Installing wxBase 2.2 --------------------- This is wxBase 2.2 for Microsoft Windows 9x/NT/2000 and generic Unix platforms. wxBase is a collection of non GUI classes, functions and macros used by wxWindows framework. It contains several data structure classes (as wxWindows predates STL, it has its own string, list, array, hash table, ... classes and also a powerful wxDateTime class), OS-abstraction classes (wxThread, wxSocket, wxStopWatch &c) and a few more utility classes (wxCmdLineParser, wxConfig for working with .INI and other configuration files, wxDllLoader for run-time binding and much more). Compilation ----------- a) under Win32 with Visual C++: open the provided wxBase.dsw workspace. From it, you can build wxBase as a static library and/or as a DLL. Please see for the instructions on how to use wxBase in your own projects. You can also download the precompiled binaries from NB: it should be possible to compile wxBase with other compilers as well, if you managed to do this, please let me know so that your makefiles could be included in the next distribution. b) under Unix/BeOS: use configure with --disable-gui argument. Building wxBase in a separate directory is recommended, i.e.: $ gunzip -c wxBase-x.y.z.tar.gz | tar xvf - $ cd wxBase-x.y.z # assuming you want to build the debug version of the library $ mkdir debug $ cd debug $ ../configure --disable-gui --enable-debug # if you want to build the release version: $ mkdir release $ cd release $ ../configure --disable-gui # in both cases $ make && make install Under most modern Unices you can specify --disable-static option to configure to avoid building the static libraries (but only the shared ones) to save some time and disk space. Problems -------- If you encounter problems or bugs, please report them to mailing list. Be sure to mention your platform, wxBase version and the compiler information. Thanks!