any rows in the  result set, it just mean that the query was successful.


IMPORTANT: The result created by the call to wxDbTable::Query (p. 62) can be one of two forms.  It is  either a snapshot of the data at the exact moment that the database  determined the record matched the search criteria, or it is a pointer to  the row that matched the selection criteria.  Which form of behavior is  datasource dependent.  If it is a snapshot, the data may have changed  since the result set was constructed, so beware if your datasource  uses snapshots and call wxDbTable::Refresh (p. 67).  Most larger brand databases  do not use snapshots, but it is important to mention so that your application  can handle it properly if your datasource does.


To retrieve the data, one of the data fetching routines must be used to  request a row from the result set, and to store the data from the result  set into the bound memory variables.  After wxDbTable::Query (p. 62)  has completed successfully, the default/current cursor is placed so it  is pointing just before the first record in the result set.  If the  result set is empty (no rows matched the criteria), then any calls to  retrieve data from the result set will return FALSE.


    wxString msg;


    while (table->GetNext())


        msg.Printf("Row #%lu -- First Name : %s  Last Name is %s",

                     table->GetRowNum(), FirstName, LastName);

        wxMessageBox(msg, "Data", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, NULL);


The sample code above will read the next record in the result set repeatedly  until the end of the result set has been reached.  The first time that wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57) is called right after the successful  call to wxDbTable::Query (p. 62), it actually returns the first record  in the result set.


When wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57) is called and there are  no rows remaining in the result set after the current cursor position, wxDbTable::GetNext (p. 57) (as well as all the other  wxDbTable::GetXxxxx() functions) will return FALSE.


Close the table


When the program is done using a wxDbTable instance, it is as simple as  deleting the table pointer (or if declared statically, letting the  variable go out of scope).  Typically the default destructor will take  care of all that is required for cleaning up the wxDbTable instance.


    if (table)


        delete table;

        table = NULL;


Deleting a wxDbTable instance releases all of its cursors, deletes the  column definitions and frees the SQL environment handles used by the  table (but not the environment handle used by the datasource connection  that the wxDbTable instance was using).


Close the datasource connection


After all tables that have been using a datasource connection have been  closed (this can be checked by calling wxDb::GetTableCount (p. 20)  and checking that it returns 0), then you may close the datasource  connection.  The method of doing this is dependent on whether the  non-caching or caching method was used to obtain the datasource connection.


If the datasource connection was created manually (non-cached), closing the  connection is done like this:


    if (db)



        delete db;

        db = NULL;


If the program used the wxDbGetConnection (p. 5) function to get a datasource  connection, the following is the code that should be used to free the  connection(s):


    if (db)



        db = NULL;


Note that the above code just frees the connection so that it can be  re-used on the next call the wxDbGetConnection (p. 5).  To actually dispose  of the connection, releasing all of its resources (other than the  environment handle), do the following:



Release the ODBC environment handle


Once all of the connections that used the ODBC environment handle (in  this example it was stored in "DbConnectInf.Henv") have been closed, then  it is safe to release the environment handle:



Or, if the long form of the constructor was used and the constructor was allowed  to allocate its own SQL environment handle, leaving scope or destruction of the  wxDbConnectInf will free the handle automatically.


    delete DbConnectInf;


Remember to never release this environment handle if there are any  connections still using the handle.



wxODBC - Known Issues


As with creating wxWindows, writing the wxODBC classes was not the simple  task of writing an application to run on a single type of computer system.   The classes need to be cross-platform for different operating systems, and  they also needed to take in to account different database manufacturers and  different ODBC driver manufacturers.  Because of all the possible combinations  of OS/database/drivers, it is impossible to say that these classes will work  perfectly with datasource ABC, ODBC driver XYZ, on platform LMN.  You may run  in to some incompatibilities or unsupported features when moving your  application from one environment to another.  But that is what makes  cross-platform programming fun.  It is also pinpoints one of the great  things about open source software.  It can evolve!


The most common difference between different database/ODBC driver  manufacturers in regards to these wxODBC classes is the lack of  standard error codes being returned to the calling program.  Sometimes  manufacturers have even changed the error codes between versions of  their databases/drivers. 


In all the tested databases, every effort has been made to determine  the correct error codes and handle them in the class members that need  to check for specific error codes (such as TABLE DOES NOT EXIST when  you try to open a table that has not been created yet).  Adding support  for additional databases in the future requires adding an entry for the  database in the wxDb::Dbms (p. 11) function, and then handling any error codes  returned by the datasource that do not match the expected values.




Following is a list of known issues and incompatibilities that the  wxODBC classes have between different datasources.  An up to date  listing of known issues can be seen in the comments of the source  for wxDb::Dbms (p. 11).



      ·           Currently the only database supported by the wxODBC classes to support VIEWS




NOTE: dBase is not a true ODBC datasource.  You only have access to as much  functionality as the driver can emulate.


      ·     Does not support the SQL_TIMESTAMP structure

      ·           Supports only one cursor and one connect (apparently? with Microsoft driver only?)

      ·     Does not automatically create the primary index if the 'keyField' param of SetColDef is TRUE.  The user must create ALL indexes from their program with calls to wxDbTable::CreateIndex (p. 48)

      ·     Table names can only be 8 characters long

      ·           Column names can only be 10 characters long

      ·           Currently cannot CREATE a dBase table - bug or limitation of the drivers used??

      ·           Currently cannot insert rows that have integer columns - bug??


SYBASE (all)

      ·     To lock a record during QUERY functions, the reserved word 'HOLDLOCK' must be added after every table name involved in the query/join if that table's matching record(s) are to be locked

      ·           Ignores the keywords 'FOR UPDATE'.  Use the HOLDLOCK functionality described above


SYBASE (Enterprise)

      ·     If a column is part of the Primary Key, the column cannot be NULL

      ·           Maximum row size is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1920 bytes



      ·     If a column is part of the Primary Key, the column cannot be NULL.

      ·           Cannot support selecting for update [wxDbTable::CanSelectForUpdate (p. 45)].  Always returns FALSE.

      ·           Columns that are part of primary or secondary keys must be defined as being NOT NULL when they are created.  Some code is added in wxDbTable::CreateIndex (p. 48) to try to adjust the column definition if it is not defined correctly, but it is experimental (as of wxWindows v2.2.1)

      ·     Does not support sub-queries in SQL statements



      ·     Does not support the keywords 'ASC' or 'DESC' as of release v6.5.0

      ·     Does not support sub-queries in SQL statements



      ·           Columns which are part of a primary key must be declared as NOT NULL


UNICODE with wxODBC classes


Currently there is no support for Unicode with the wxODBC classes.  In  fact, Unicode builds must be disabled if wxWindows is compiled with  wxUSE_ODBC set to 1 in setup.h



wxODBC - Sample Code 1


Simplest example of establishing/opening a connection to an ODBC datasource,  binding variables to the columns for read/write usage, opening an  existing table in the datasource, setting the query parameters  (where/orderBy/from), querying the datasource, reading each row of the  result set, then cleaning up.


NOTE: Not all error trapping is shown here, to reduce the size of the  code and to make it more easily readable.


wxDbConnectInf  *DbConnectInf = NULL;


wxDb        *db    = NULL;       // The database connection

wxDbTable   *table = NULL;       // The data table to access


wxChar       FirstName[50+1];    // buffer for data from column "FIRST_NAME"

wxChar       LastName[50+1];     // buffer for data from column "LAST_NAME"


bool         errorOccured = FALSE;


const wxChar tableName[]          = "CONTACTS";

const UWORD  numTableColumns      = 2;           // Number of bound columns


FirstName[0] = 0;

LastName[0]  = 0;


DbConnectInf = new wxDbConnectInf(NULL,"MyDSN","MyUserName", "MyPassword");


if (!DbConnectInf || !DbConnectInf->GetHenv())


  wxMessageBox("Unable to allocate an ODBC environment handle",





// Get a database connection from the cached connections

db = wxDbGetConnection(DbConnectInf);


// Create the table connection

table = new wxDbTable(db, tableName, numTableColumns, "",

                      !wxDB_QUERY_ONLY, "");



// Bind the columns that you wish to retrieve.  Note that there must be

// 'numTableColumns' calls to SetColDefs(), to match the wxDbTable

// definition


// Not all columns need to be bound, only columns whose values are to be

// returned back to the client.


table->SetColDefs(0, "FIRST_NAME", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, FirstName,

                  SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(name), TRUE, TRUE);

table->SetColDefs(1, "LAST_NAME", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, LastName,

                  SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(LastName), TRUE, TRUE);


// Open the table for access



// Set the WHERE clause to limit the result set to only

// return all rows that have a value of 'GEORGE' in the

// FIRST_NAME column of the table.

table->SetWhereClause("FIRST_NAME = 'GEORGE'");


// Result set will be sorted in ascending alphabetical

// order on the data in the 'LAST_NAME' column of each row



// No other tables (joins) are used for this query



// Instruct the datasource to perform a query based on the

// criteria specified above in the where/orderBy/from clauses.

if (!table->Query())


    wxMessageBox("Error on Query()","ERROR!",

                  wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);

    errorOccured = TRUE;



wxString msg;


// Start and continue reading every record in the table

// displaying info about each record read.

while (table->GetNext())


    msg.Printf("Row #%lu -- First Name : %s  Last Name is %s",

               table->GetRowNum(), FirstName, LastName);

    wxMessageBox(msg, "Data", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, NULL);



// If the wxDbTable instance was successfully created

// then delete it as I am done with it now.

if (table)


    delete table;

    table = NULL;



// If we have a valid wxDb instance, then free the connection

// (meaning release it back in to the cache of datasource

// connections) for the next time a call to wxDbGetConnection()

// is made.

if (db)



    db = NULL;



// The program is now ending, so we need to close

// any cached connections that are still being

// maintained.



// Release the environment handle that was created

// for use with the ODBC datasource connections

delete DbConnectInf;







~wxDbConnectInf, 35

~wxDbTable, 42


AllocHenv, 35

Associated non-class functions, 5


BuildDeleteStmt, 42

BuildSelectStmt, 43, 44

BuildUpdateStmt, 43


CanSelectForUpdate, 45

CanUpdateByROWID, 45

Catalog, 8

ClearMemberVar, 46

ClearMemberVars, 46

Close, 9

CloseCursor, 47

CommitTrans, 10

Count, 47

CreateIndex, 48

CreateTable, 50

CreateView, 10



Dbms, 11

Delete, 50

DeleteCursor, 51

DeleteMatching, 51

DeleteWhere, 52

Different ODBC Class Libraries in wxWindows, 78

DispAllErrors, 12

DispNextError, 13

DropIndex, 53

DropTable, 53

DropView, 13


Enumerated types, 2

ExecSql, 14


Format, 33

FreeHenv, 35

From, 54


GetAuthStr, 36

GetCatalog, 14, 15

GetColDefs, 54

GetColumnCount, 15

GetColumns, 16

GetCursor, 55

GetData, 17

GetDatabaseName, 18

GetDatasourceName, 18

GetDb, 55

GetDefaultDir, 36

GetDescription, 36

GetDsn, 36

GetFileType, 36

GetFirst, 55

GetFromClause, 55

GetHDBC, 18

GetHenv, 37

GetHENV, 18

GetHSTMT, 19

GetKeyFields, 19

GetLast, 56

GetNewCursor, 56

GetNext, 19, 57

GetNextError, 20

GetNumberOfColumns, 57

GetOrderByClause, 57

GetPassword, 20, 37

GetPrev, 57

GetQueryTableName, 58

GetRowNum, 58

GetTableCount, 20

GetTableName, 59

GetTablePath, 59

GetUid, 37

GetUserID, 37

GetUsername, 20

GetWhereClause, 59

Grant, 21


Insert, 59

IsColNull, 60

IsCursorClosedOnCommit, 60

IsFwdOnlyCursors, 14, 21

IsOpen, 22

IsQueryOnly, 61


LogError, 23


ModifyColumn, 23


Open, 24, 61

operator --, 76

operator ++, 75

OrderBy, 62


Query, 62

QueryBySqlStmt, 64

QueryMatching, 65

QueryOnKeyFields, 67


Refresh, 67

RollbackTrans, 25


SetAuthStr, 37

SetColDefs, 68

SetColNull, 71

SetCursor, 70

SetDebugErrorMessages, 26

SetDefaultDir, 37

SetDescription, 38

SetDsn, 38

SetFileType, 38

SetFromClause, 70

SetHenv, 38

SetOrderByClause, 72

SetPassword, 38

SetQueryTimeout, 72

SetSqlLogging, 26

SetUid, 38

SetUserID, 39

SetWhereClause, 73


TableExists, 27

TablePrivileges, 27

TranslateSqlState, 29


Update, 74

UpdateWhere, 74


Where, 75

WriteSqlLog, 29

wxDb, 8, 34

wxDb/wxDbTable wxODBC Overview, 78

wxDb::Catalog, 8

wxDb::Close, 9

wxDb::CommitTrans, 10

wxDb::CreateView, 10

wxDb::Dbms, 11

wxDb::DispAllErrors, 12

wxDb::DispNextError, 13

wxDb::DropView, 13

wxDb::ExecSql, 14

wxDb::FwdOnlyCursors, 14

wxDb::GetCatalog, 15

wxDb::GetColumnCount, 15

wxDb::GetColumns, 16

wxDb::GetData, 17

wxDb::GetDatabaseName, 18

wxDb::GetDatasourceName, 18

wxDb::GetHDBC, 18

wxDb::GetHENV, 18

wxDb::GetHSTMT, 19

wxDb::GetKeyFields, 19

wxDb::GetNext, 19

wxDb::GetNextError, 20

wxDb::GetPassword, 20

wxDb::GetTableCount, 20

wxDb::GetUsername, 20

wxDb::Grant, 21

wxDb::IsFwdOnlyCursors, 21

wxDb::IsOpen, 22

wxDb::LogError, 23

wxDb::ModifyColumn, 23

wxDb::Open, 24

wxDb::RollbackTrans, 25

wxDb::SetDebugErrorMessages, 26

wxDb::SetSqlLogging, 26

wxDb::TableExists, 27

wxDb::TablePrivileges, 27

wxDb::TranslateSqlState, 29

wxDb::WriteSqlLog, 29

wxDb::wxDb, 8

wxDbCloseConnections, 6

wxDbColDef::Initialize, 31

wxDbColFor::Format, 33

wxDbColFor::Initialize, 33

wxDbColInf::Initialize, 32

wxDbConnectInf, 34

wxDbConnectInf::~wxDbConnectInf, 35

wxDbConnectInf::AllocHenv, 35

wxDbConnectInf::FreeHenv, 35

wxDbConnectInf::GetAuthStr, 36

wxDbConnectInf::GetDefaultDir, 36

wxDbConnectInf::GetDescription, 36

wxDbConnectInf::GetDsn, 36

wxDbConnectInf::GetFileType, 36

wxDbConnectInf::GetHenv, 37

wxDbConnectInf::GetPassword, 37

wxDbConnectInf::GetUid, 37

wxDbConnectInf::GetUserID, 37

wxDbConnectInf::Initialize, 36

wxDbConnectInf::SetAuthStr, 37

wxDbConnectInf::SetDefaultDir, 37

wxDbConnectInf::SetDescription, 38

wxDbConnectInf::SetDsn, 38

wxDbConnectInf::SetFileType, 38

wxDbConnectInf::SetHenv, 38

wxDbConnectInf::SetPassword, 38

wxDbConnectInf::SetUid, 38

wxDbConnectInf::SetUserID, 38

wxDbConnectionsInUse, 7

wxDbFreeConnection, 6

wxDbGetConnection, 5

wxDbGetDataSource, 7

wxDbInf::Initialize, 40

wxDbSqlLog, 7

wxDbTable, 41

wxDbTable::BuildDeleteStmt, 42

wxDbTable::BuildSelectStmt, 43

wxDbTable::BuildUpdateStmt, 43

wxDbTable::BuildWhereStmt, 44

wxDbTable::CanSelectForUpdate, 45

wxDbTable::CanUpdateByROWID, 45

wxDbTable::ClearMemberVar, 46

wxDbTable::ClearMemberVars, 46

wxDbTable::CloseCursor, 47

wxDbTable::Count, 47

wxDbTable::CreateIndex, 48

wxDbTable::CreateTable, 50

wxDbTable::DB_STATUS, 50

wxDbTable::Delete, 50

wxDbTable::DeleteCursor, 51

wxDbTable::DeleteMatching, 51

wxDbTable::DeleteWhere, 52

wxDbTable::DropIndex, 53

wxDbTable::DropTable, 53

wxDbTable::From, 54

wxDbTable::GetColDefs, 54

wxDbTable::GetCursor, 55

wxDbTable::GetDb, 55

wxDbTable::GetFirst, 55

wxDbTable::GetFromClause, 55

wxDbTable::GetLast, 56

wxDbTable::GetNewCursor, 56

wxDbTable::GetNext, 57

wxDbTable::GetNumberOfColumns, 57

wxDbTable::GetOrderByClause, 57

wxDbTable::GetPrev, 57

wxDbTable::GetQueryTableName, 58

wxDbTable::GetRowNum, 58

wxDbTable::GetTableName, 58

wxDbTable::GetTablePath, 59

wxDbTable::GetWhereClause, 59

wxDbTable::Insert, 59

wxDbTable::IsColNull, 60

wxDbTable::IsCursorClosedOnCommit, 60

wxDbTable::IsQueryOnly, 61

wxDbTable::Open, 61

wxDbTable::operator --, 75

wxDbTable::operator ++, 75

wxDbTable::OrderBy, 62

wxDbTable::Query, 62

wxDbTable::QueryBySqlStmt, 64

wxDbTable::QueryMatching, 65

wxDbTable::QueryOnKeyFields, 67

wxDbTable::Refresh, 67

wxDbTable::SetColDefs, 68

wxDbTable::SetColNull, 71

wxDbTable::SetCursor, 70

wxDbTable::SetFromClause, 70

wxDbTable::SetOrderByClause, 72

wxDbTable::SetQueryTimeout, 72

wxDbTable::SetWhereClause, 73

wxDbTable::Update, 74

wxDbTable::UpdateWhere, 74

wxDbTable::Where, 75

wxDbTable::wxDbTable, 41, 42

wxDbTableInf::Initialize, 77

wxODBC - Basic Step-By-Step Guide, 83

wxODBC - Compiling, 82

wxODBC - Configuring your system for ODBC use, 81

wxODBC - Known Issues, 91

wxODBC - Sample Code 1, 93

wxODBC Where To Start, 79